Joe Is Accused Of Violating The Constitution By Mark Levin

I've tried watching Levin but his drivel is moronic. He never invites anyone with a differing opinion on a subject so he fits right in at FOX. He quotes the constitution endlessly but then supports Trump on actions that are totally unconstitutional. The irony is actually hysterical.
The days of extremely intelligent liberal debaters passed away with Gore Vidal. I used to enjoy listening to him and William F. Buckley, Jr. 'converse' politely.

The man you call a moron has written 7 consecutive NYT best sellers. His most recent, American Marxism has outsold all the other books in the top 5 on the list.

If he qualifies as a moron, you are totally brainless.
Bullshit, commie.
Levin is a dope. And he was Chief of Staff for one of the biggest crooks who was ever Attorney General: Edwin Meese, in the 1980s. Thanks Reagan. :rolleyes:

Have you heard his radio show? I listened to him fairly regularly during the 2016 race and he was brutal to Trump, with every bit of the same conviction you hear every time you listen. He was for Ted Cruz and thought Trump was a clown. And Trump did nothing to change his mind. He just went along. And you somehow admire that.
Levin is a dope. And he was Chief of Staff for one of the biggest crooks who was ever Attorney General: Edwin Meese, in the 1980s. Thanks Reagan. :rolleyes:

Have you heard his radio show? I listened to him fairly regularly during the 2016 race and he was brutal to Trump, with every bit of the same conviction you hear every time you listen. He was for Ted Cruz and thought Trump was a clown. And Trump did nothing to change his mind. He just went along. And you somehow admire that.
Levin understands the constitution better than most, especially scum Dems. Meade wasn't half as crooked as some Dems, like Biden, Hillary, pelosi and others.

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