Joeb131's real reason for bveing against firearms.

:lmao: It's not an either/or situation, Skippy.

Well, I suppose it is, to irrational, simple-minded people.

Well, actually, it kind of is. but you dupes are too stupid to notice.

Wealthy Person - "Hey, I'm totally against the gays and gun grabbers! Do you mind if we disband the EPA and NLRB?"

Dave the Dupe- "Dooooy, sure. Don't want them commies getting my gun. Hey, why does this water taste funny?"
:clap2: Thanks for proving my point about irrational, simple-minded people.

You mean because I wised up and you are still being a rube?

Here's the thing. Republicans USED to get it. They used to understand that looking out for the working guy was important. Teddy Roosevelt, Harding, Ike, Nixon, Ford, and heck, I even think to a degree, Reagan, got this.

Then the Bush/Romney types figured out that it was just easy to wave flags and bibles in front of you guys, and you'd go along with anything.

Well, apart from giving us the greatest standards of living and lifting more people out of poverty than any other system, you're right, capitalism doesn't work.


Except capitalism did nothing of the sort.

What pulled us out of poverty is that we had a labor movement- and I know this will shock your little sensibilities - that insisted we share the wealth fairly, or the boys in the Union would have a little discussion with the capitalists out back.

Seriously, were you like totally fucking asleep in history class?

That's such fucking shit. I've forgotten more economic history than you've ever known.

I'm sympathetic to the labour movement, and I probably know more about the history of the labour movement than you do.

But capitalism is the driver of wealth. Without capitalism, the labour movement wouldn't have had to fight for a share of the spoils because there wouldn't have been spoils without capitalism.

It's worked for over 200 years. Seems you folks are trying to cause it to fail, and that's dishonest.

Excuse me, guy. It seems to me that Capitalism failed in 2008, and it was after you guys got EVERYTHING you wanted.

Free Trade
Tax Cuts for the wealthy.
Weakening of labor unions and worker protections.

You guys got all that stuff.

So why did the economy crash so horribly in 2008? NOt a commie in sight, really.
We had free trade? :confused:

I must have missed where all restraints were taken off industry. Got a link?


Well, then.

Where did I use the word "All"?

It seems to me that if you slam your car into the wall at 80MPH, you can't really argue, "Yeah, but if we were going 90MPH, we'd have totally passed through that wall unharmed!"

Little History time. After the Great Depression, they put on some serious regulations on business. And guess what, we developed a middle class! Awesome.

And then someone said, "Let's let the banks give you loans against houses you already paid for!"

As one Republican said, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy."

That's such fucking shit. I've forgotten more economic history than you've ever known.

I'm sympathetic to the labour movement, and I probably know more about the history of the labour movement than you do.

But capitalism is the driver of wealth. Without capitalism, the labour movement wouldn't have had to fight for a share of the spoils because there wouldn't have been spoils without capitalism.

Again, this is the parasite trying to convince you he's a vital organ.

Or as someone else once said,

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln
To people like Joe anyone who doesn't think like him hates Gays, Muslims, women, children (outside of the womb), and puppies.

He thinks that we need guns because we have small penises, not because we like shooting them, owning them, and like the security they give us.

He thinks we hate America and we're all terrorists because we want spending-cuts.

He thinks we love filthy water filled with puss and boogers, and we like air that smells like ass.

He thinks we all want to fuck our sisters and farm animals.

Nothing we say can change his narrow mind about it.

That's such fucking shit. I've forgotten more economic history than you've ever known.

I'm sympathetic to the labour movement, and I probably know more about the history of the labour movement than you do.

But capitalism is the driver of wealth. Without capitalism, the labour movement wouldn't have had to fight for a share of the spoils because there wouldn't have been spoils without capitalism.

Again, this is the parasite trying to convince you he's a vital organ.

Or as someone else once said,

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln

I'll let you in on a little secret, Joe.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, thinks Abraham Lincoln was a genius when it comes to economics. He may have been an outstanding individual in other fields, but not in economics.

Especially given that in the law, capital comes before labor.

So you're continuing reference of him is pretty funny. It just demonstrates you are pretty clueless.

That's such fucking shit. I've forgotten more economic history than you've ever known.

I'm sympathetic to the labour movement, and I probably know more about the history of the labour movement than you do.

But capitalism is the driver of wealth. Without capitalism, the labour movement wouldn't have had to fight for a share of the spoils because there wouldn't have been spoils without capitalism.

Again, this is the parasite trying to convince you he's a vital organ.

Or as someone else once said,

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln

I'll let you in on a little secret, Joe.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, thinks Abraham Lincoln was a genius when it comes to economics. He may have been an outstanding individual in other fields, but not in economics.

Especially given that in the law, capital comes before labor.

So you're continuing reference of him is pretty funny. It just demonstrates you are pretty clueless.

Without enough capital it's impossible to start a business.
Well, actually, it kind of is. but you dupes are too stupid to notice.

Wealthy Person - "Hey, I'm totally against the gays and gun grabbers! Do you mind if we disband the EPA and NLRB?"

Dave the Dupe- "Dooooy, sure. Don't want them commies getting my gun. Hey, why does this water taste funny?"
:clap2: Thanks for proving my point about irrational, simple-minded people.

You mean because I wised up and you are still being a rube?

Here's the thing. Republicans USED to get it. They used to understand that looking out for the working guy was important. Teddy Roosevelt, Harding, Ike, Nixon, Ford, and heck, I even think to a degree, Reagan, got this.

Then the Bush/Romney types figured out that it was just easy to wave flags and bibles in front of you guys, and you'd go along with anything.

Really? Obama said "Hope and change!!", and you pulled the D lever like a good little robot.
Excuse me, guy. It seems to me that Capitalism failed in 2008, and it was after you guys got EVERYTHING you wanted.

Free Trade
Tax Cuts for the wealthy.
Weakening of labor unions and worker protections.

You guys got all that stuff.

So why did the economy crash so horribly in 2008? NOt a commie in sight, really.
We had free trade? :confused:

I must have missed where all restraints were taken off industry. Got a link?


Well, then.

Where did I use the word "All"?

It seems to me that if you slam your car into the wall at 80MPH, you can't really argue, "Yeah, but if we were going 90MPH, we'd have totally passed through that wall unharmed!"

Little History time. After the Great Depression, they put on some serious regulations on business. And guess what, we developed a middle class! Awesome.

And then someone said, "Let's let the banks give you loans against houses you already paid for!"

As one Republican said, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy."
:lol: That's like saying, "The sun came up this morning, and I had corn flakes for breakfast. The sun made me have corn flakes!!"

Progs really SUCK at logic.

I'll let you in on a little secret, Joe.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, thinks Abraham Lincoln was a genius when it comes to economics. He may have been an outstanding individual in other fields, but not in economics.

Especially given that in the law, capital comes before labor.

So you're continuing reference of him is pretty funny. It just demonstrates you are pretty clueless.

Laws written by the wealthy for the wealthy.

Lincoln was spot on. The minute we stopped being hunter gatherers, we became laborers.

The problem with the corporatist is that he is about cheating the laborer out of his fair due.

Sorry, THIS


Produces nothing. It only exists because the labor of others supports it.
daveman said:
:lol: That's like saying, "The sun came up this morning, and I had corn flakes for breakfast. The sun made me have corn flakes!!"

Progs really SUCK at logic.

Dave, life is too short to correct your ignorance of history.

If unfettered greed were good, the 1920's wouldn't have had this...


Really? Obama said "Hope and change!!", and you pulled the D lever like a good little robot.

Actually, in 2008 I voted for McCain.

Only reason I voted for Obama in 2012 is because I really, really, really hate Mormons.
Yes, you've made no secret of your irrational bigotry.

Funny, I think being skeptical of a cult that was started by a con artist who wanted to have a harem of teenage girls is a pretty healthy skepticism.

If Mitt Romney really thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, I certainly don't want him to have his hands on the nukes, and I'm not sure why you did, either.

Besides, didn't you get the wingnut talking point memo? Romney lost because he wasn't a "real conservative". You need to check your inbox more often.
daveman said:
:lol: That's like saying, "The sun came up this morning, and I had corn flakes for breakfast. The sun made me have corn flakes!!"

Progs really SUCK at logic.

Dave, life is too short to correct your ignorance of history.

If unfettered greed were good, the 1920's wouldn't have had this...

Yes, because Gaea knows places with planned economies NEVER have poor people.
Actually, in 2008 I voted for McCain.

Only reason I voted for Obama in 2012 is because I really, really, really hate Mormons.
Yes, you've made no secret of your irrational bigotry.

Funny, I think being skeptical of a cult that was started by a con artist who wanted to have a harem of teenage girls is a pretty healthy skepticism.

If Mitt Romney really thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, I certainly don't want him to have his hands on the nukes, and I'm not sure why you did, either.

Besides, didn't you get the wingnut talking point memo? Romney lost because he wasn't a "real conservative". You need to check your inbox more often.
I don't rely on talking points. I'm not a retard prog.
Who was talking about "planned" economies?

Not that there are any "unplanned" economies. Every system has a "Plan", guy.

Point you were avoiding is that when we had a labor movement with teeth, when we had a government that put the interests of working people over the well-to-do, we developed a middle class. And it was kind of awesome. I grew up with it. Kind of awesome that my Dad could support 5 kids in a middle class lifestyle on a good paying union job.
Actually, in 2008 I voted for McCain.

Only reason I voted for Obama in 2012 is because I really, really, really hate Mormons.
Yes, you've made no secret of your irrational bigotry.

Funny, I think being skeptical of a cult that was started by a con artist who wanted to have a harem of teenage girls is a pretty healthy skepticism.

If Mitt Romney really thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, I certainly don't want him to have his hands on the nukes, and I'm not sure why you did, either.

Besides, didn't you get the wingnut talking point memo? Romney lost because he wasn't a "real conservative". You need to check your inbox more often.

Joseph Smith never had a harem of teenage girls. In fact the closets he came was marrying ONE 16 year old that he never even slept with. In fact most of his "wives" never slept with him. Perhaps you can explain why he married a 57 year old if all he wanted was a harem of teenagers?

As for Polygamy the Church banned that around 1890. You are so clueless it is pathetic.

You don't even understand that the Founding Fathers enabled in the Constitution the means to change said Constitution. You think it is ok to just ignore it.

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