Joe Lieberman; Democratic Party is Self-destructing


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Joe nails it. The far Left is a losing proposition, nothing more.

Joe Lieberman: 'Far Left' Will Make Democrats a 'Losing Party' | Breitbart

Lieberman continued, “Kennedy was for tax cuts of various kinds, including — believe it or not — the capital gains tax cut. But that didn’t stop him from fighting for Civil Rights for African-Americans, particularly. He was the leader of that.”

Lieberman assessed: “But the party now is drifting left, and [there is] an interesting distinction. There’s a difference between being a traditional liberal Democrat and being a far-left Democrat, and this is not a far-left country. Look at what’s being talked about, now. This Green New Deal, which is basically a socialist manifesto for the government to take over everything. I’m a big supporter of doing something about climate change, but this goes way beyond that, and the general talk about socialism — which to me means government ownership and control of more of our economy — it’s just not who we are. The American people will never vote for that, so either the party comes back toward center-left, or it’s going to be a losing party.”

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) are not representative of the broader Democrat Party, said Lieberman.

“The Democrats took back control of the House … in last November’s elections, but it wasn’t because of Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez or Omar,” stated Lieberman. “It was because a lot of center-left Democrats won swing districts, even Republican districts. They certainly weren’t going to win those districts with a socialist platform.”​
Joe nails it. The far Left is a losing proposition, nothing more.

Joe Lieberman: 'Far Left' Will Make Democrats a 'Losing Party' | Breitbart

Lieberman continued, “Kennedy was for tax cuts of various kinds, including — believe it or not — the capital gains tax cut. But that didn’t stop him from fighting for Civil Rights for African-Americans, particularly. He was the leader of that.”

Lieberman assessed: “But the party now is drifting left, and [there is] an interesting distinction. There’s a difference between being a traditional liberal Democrat and being a far-left Democrat, and this is not a far-left country. Look at what’s being talked about, now. This Green New Deal, which is basically a socialist manifesto for the government to take over everything. I’m a big supporter of doing something about climate change, but this goes way beyond that, and the general talk about socialism — which to me means government ownership and control of more of our economy — it’s just not who we are. The American people will never vote for that, so either the party comes back toward center-left, or it’s going to be a losing party.”

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) are not representative of the broader Democrat Party, said Lieberman.

“The Democrats took back control of the House … in last November’s elections, but it wasn’t because of Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez or Omar,” stated Lieberman. “It was because a lot of center-left Democrats won swing districts, even Republican districts. They certainly weren’t going to win those districts with a socialist platform.”​

Joe Liarmann, the insurance company shill who couldn't win his own primary as an incumbent? Great source there.
Joe nails it. The far Left is a losing proposition, nothing more.

Joe Lieberman: 'Far Left' Will Make Democrats a 'Losing Party' | Breitbart

Lieberman continued, “Kennedy was for tax cuts of various kinds, including — believe it or not — the capital gains tax cut. But that didn’t stop him from fighting for Civil Rights for African-Americans, particularly. He was the leader of that.”

Lieberman assessed: “But the party now is drifting left, and [there is] an interesting distinction. There’s a difference between being a traditional liberal Democrat and being a far-left Democrat, and this is not a far-left country. Look at what’s being talked about, now. This Green New Deal, which is basically a socialist manifesto for the government to take over everything. I’m a big supporter of doing something about climate change, but this goes way beyond that, and the general talk about socialism — which to me means government ownership and control of more of our economy — it’s just not who we are. The American people will never vote for that, so either the party comes back toward center-left, or it’s going to be a losing party.”

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) are not representative of the broader Democrat Party, said Lieberman.

“The Democrats took back control of the House … in last November’s elections, but it wasn’t because of Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez or Omar,” stated Lieberman. “It was because a lot of center-left Democrats won swing districts, even Republican districts. They certainly weren’t going to win those districts with a socialist platform.”​
Republic and lost the house because so many Never Trumper Republicans retired. Good riddance. Dems won't keep the House for long.
The plutocrats who control the Democrat Party thought they could let in some token Muslims, young radicals, and black revolutionaries and watch as these extremists sat quietly in the back. The rich liberals actually thought the extremists would be forever grateful for the condescension shown to them.

Instead the radicals are frothing at the mouth and demanding socialism, black reparations, and justice for the Palestinians. The radicals have been excluded by mostly Jewish billionaires for some time and are as mad as Hell! The Democrat Party is tearing itself apart.

You can't have a party composed of bankers and the people who mop their floors. No matter how much the corporate media lies, it just won't work.

Obama was sort of a Sidney Poitier figure, he played at being a revolutionary, but in the end he was nonthreatening and subservient to the elites. The new generation of radicals will be different.

Ilhan Omar: Obama’s a ‘pretty face’ who got ‘away with murder’

Trump's greatest strategic move may have been inspiring AOC and her ilk.
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Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.
Two self serving corrupt parties tried pushing the Bush and Clinton dynasties.
Bush was rejected but crazy old Bernie and his dreams of Utopia never had a chance against the Clinton machine.
Trumps victory was inevitable.
After the Republican Party goes Full Retard by nominating Trump, the Democratic Party says "Hold my beer."
Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.
center left today is yesterday's Socialist. You don't even see what's happening to your party. I hope you never do.
Everyone to your immediate left looks like a socialist to you. Your opinion means squat.

Biden is part of the center left that gave us Trump.

And it's not my party. But I am interested to see how this all plays out.
Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.
center left today is yesterday's Socialist. You don't even see what's happening to your party. I hope you never do.
Everyone to your immediate left looks like a socialist to you. Your opinion means squat.

Biden is part of the center left that gave us Trump.

And it's not my party. But I am interested to see how this all plays out.

The writing is already on the wall.

Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.
center left today is yesterday's Socialist. You don't even see what's happening to your party. I hope you never do.
Everyone to your immediate left looks like a socialist to you. Your opinion means squat.

Biden is part of the center left that gave us Trump.

And it's not my party. But I am interested to see how this all plays out.

The writing is already on the wall.

Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.

So you think you lost because you didnt go far left enough?

lol, good, I can sense the bullshit in you...delusional... Marx for the win!

Go for it!
After the Republican Party goes Full Retard by nominating Trump, the Democratic Party says "Hold my beer."

And got tossed over the shoulder into the dumpster.

Hillary's policy positions were not why she lost. She lost because people are sick to death of the Political Establishment not being able to get a damned thing done, and the Clintons obvious corruption.

If the Dems had nominated a candidate with Clintons policies but without her baggage I think they would have won.

Speaking for myself, I would have much preferred a President Jim Webb to Trump, Sanders, Biden or Hillary.
Center left Democrats are the reason we ended up with Trump.

So you think you lost because you didnt go far left enough?

lol, good, I can sense the bullshit in you...delusional... Marx for the win!

Go for it!
I'm saying Bill Clinton was a center left president and he moved the party in that direction. I'm saying, for example, he implemented NAFTA. What was Trump's appeal again?
After the Republican Party goes Full Retard by nominating Trump, the Democratic Party says "Hold my beer."

And got tossed over the shoulder into the dumpster.

Hillary's policy positions was not why she lost. She lost because people are sick to death of the Political Establishment not being able to get a damned thing done, and the Clintons obvious corruption.

If the Dems had nominated a candidate with Clintons policies but without her baggage I think they would have won.

Speaking for myself, I would have much preferred a President Jim Webb to Trump, Sanders, Biden or Hillary.

I'll let a dirty little secret out. I was seriously considering Jim Webb too, very early on.
I'm saying Bill Clinton was a center left president and he moved the party in that direction. I'm saying, for example, he implemented NAFTA.

NAFTA was a disaster for America's workers and Ross Perot tried to explain that to the public at the time, but now we can see it for ourselves.

What was Trump's appeal again?

Nothing you can grasp, apparently.

Go for a People's Republic, it will work this time!
I'll let a dirty little secret out. I was seriously considering Jim Webb too, very early on.

Webb was the best choice the Democrats had available to them, but Hillary had it all rigged to simply ignore Webb.

Fucking stupid as hell.
I'm saying Bill Clinton was a center left president and he moved the party in that direction. I'm saying, for example, he implemented NAFTA.

NAFTA was a disaster for America's workers and Ross Perot tried to explain that to the public at the time, but now we can see it for ourselves.

What was Trump's appeal again?

Nothing you can grasp, apparently.

Go for a People's Republic, it will work this time!
He ran on repealing NAFTA.

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