Joe ‘Im the Moderate’ Biden Calls for Jail Time for Insurance Execs ‘Who Totally Oppose My Plan.’

You say destroy. I say make affordable.
Why would anyone sell insurance if they can’t make money?

Which university did you attend to learn to be that stupid?
Insurance companies weren't for-profit companies until 1973. You can thank Nixon, a republican, for the mess we are in now.
Lie. I know someone who’s a mega millionaire from a career in insurance prior to 1975.
It wasn't illegal to make a profit, just difficult.
Yeah, Auto Club, Geico, Allstate, etc are a Century old because they couldn’t make a profit.

Your lies are pathetic.
We're talking about health insurance companies you fucking idiot.

No way I will vote for Biden but.........

"I have the only plan that limits the ability of insurance companies to charge unreasonable prices, flat out, number one. Number two, we should put some of these insurance executives who totally oppose my plan in jail, for the 9 billion opioids they sell out there," Biden declared.

He is absolutely right about this. They should be in prison. We have even started to do so.

Going to jail for selling a perfectly legal, FDA approved, drug on which millions of Americans depend to manage pain of surgery, injury, and disease, and live normal lives?

You bet ... prison's too good for 'em.

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