Joe the Plumber - The Truth and nothing but it

IF he netted $280,000 in income from his business. However, your not even reading my link. He's going to make considerably less then that.

$280,000 isn't actually "ordinary" and "middle class" either by the way.

Obama's tax plan only raises taxes on those who make 250k in taxable income, NOT total income. That means if you make under 250k AFTER deductions, you get a tax cut. And if you had your own business, you could easily be making 400k BEFORE deductions.

Making 400k a year as a small business plummer is pretty freaking unlikely. And anyone making 400k a year has no business whining when the rest of us working schmucks are getting hammered by the bush economy.
Obama's tax plan only raises taxes on those who make 250k in taxable income, NOT total income. That means if you make under 250k AFTER deductions, you get a tax cut. And if you had your own business, you could easily be making 400k BEFORE deductions.

Making 400k a year as a small business plummer is pretty freaking unlikely. And anyone making 400k a year has no business whining when the rest of us working schmucks are getting hammered by the bush economy.

As long as you remain so partisan that you can't even correctly identify the problem we don't stand a chance.

The difference in the two tax plans doesn't make a rats ass difference when everything that can happen to you is taken into consideration. Our economic leaders, bankers and corporations are going to call the shots and our opinion isn't going to be considered.
oh man
it was a joke and you clearly didnt get it

Sadly the difference between you saying something absurd as a "joke" and you saying something absurd as something you actually believe aren't very different at all. So no, I didn't get it.
Obama's tax plan only raises taxes on those who make 250k in taxable income, NOT total income. That means if you make under 250k AFTER deductions, you get a tax cut. And if you had your own business, you could easily be making 400k BEFORE deductions.

Making 400k a year as a small business plummer is pretty freaking unlikely. And anyone making 400k a year has no business whining when the rest of us working schmucks are getting hammered by the bush economy.

You completely miss the point, I'm not suprised by the way. Many small business owners submit individual tax returns, the businesses' profit is claimed as income on their individual tax return.
Sadly the difference between you saying something absurd as a "joke" and you saying something absurd as something you actually believe aren't very different at all. So no, I didn't get it.
gee, i would have thought the "LOL" and ":lol:" would have been a clear indication
Oh garbage. Joe isn't that stupid. He hit Obama with a theoretical question and everyone is flipping out.

He lied.

He didn't couch it as a theoretical question...I heard him ask it...he lied.

So Joe somes taxes---do you realize how many people owe taxes. Fuck taxes. And he has medical bills ? OMG shocking!
Joe the Plumber asks a singel question and sends the American presidential election spinning. One guy. Think about it .

Nobody's spinning, dude.

We're too used to liars like this working for Republican causes, that nobody is really surprised.

What that nitwit didn't understand is that even if he had bought a plumbing company for $250,000, it wouldn't have made $250,000 net profit to get hit by Obama's 3% tax increase for that bracket.

So even his theoretical question was based on his stupidity.

Joe the plumber is a quintessential republican loyal.

He doesn't really make much money, but he's hoping he might and if he does, he doesn't want to pay any taxes.

Pretty typical of small businessmen Republicans, really.

None of them are well served by the party they support, they don't make much more than your average American does, but they're hoping that some day the master class will touch them and bring them into the big house where they can be better paid house slaves.

They're pathetic people, really.
What mystifies me about this entire thing is why, seemingly suddenly, Republicans are against tax cuts? For the middle class, yet.
Man you Liberals are really afraid of Joe the Plumber aren't ya? You're going after him like you went after Sarah Palin.

Obamabot Liberals: "Must. Destroy. Palin. Must. Destroy. Joe".

I like the fact that Taxes have now been injected into the political conversation. That's never good for liberals. Hehehehehehe!
Man you Liberals are really afraid of Joe the Plumber aren't ya? You're going after him like you went after Sarah Palin.

Obamabot Liberals: "Must. Destroy. Palin. Must. Destroy. Joe".

I like the fact that Taxes have now been injected into the political conversation. That's never good for liberals. Hehehehehehe!

Being exposed as a fraud, tax dodger and liar doesn't help you Mad. Plus it turns out Joe will do better under Obama's plan. So will 95% of us. McCain wants to tax our health coverage? :cuckoo: Who thought of that one?

He told Obama that he was a plumber and was hoping to buy his boss’s business, which he said made $250,000 to $280,000 a year. He was concerned, he said, that Obama’s economic proposals would mean he’d be kicked into a higher tax bracket. (JOE LIED)

Wurzelbacher said he worked under the license held by his boss, Al Newell of Newell Plumbing and Heating Co. of Toledo. Newell is a licensed plumbing contractor in Toledo, records show. But anyone working under Newell should have a journeyman’s plumbing license or an apprenticeship license, officials said.

The Toledo Plumbing Board of Control may consider sanctions against Wurzelbacher or Newell, officials told NBC affiliate WNWO of Toledo.

Wurzelbacher also acknowledged that he had no specific plans for buying Newell’s business, saying he and Newell had simply talked about the idea from time to time. He might have difficulty making the purchase: Court records from his divorce show that Wurzelbacher made $40,000 in 2006.

Even if he did buy Newell Plumbing and Heating, Obama’s tax plan wouldn’t affect him. While Wurzelbacher told Obama that he would be taxed at a higher rate because the company grossed more than $250,000 a year, Ohio business records show the company’s estimated total annual revenue as only $100,000. Actual taxable income would be even less than that.

In any event, Obama’s tax plan specifies that the higher rate would apply only to income above the $250,000 threshold. Assuming Wurzelbacher’s income as owner somehow hit $280,000 — the top end of his supposition of the company’s revenue — only the extra $30,000 would be taxed at a higher rate.

Wurzelbacher, a registered Republican, refused to say whom he would vote for, insisting that “I want the American people to vote for who they want to vote for. I just want them to be informed when they make that vote.”

But he hinted that his choice would be McCain, the Republican standard-bearer, whom he said it would be “an honor” to meet. Asked about other issues by a covey of curious reporters, Wurzelbacher voiced strongly Republican opinions.

“Social Security’s a joke,” he said. “I have parents. I don’t need another set of parents called the government. Let me take my money and invest it how I please.”

And on the war in Iraq, which McCain has strongly supported: “I’m not sorry we’re in Iraq. ... It’s made us safer. I absolutely believe that.”

And court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.
Man you Liberals are really afraid of Joe the Plumber aren't ya? You're going after him like you went after Sarah Palin.

Obamabot Liberals: "Must. Destroy. Palin. Must. Destroy. Joe".

I like the fact that Taxes have now been injected into the political conversation. That's never good for liberals. Hehehehehehe!

You guys then are afraid of Obama, Ayers, Wright & Rezko?
Funny thing, how Obama has been running for President for 2 years and we know nothing about him but "Joe the Plumber" asks Obama a question and the media digs his whole life up in 24 hours. Amazing....what exactly did the plumber do wrong? He asked a question and Obama answered it..

Perhaps you've been living under a rock for the last two years.

Here is what I know about Obama

His mother's name was Stanley Ann, she was from KS

His father's name was Barack Sr. he was from Kenya

They met while both were students in HI.

They married in 1961 and Obama was born shortly there after in August

They divorced when Barack was 2 and he saw his father one time between the age of 2 and 21 when his father died in a car accident

His mother married an indonesian man and moved Barack to indonesia where he lived from the age of 6 to 10

From 10 on he was raised in HI by his maternal grandparents

His mother died at the age of 53 of cancer

Barack went to Columbia University where he studied international affairs

He graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law and became the first African American elected as President of the Harvard Law Review.

He met his wife Michelle when he worked as an associate at a law firm and they married in 1991 and have two children, both girls.

Upon graduation from Harvard Obama returned to Chicago and worked within communities which were struggling due to job loss and other economic hardships

I can go on and one if you'd like...

If you don't know anything about Barack Obama it's not because the information isn't out there, it's because you don't WANT to know anything about him.
Funny thing, how Obama has been running for President for 2 years and we know nothing about him but "Joe the Plumber" asks Obama a question and the media digs his whole life up in 24 hours. Amazing....what exactly did the plumber do wrong? He asked a question and Obama answered it..

First off, he isn't a plumber. The Toledo Plumbing Board of Control may consider sanctions against Wurzelbacher or Newell, officials told NBC affiliate WNWO of Toledo.

Second, court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.

3rd, he was planted by the GOP.

“Social Security’s a joke,” he said. “I have parents. I don’t need another set of parents called the government. Let me take my money and invest it how I please.”

And on the war in Iraq, which McCain has strongly supported: “I’m not sorry we’re in Iraq. ... It’s made us safer. I absolutely believe that.”
Funny thing, how Obama has been running for President for 2 years and we know nothing about him but "Joe the Plumber" asks Obama a question and the media digs his whole life up in 24 hours. Amazing....what exactly did the plumber do wrong? He asked a question and Obama answered it..

It's the art of distraction. The Obama campaign has mastered it and the leftist media ignores it.
He told Obama that he was a plumber and was hoping to buy his boss’s business, which he said made $250,000 to $280,000 a year. He was concerned, he said, that Obama’s economic proposals would mean he’d be kicked into a higher tax bracket. (JOE LIED)

If my memory serves me he actually said he wanted to buy a business which COST $250-280K.

Apparently this genuis who apparently doesn't have a pot to pss in or a window to throw it out of, doesn't understand the difference between the cost of a business and the concept of taxingt on a businesses net profits.

He is a lying Republican loyalist, after all, so his confusion about accounting and ignorance about Obama tax proposal shouldn't really surpise many of us.
If my memory serves me he actually said he wanted to buy a business which COST $250-280K.

Apparently this genuis who apparently doesn't have a pot to pss in or a window to throw it out of, doesn't understand the difference between the cost of a business and the concept of taxingt on a businesses net profits.

He is a lying Republican loyalist, after all, so his confusion about accounting and ignorance about Obama tax proposal shouldn't really surpise many of us.

Both of these candidates would look like shit if they had to field unscripted questions from random Americans, republicans OR democrats.

why else would he go to an Obama rally, ask a "hypothetical question" (presented as a reality) about Obama's tax plan only to then have McCain bring him up in the debate BY NAME no less? how many rope line conversations does Obama have on a daily basis and THIS is the one that the GOP jumps on? a man who happens to be a staunch Republican who basically lied about what he makes, where he works, how long he's worked there and his financial situation? c'mon dillo, use the big head to do your thinking this time dude. :eusa_whistle:
why else would he go to an Obama rally, ask a "hypothetical question" (presented as a reality) about Obama's tax plan only to then have McCain bring him up in the debate BY NAME no less? how many rope line conversations does Obama have on a daily basis and THIS is the one that the GOP jumps on? a man who happens to be a staunch Republican who basically lied about what he makes, where he works, how long he's worked there and his financial situation? c'mon dillo, use the big head to do your thinking this time dude. :eusa_whistle:

no---that is called specualtion--you are guessing----PROVE IT.

As I understand it the ropeline was right in front of Joe's house btw--how odd he should be there.
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IMHO, this situation with Joe is all that is wrong with this election. Here is a man that voices his opinion and asks a question and what he gets in return is shredded here and and in the national media in an attempt to make him look smaller so the message of the Candidate looks better. I have no doubt had the situation been reversed then the McCain campaign would be talking about Joe's communist ties to those mean nasty blue collar types. So rather than focus the attention of this country on what matters which are the men who are running for the office we focus and attack on the people voting for them now as , now you have to have the "right" qualifications to ask a question or even vote for a candidate. What a sad state of affairs this has come to, and it leaves me with little confidence that with the rise to power of McCain or Obama that it will get any better.

This thread is lame.

Who cares about Joe the Plumber...Senator Obama answered the question based on Joe's scenario. Whether Joe ended up being a small business owner or an Indiana Jones Saucerman from Outerspace is 100% deflection and doesn't change Senator Obama's answer one iota.

Joe is not the focal point of the issue...Senator Obama's answer is.
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