Joe Rogan has reached hero status.

Yep, been there done that. Daughter and I went to all three of Boise State's Fiesta Bowl games in Glendale, AZ. Did a bit of clubbing with some other friends from Boise. LOTTA sweet tail - in fact I did get laid once!
What was his name? He he
Funny how often people criticizing others are really reflecting on their own weaknesses.
No, I'm smart enough to realize I'm not smart. But then I guess you'd have to know what I consider smart for that to have any meaning.
The globalist uses theaters and T.V. to go over their scripts, to see how to improve it. They listens to the viewers' opinions to see what needs to be improved to make it work.

It's saying the Rogan's way of thinking and reasoning is simplistic. He looks for easy explanations and once he's made up his mind, nothing changes it..even if the truth is laid out in front of him.
It's like reasoning with a cat.
why don’t you show us how your conclusion here applies to the CNN guy’s interview.
Joe Rogan is being rightfully praised lately for calling out CNN and Sanjay Gupta for their recent lies about a drug that could be helpful to a lot of people. Just one more reason why there's a growing mistrust in the media.

Go get 'em Joe !

Russell Brand is on the way up as well.
His voice gives me an earache after 7 minutes but yes he is .
The truth has a certain ring to it :abgg2q.jpg:

I feel in the force that his heart is into is work and he wants to be right. Be interesting to see what happens.


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