John Boehner's Approval Rating Takes Big Hit


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) approval numbers have dropped significantly since taking on his leadership position at the beginning of 2011, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the survey conducted by Public Policy Polling for and the Service Employees International Union, 28 percent of respondents approved of Boehner, while 52 percent disapproved.

These numbers are sharply lower than his approval ratings from earlier this year, according to PPP's polls. According to PPP, Boehner began 2011 with 35 percent of voters approving of him and 28 percent disapproving.

MORE: Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In 2012
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) approval numbers have dropped significantly since taking on his leadership position at the beginning of 2011, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the survey conducted by Public Policy Polling for and the Service Employees International Union, 28 percent of respondents approved of Boehner, while 52 percent disapproved.

These numbers are sharply lower than his approval ratings from earlier this year, according to PPP's polls. According to PPP, Boehner began 2011 with 35 percent of voters approving of him and 28 percent disapproving.

MORE: Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In 2012

I like to see a poll on a Pelosi vs Boehner in a head to head competition by a reputable polling institution. and the Service Employees International Union.....:eusa_hand:...:lol:

So what is the man in charge, numero uno, Barack Hussein Obama, doing about our tanking economy??????????

Boehner is the #3 man in charge. He needs to do well.

But he ain't #1.

What is the #1 man in charge doing, other than blaming everyone else, about our spiraling economy?
I'd rather communicate with a stump.

It would probably be similar to attempting to get any type of idea out of President Obama other than "The rich gotta pay their fair share" (Despite the fact they pay, by far, the most in taxes already).
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) approval numbers have dropped significantly since taking on his leadership position at the beginning of 2011, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the survey conducted by Public Policy Polling for and the Service Employees International Union, 28 percent of respondents approved of Boehner, while 52 percent disapproved.

These numbers are sharply lower than his approval ratings from earlier this year, according to PPP's polls. According to PPP, Boehner began 2011 with 35 percent of voters approving of him and 28 percent disapproving.

MORE: Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In 2012

Yes, I know you have fantasy of hanging Boehner's unpopularity around the GOP nominee's neck the way Clinton hung Newt around Bob Dole's neck. Ain't gonna happen for the following reasons.

1) A DailyKos/SEIU poll? What, No "Pravda/Daily Worker" Poll available? Some pretty selective cherry picking of data.

2) Boehner isn't running for anything, while Newt has always had higher ambitions. He's also not out there making a spectacle out of himself like Newt did in 1995. While it was easy to find lots of pictures of Newt with Bob Dole in 1996, (they had to work together as leaders of their party in their respective houses of Congress) not so much for either Romney or Perry.

3) Clinton had the advantage of having a record he could run on. The economy had recovered quite a bit by 1996 from 1992. He could answer the Reagan Question pretty well- people were better off than they were four years before. The same thing could NOT be said of the Community Organizer. Even if things stay as they are now, people are a LOT worse off than they were in 2008.

4) Clinton was actually a pretty adept politician. He knew when to hold them and knew when to fold them. He signed on to Welfare Reform because it was popular, but stood his ground on medicare reform because he knew it was unpopular. Obama just folds. "Don't Call my Bluff, Eric... Oh, wait, you're calling my bluff. You can't call my Bluff, I'm 'the One'. "
Republican popularity across the board has taken a worse hit than the Democrats.

The media of course is paying little attention to this fact.
Republican popularity across the board has taken a worse hit than the Democrats.

The media of course is paying little attention to this fact.

Yeah, that is why they won back the house in a historic midterm election..
And you are right about one thing, the Democrats and the media don't want to remind people ABOUT THAT..:lol:
Republican popularity across the board has taken a worse hit than the Democrats.

The media of course is paying little attention to this fact.

Yeah, that is why they won back the house in a historic midterm election..
And you are right about one thing, the Democrats and the media don't want to remind people ABOUT THAT..:lol:

That was 9 months ago, and how have things gotten since then? Better?

Name ONE major accomplishment by the Boehner and the Republican Congress that has made things better.
Republican popularity across the board has taken a worse hit than the Democrats.

The media of course is paying little attention to this fact.

The media is the reason for this. Using words like default and compromise inaccurately.
Republican popularity across the board has taken a worse hit than the Democrats.

The media of course is paying little attention to this fact.

Yeah, that is why they won back the house in a historic midterm election..
And you are right about one thing, the Democrats and the media don't want to remind people ABOUT THAT..:lol:

That was 9 months ago, and how have things gotten since then? Better?

Name ONE major accomplishment by the Boehner and the Republican Congress that has made things better.

lol, You all are saying give the Obama a chance to TURN THINGS AROUND and he's had NEARLY three years, but now you are really going to say the Republicans can work miracles in 9 months..
crack me up
As for Boehner, he can GO as far as I'm concerned. they need someone in there with a spine and who tells the people JUST how bad things really are.
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WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) approval numbers have dropped significantly since taking on his leadership position at the beginning of 2011, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the survey conducted by Public Policy Polling for and the Service Employees International Union, 28 percent of respondents approved of Boehner, while 52 percent disapproved.

These numbers are sharply lower than his approval ratings from earlier this year, according to PPP's polls. According to PPP, Boehner began 2011 with 35 percent of voters approving of him and 28 percent disapproving.

MORE: Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In 2012

What America thinks about any elected member of Congress is pretty much meaningless. The only thing that matters is what his/her constituents think.
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) approval numbers have dropped significantly since taking on his leadership position at the beginning of 2011, according to a poll released Wednesday.

In the survey conducted by Public Policy Polling for and the Service Employees International Union, 28 percent of respondents approved of Boehner, while 52 percent disapproved.

These numbers are sharply lower than his approval ratings from earlier this year, according to PPP's polls. According to PPP, Boehner began 2011 with 35 percent of voters approving of him and 28 percent disapproving.

MORE: Boehner's Low Approval Rating Could Hurt Republicans In 2012

They covered the entire political spectrum from the Maoist Left to the Moonbat Fringe Left, hard to argue with that
Republican popularity across the board has taken a worse hit than the Democrats.

The media of course is paying little attention to this fact.

The media is the reason for this. Using words like default and compromise inaccurately.

The media? As in "the leftie lamestream media conspiracy!!!!" or the businesses which use information services for profit and the most profitable "infotainment" is controversy?

Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, Time, etc. These are businesses and their investors expect them to make a profit or those investors will find other investments for their money.

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