John 3:16 means you have to be Christian to get into heaven

Jesus said, "Go into the world and preach the Gospel.
"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations."

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

To Jesus, the disciples, their followers and the nameless authors of the gospels, "the nations" were the enemy.
What you are basically stating is that the God who created existence could not answer Joshua's request.
For a religion not based on faith there are a lot of faith-based assumptions here:
  1. There is a God
  2. The universe was created and did not always exist
  3. It was God that created the universe
  4. God was listening for Joshua's request
  5. God intervened to grant Joshua's request
  6. God intervened but left no record of the event outside of the Bible
In fact, to follow your logic, anyone, including the bad guys, will start worshiping God the moment they experience a miracle.
I can only speak for me but I'll certainly start worshiping something the moment I experience a miracle. Who wouldn't?

But God was serious when He gave humans Free Will.
If God truly gave us free will he will not know how we will act. That means he is not omniscient. If he does know how we will act he must take the heat for creating us that way. It's a poor watchmaker that blames the watch for keeping poor time.
It is well known to Jews that God currently surrenders His omniscience in order for people to grow.
If God did not, there would be no point in creation.
Thankfully my religion doesn't demand I give my money to anyone in a $10,000 suit claiming I'll go to hell if I don't.
I don't know of any Christian minister wearing a !0,000 suit Jewish tailored suit.:dunno: But there are likely a few Hollywood stars which do.
A bit hyperbole in general but actually with truth in the money grab of selling prosperity teaching. It has been allowed for awhile but will not stand. "I need a jet" for teaching the gospel is a bit much if you ask me but hey what do I know. When even a smaller church sends out its parishioners to extort money from those who are dying (to be saved) wouldn't that get you to rethink the money grab for salvation?
Jesus said, "Go into the world and preach the Gospel..." Jesus didn't say anyone would be happy and monetarily wealthy in this life. Anyone who preaches otherwise is not preaching the Gospel but doing his own thing.
Yes but a lot of it has been going on throughout and then people wonder why "all these bad things happen to good people". He said, 'seek the kingdom (meaning that which is within, Luke 17:21, "examine yourself") first and the rest would be added to them'. A lot of people should be checking their own gardens first before ever thinking about how crappy another person's garden is growing.
John 14:6:
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

I think that is WONDERFUL. All I've ever read about Jesus is that He was a common blue collar worker most of his life ...
then got empowered and commenced healing people. Never acquired any property. Preached a message of love everybody ....
Didn't use violence .... not even to protect Himself when they came to arrest Him. Made the religious big-shots and hypocrites angry ..
so angry they felt compelled to demand His death.

Then comes the "punch line" .... after he was killed, He is claimed to have come back WITH POWER !

Jesus makes people reveal their hearts. Jesus was good. Good people are glad to believe He is alive.

Evil people hope He's dead or never lived. Cause they are evil .... and Jesus is good.
It is well known to Jews that God currently surrenders His omniscience in order for people to grow.
If God did not, there would be no point in creation.
Did God say any of this or is it just a series of interpolations given a supposed starting point? What makes you believe there is a point anyway? Hubris? And you claim there is no faith in Judaism.
I suggest you read Scripture.
The moment God gave a Command to Adam, God relinquished His omniscience in order for people to grow.
In fact, after Adam disobeys God, God initiates a discussion.
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
It is kind of ironic that In Israel Jewish women are now averaging 3.16 children and thriving...Since in exodus Israel is shown as Gds son his first born the irony is double.... Wink....Course where does that leave the tall tales in the New Testament and who is telling the truth....hmmmm...
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Show me one lie in the Book of Hebrews.
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Show me one lie in the Book of Hebrews.
You Copy/Paste all the quotes and I'll tell you where it's a lie.
Your problem is that you never read the "Source".
I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Never heard of a Noachide before but I like the bar being so low (depending on the meaning of sexual immorality and eating 'flesh torn from a living animal'/blood?) that I and most people can join. I feel I've done my part, now it is God's turn.
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.

I can sympathize with the fact that the NT is a lie. But you seem to think that the OT is the truth. I don't know you, so correct me if I am wrong.The reality is that the OT is no less a lie than the NT. It's all myth!!!
Last edited:
I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Never heard of a Noachide before but I like the bar being so low (depending on the meaning of sexual immorality and eating 'flesh torn from a living animal'/blood?) that I and most people can join. I feel I've done my part, now it is God's turn.
You don't know if you've done your part until you do something other than simply reading my posts...but that's up you.
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.

I can sympathize with the fact that the NT is a lie. But you seem to think that the OT is the truth. I don't know you, so correct me if I am wrong.The reality is that the OT is no less a lie than the NT. It's all myth!!!
Start with Genesis 1:1 and prove it.
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
........... Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie. .........

If Tanach is true, then NT must be true .....
OR ....
The God of Israel let the Temple be destroyed and ancient Israel be dispersed while letting faith in an impostor (or total imaginary character) to spread "like wildfire" and endure for 2000 years.
Your logic is flawed.
The NT mangles the Tanach left and right.
To anyone who knows Hebrew and reads the Torah portion of the week the NT is hilarious.
Claiming something is popular is like saying Laverne & Shirley was high brow.
The RCC ensured for 1,000 years that no non-Jew would ever look at a Torah so it could pull off the biggest scam in history.
I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Never heard of a Noachide before but I like the bar being so low (depending on the meaning of sexual immorality and eating 'flesh torn from a living animal'/blood?) that I and most people can join. I feel I've done my part, now it is God's turn.
You don't know if you've done your part until you do something other than simply reading my posts...but that's up you.
I've also read Wikipedia and feel I've qualified to be a Noachide:

The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:[7]
  1. Not to worship idols. (Don't)
  2. Not to curse God. (Don't)
  3. To establish courts of justice. (Like ours)
  4. Not to commit murder. (Not so far)
  5. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. (Don't but the later is a bit subjective)
  6. Not to steal. (Don't except for one incident when I was very young and have regretted since that day)
  7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. (Don't, but did have Dancing Shrimp in a Thai restaurant once)
So where is God? If I have to do it all, what is his part?
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.

I can sympathize with the fact that the NT is a lie. But you seem to think that the OT is the truth. I don't know you, so correct me if I am wrong.The reality is that the OT is no less a lie than the NT. It's all myth!!!
Start with Genesis 1:1 and prove it.
You can't prove a negative. The onus in on you to prove it true, or at very least provide some evidence that it is true.
The problem is that you have desensitized yourself from the nuances of Biblical interaction because you have trained yourself to reject religion in all forms.
Would you be a Jew if you weren't born a Jew?

Have you trained yourself to reject religion in all but one form?
I spent 2 years studying the NT and 1 year Islam.
I learned from this study that they were both the inheritors of Judaism.

That led me back to studying Tanach.
Studying Tanach more closely led to the fact that the NT is a total lie.
The Koran is, well, unreadable.

I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.

I can sympathize with the fact that the NT is a lie. But you seem to think that the OT is the truth. I don't know you, so correct me if I am wrong.The reality is that the OT is no less a lie than the NT. It's all myth!!!
Start with Genesis 1:1 and prove it.
You can't prove a negative. The onus in on you to prove it true, or at very least provide some evidence that it is true.
I don't have to prove anything.
My duty as a Jew is to inform, not impose.
By the way, the Noachide Laws, just like secular law, are very detailed.
I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Never heard of a Noachide before but I like the bar being so low (depending on the meaning of sexual immorality and eating 'flesh torn from a living animal'/blood?) that I and most people can join. I feel I've done my part, now it is God's turn.
You don't know if you've done your part until you do something other than simply reading my posts...but that's up you.
I've also read Wikipedia and feel I've qualified to be a Noachide:

The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:[7]
  1. Not to worship idols. (Don't)
  2. Not to curse God. (Don't)
  3. To establish courts of justice. (Like ours)
  4. Not to commit murder. (Not so far)
  5. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. (Don't but the later is a bit subjective)
  6. Not to steal. (Don't except for one incident when I was very young and have regretted since that day)
  7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. (Don't, but did have Dancing Shrimp in a Thai restaurant once)
So where is God? If I have to do it all, what is his part?
If God was in your face, you'd be a robot.
The average prophet in Scripture is at least 80 years old, well established in the community and needs to be an expert in every subject.
For instance, if God showed you the cure for a disease and you didn't know anything about medicine, you would forget what God showed you the moment the prophecy ended.
I would either become a Noachide or a Jew as both paths lead to an attachment to God.
Never heard of a Noachide before but I like the bar being so low (depending on the meaning of sexual immorality and eating 'flesh torn from a living animal'/blood?) that I and most people can join. I feel I've done my part, now it is God's turn.
You don't know if you've done your part until you do something other than simply reading my posts...but that's up you.
I've also read Wikipedia and feel I've qualified to be a Noachide:

The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:[7]
  1. Not to worship idols. (Don't)
  2. Not to curse God. (Don't)
  3. To establish courts of justice. (Like ours)
  4. Not to commit murder. (Not so far)
  5. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. (Don't but the later is a bit subjective)
  6. Not to steal. (Don't except for one incident when I was very young and have regretted since that day)
  7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. (Don't, but did have Dancing Shrimp in a Thai restaurant once)
So where is God? If I have to do it all, what is his part?
If God was in your face, you'd be a robot.
The average prophet in Scripture is at least 80 years old, well established in the community and needs to be an expert in every subject.
For instance, if God showed you the cure for a disease and you didn't know anything about medicine, you would forget what God showed you the moment the prophecy ended.

Why would you "be a robot"? I've never understood the idea that having god reveal itself to humanity in a clear way would somehow keep people from having a choice.

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