Joe the Plumber - The Truth and nothing but it

I can’t begin to tell you how many journeymen I’ve talked to over the years that say “I’m a plumber” or “I’m an electrician” or “I’m a carpenter”, et cetera. It’s common place, especially with among those studying to take the certification exams.

Does anybody have any proof that Joe is a Republican loyalist or is that just an asumption based on the fact that he once lived in AZ? I may have missed some new developments regarding this.

This thread is lame.

Who cares about Joe the Plumber...Senator Obama answered the question based on Joe's scenario. Whether Joe ended up being a small business owner or an Indiana Jones Saucerman from Outerspace is 100% deflection and doesn't change Senator Obama's answer one iota.

Joe is not the focal point of the issue...Senator Obama's answer is.

Good point MO man. Even if Joe turns out to be a scambag. Tne conversation with Obama was indeed based on the scenario presented.
no---that is called specualtion--you are guessing----PROVE IT.

As I understand it the ropeline was right in front of Joe's house btw--how odd he should be there.

Were too tired to prove anything else to you dumb mother fuckers.

1. The economy is not good
2. Bush lied about WMD's
3. The Iraq war is not going well
4. Wages are down
5. Bush knew 9-11 was going to happen
6. They politicized the Justice Department
7. Republicans are not fiscally responsible

You defended every lie they told and we wore ourselves out proving each thing to you and still you continue to flap your gums.

We have to prove things that can't be proven yet are blatently obvious?

How about we just vote your party out of office next month?
Good point MO man. Even if Joe turns out to be a scambag. Tne conversation with Obama was indeed based on the scenario presented.

Let's do the math retard. If you make $260K, you'll be taxed 3% higher than you would now if Obama is president, so that's $300.

So a guy making $260K will pay $300 more under Obama. Wealth redistribution? :lol: What a cheap ass!

And you are a house slave, because I know you don't make that kind of scratch.
Were too tired to prove anything else to you dumb mother fuckers.

1. The economy is not good
2. Bush lied about WMD's
3. The Iraq war is not going well
4. Wages are down
5. Bush knew 9-11 was going to happen
6. They politicized the Justice Department
7. Republicans are not fiscally responsible

You defended every lie they told and we wore ourselves out proving each thing to you and still you continue to flap your gums.

We have to prove things that can't be proven yet are blatently obvious?

How about we just vote your party out of office next month?

ok just carry on with the guesswork, bobo
First off, he isn't a plumber. The Toledo Plumbing Board of Control may consider sanctions against Wurzelbacher or Newell, officials told NBC affiliate WNWO of Toledo.
Actually he is a plumber, he just can't run a plumbing company by himself. When he buys a plumbing company or starts one, he'll have to get a license then. When I worked in Aviation, I supervised unlicensed (not illegal alien) tech workers and then signed off their work with my license. Perfectly legal. The same is true in the plumbing industry.
Second, court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.
That's proof right there that he's being overtaxed at least $1200. And guess who's campaign treasurer has a current tax lien? I'll give you two guesses and first one doesn't count.
3rd, he was planted by the GOP.
The left has a history of planted audience member in debates and fake racial attack victims. So I could see why you would think it's a fake.
“Social Security’s a joke,” he said. “I have parents. I don’t need another set of parents called the government. Let me take my money and invest it how I please.”
And on the war in Iraq, which McCain has strongly supported: “I’m not sorry we’re in Iraq. ... It’s made us safer. I absolutely believe that.”
True statements there. But you forgot to list two smears:
"He's a racist for calling Obama's tap dance as good as Sammy Davis Jr's.
"He's not registered to vote!" (He is registered)

Must. Destroy. Joe. The Plumber. :D
Actually he is a plumber, he just can't run a plumbing company by himself. When he buys a plumbing company or starts one, he'll have to get a license then. When I worked in Aviation, I supervised unlicensed (not illegal alien) tech workers and then signed off their work with my license. Perfectly legal. The same is true in the plumbing industry.

That's proof right there that he's being overtaxed at least $1200. And guess who's campaign treasurer has a current tax lien? I'll give you two guesses and first one doesn't count.

The left has a history of planted audience member in debates and fake racial attack victims. So I could see why you would think it's a fake.

True statements there. But you forgot to list two smears:
"He's a racist for calling Obama's tap dance as good as Sammy Davis Jr's.
"He's not registered to vote!" (He is registered)

Must. Destroy. Joe. The Plumber. :D
Hey, Mad Scientist...he apparently owes the state the tax money. So, do you condone people breaking the law because they feel put upon?
Actually he is a plumber, he just can't run a plumbing company by himself. When he buys a plumbing company or starts one, he'll have to get a license then. When I worked in Aviation, I supervised unlicensed (not illegal alien) tech workers and then signed off their work with my license. Perfectly legal. The same is true in the plumbing industry.

That's proof right there that he's being overtaxed at least $1200. And guess who's campaign treasurer has a current tax lien? I'll give you two guesses and first one doesn't count.

No, anyone working under Newell should have a journeyman’s plumbing license or an apprenticeship license, officials said.

The Toledo Plumbing Board of Control may consider sanctions against Wurzelbacher or Newell, officials told NBC affiliate WNWO of Toledo.

Just like a doctor should not have me helping him/her with an operation. See Mad, there are reasons rules and regulations are in place. A guy like Joe goes in and isn't trained or certified and that's bullshit. He is not a fucking plumber. He's a plumbers assistant.

And I'm not behind on my taxes. Does that mean I'm not taxed too much?

Maybe he's just a dumb fucking guy who isn't good with his money. Another fucking reason why he should thank god for social security, because his broke ass isn't going to ever retire. EVER. Unless his uncle Charles Keating leaves him something that is. :lol:

AND, Joe is another great example of a conservative. Divorced and domestic violence. I wonder if he blames his moral decay on gays.
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I can’t begin to tell you how many journeymen I’ve talked to over the years that say “I’m a plumber” or “I’m an electrician” or “I’m a carpenter”, et cetera. It’s common place, especially with among those studying to take the certification exams.

Does anybody have any proof that Joe is a Republican loyalist or is that just an asumption based on the fact that he once lived in AZ? I may have missed some new developments regarding this.

Who else would LIE about himself, plus get his lie confused on the specifics, but someone who was motivated to put it to Obama?

The man got what he wanted.

He is famous and he has proven to be loyal enough to the Republican cause to lie on its behalf.

I expect he'll now have no problem finding that money to buy that business, and I expect that business will do very well as fellow republicans reward him with business, too.

Smart guy, really.
Funny thing, how Obama has been running for President for 2 years and we know nothing about him but "Joe the Plumber" asks Obama a question and the media digs his whole life up in 24 hours. Amazing....what exactly did the plumber do wrong? He asked a question and Obama answered it..

"JOE the Plumber's HELPER" is a poser!

He did not actually ask a question, he attempted to set Obama up. Unfortunately for Joe, a PLUMBER'S HELPER, LMAO, is not smart enough, nor does he have the resources to avoid detection in this sort of thing.

Now, WHAT exactly is it that you DO NOT KNOW about Obama?

If you know nothing about him you need to hire a better reader, or turn up the hearing aid!

AND BTW: Honestly, his bowel functions are none of your freaking business!!!!!
Which was also mischaracterized. You people are very amusing.

What amuses me is that you can't recon with the fact that Obama responded to a scenario presented to him. I have no reason to assume that Obama gave less than a truthful response to that scenario, do you?

The issue is not Joe or his creditability, the issue is the response to the scenario presented and the response given.

Obama’s response was quite telling, regardless of the validity of the scenario or the creditability of the individual presenting it.
Hey, Mad Scientist...he apparently owes the state the tax money. So, do you condone people breaking the law because they feel put upon?
I've owed state and federal taxes before, millions of others have too. That doesn't make us scoff laws, it makes us overtaxed.
What amuses me is that you can't recon with the fact that Obama responded to a scenario presented to him. I have no reason to assume that Obama gave less than a truthful response to that scenario, do you?

The issue is not Joe or his creditability, the issue is the response to the scenario presented and the response given.

Obama’s response was quite telling, regardless of the validity of the scenario or the creditability of the individual presenting it.
His response was that cutting middle class taxes helps spread the wealth by letting the middle class keep and spend more of their money. Why would a republican object to that exactly?
Let's do the math retard. If you make $260K, you'll be taxed 3% higher than you would now if Obama is president, so that's $300.

So a guy making $260K will pay $300 more under Obama. Wealth redistribution? :lol: What a cheap ass!

And you are a house slave, because I know you don't make that kind of scratch.

taxed at one rate for the amount up to 250K and taxed at the higher rate on the amount over 250K...............

What is the cost of two Latte ventes at Starbucks, once a week?

Or that pack a day habit, at $5+ most of which is taxes anyway......
I've owed state and federal taxes before, millions of others have too. That doesn't make us scoff laws, it makes us overtaxed.
That could be true, I've got no idea in Joe's case. So he thinks he pays too much in tax and he is against a plan that cuts his tax. Okay, he is a moron. A total and complete loon.
His response was that cutting middle class taxes helps spread the wealth by letting the middle class keep and spend more of their money. Why would a republican object to that exactly?
Because the tax hikes that he want's to pu on business are going to negatively affect those in the middle and on the bottom. Business aren't just gonna' say "Our taxes went up? Oh well, i guess we get less profit this year".

Businesses are gonna' raise the price of their products by the rate of tax increase, decrease hiring or move those jobs overseas.
His response was that cutting middle class taxes helps spread the wealth by letting the middle class keep and spend more of their money. Why would a republican object to that exactly?

Get off that bridge to nowhere and you'll probably be able to figure it out. If you're looking for a Republican response, perhaps one will answer soon.
That could be true, I've got no idea in Joe's case. So he thinks he pays too much in tax and he is against a plan that cuts his tax. Okay, he is a moron. A total and complete loon.

It's quite common for you to ramble on not caring if something is true or not.

I think you should continue what you have done and just call him a loon because he's not a liberal. At least there's some honesty to it.

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