Joeb131's real reason for bveing against firearms.

Joseph Smith never had a harem of teenage girls. In fact the closets he came was marrying ONE 16 year old that he never even slept with. In fact most of his "wives" never slept with him. Perhaps you can explain why he married a 57 year old if all he wanted was a harem of teenagers?

Educate yourself...

The Wives of Joseph Smith

Four of his wives were 16 or younger.

I suspect the older ladies he was just trying to bilk out of money their husbands left them. Kind of like David Koresh, who romanced the older ladies in teh Branch Davidian cult.

As for Polygamy the Church banned that around 1890. You are so clueless it is pathetic.

Yes. God totally came out against Polygamy when the Mormons were told that they couldn't get Utah into the Union if they didn't outlaw it. Funny how God works sometimes. You would almost think he's a made-up sky pixie who can be manipulated to the needs of the moment.

You don't even understand that the Founding Fathers enabled in the Constitution the means to change said Constitution. You think it is ok to just ignore it.

Yes, I think it's okay to ignore stupid parts. But a large part of that is open to interpretation.

In my interpretation, "Well Regulated Militia" means, "Don't let the crazy guy buy guns!!!"

Because, I don't think the Founders had James Holmes shooting up a theatre dressed like The Joker in mind when they said, "Well-Regulated Militia".

i'll let you in on a little secret, joe.

Nobody, and i mean nobody, thinks abraham lincoln was a genius when it comes to economics. He may have been an outstanding individual in other fields, but not in economics.

Especially given that in the law, capital comes before labor.

So you're continuing reference of him is pretty funny. It just demonstrates you are pretty clueless.

laws written by the wealthy for the wealthy.

Lincoln was spot on. The minute we stopped being hunter gatherers, we became laborers.

The problem with the corporatist is that he is about cheating the laborer out of his fair due.

Sorry, this


produces nothing. It only exists because the labor of others supports it.

Вот почему люди называют вас коммунистических
Actually, in 2008 I voted for McCain.

Only reason I voted for Obama in 2012 is because I really, really, really hate Mormons.
Yes, you've made no secret of your irrational bigotry.

Funny, I think being skeptical of a cult that was started by a con artist who wanted to have a harem of teenage girls is a pretty healthy skepticism.

Glad to see you have finally come around about Muhammed!
Yes, you've made no secret of your irrational bigotry.

Funny, I think being skeptical of a cult that was started by a con artist who wanted to have a harem of teenage girls is a pretty healthy skepticism.

Glad to see you have finally come around about Muhammed!

Guy, the only reason why we have a "problem" with Muslims is we keep sticking our dicks in the Hornet's nest.

Not that you and Toro would ever actually go over there. Get some poor kid to do it.
I'm convinced that Skoober is a spamming robot.

s0n......not for nothing, but it isn't me who does 200 posts/day!!!

I would really consider taking some time off from the site.......over 31,000 posts in that time frame:eek::eek::eek::eek:. The whole OCD dynamic turns the credibility to shit.........

In other words my friend, you look like a fucking k00k.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
Who was talking about "planned" economies?

Not that there are any "unplanned" economies. Every system has a "Plan", guy.

Point you were avoiding is that when we had a labor movement with teeth, when we had a government that put the interests of working people over the well-to-do, we developed a middle class. And it was kind of awesome. I grew up with it. Kind of awesome that my Dad could support 5 kids in a middle class lifestyle on a good paying union job.

Progs always want planned economies. They don't trust people -- especially business owners -- to conduct their business as they see fit.
Besides, didn't you get the wingnut talking point memo? Romney lost because he wasn't a "real conservative". You need to check your inbox more often.
I don't rely on talking points. I'm not a retard prog.

Funny, most of what you say sounds like the same shit they say on Hate Radio...

You know the only talk radio I listen to?

NPR. :lol:

And funny, most of what you say sounds like the same shit you can read on a fair amount of It's The Mormon-Hater Show!: 59% Hate Mormons sprinkled in.
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Progs always want planned economies. They don't trust people -- especially business owners -- to conduct their business as they see fit.

Why should we?

Business owners would cheat their employees and customers at every turn if we didn't have strong consumer and labor protection laws.

The one thing I learned from my last job was never count on the decency of a capitalist.

Progs always want planned economies. They don't trust people -- especially business owners -- to conduct their business as they see fit.

Why should we?

Business owners would cheat their employees and customers at every turn if we didn't have strong consumer and labor protection laws.

The one thing I learned from my last job was never count on the decency of a capitalist.


Progs always want planned economies. They don't trust people -- especially business owners -- to conduct their business as they see fit.

Why should we?

Business owners would cheat their employees and customers at every turn if we didn't have strong consumer and labor protection laws.

The one thing I learned from my last job was never count on the decency of a capitalist.

You'll excuse us if we don't take decency lessons from a bigot who espouses violence.

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