John Brennan Should Be Investigated.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This nutbag is unhinged and apparently cannot hate The President enough!

So I smell a RAT!

Was he involved in procuring and composing the Fake Russian Dossier?

Was he involved in a wink wink deal with North Korea and Iran?

Was he involved in the gun running in Benghazi?

Maybe he was part of the operation that moved Jihadi Heroin through Mexico in to the US while Obama told the DOJ to stand down.

Was he Involved in Uranium One?

Or maybe he was involved in something like Fast & Furious and a gun running operation in Las Vegas gone really really wrong?

Was he leaking classified information to The Press?

Something is really really fishy.
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People who don't like Dear Leader need to be investigated!

This nutbag is unhinged and apparently cannot hate The President enough!

So I smell a RAT!

Was he involved in procuring and composing the Fake Russian Dossier?

Was he involved in a wink wink deal with North Korea and Iran?

Was he involved in the gun running in Benghazi?

Maybe he was part of the operation that moved Jihadi Heroin through Mexico in to the US while Obama told the DOJ to stand down.

Was he Involved in Uranium One?

Or maybe he was involved in something like Fast & Furious and a gun running operation in Las Vegas gone really really wrong?

Was he leaking classified information to The Press?

Something is really really fishy.

Trouble in paradise?
Any former intelligence official should have the diplomacy to not attack a current President, politically. If anything, it just backs up the assertions they have been running wild.
Brennan has a documented history of lying and even spying on the Senate.
He must be concerned someone is going to uncover his covert actions against our govt and people.
Enough with the investigations! My tax dollars are being wasted on this shit. No one is ever brought up in charges but everyone gets their 15 minutes on Fox or CNN.

Enough is enough
What is coming out now is That Obama was fully aware of Russia and Rosatom’s Bribery Scandal In The Crooked Uranium One Deal.

There was an Informant within Rosatom, who gave excellent intelligence to Mueller & Comey at the FBI & Lynch at The DOJ. He had audio recordings and videos of Russian Uranium Officials accepting and offering Bribes and talking about how they wanted to make America Dependent on Russian Uranium and also how Russia was actively engaged in helping Iran with their Nuclear Program. And they discussed all they additional billions in contracts they could get if they pulled this off!

Obama was personally briefed on all of this, so was Holder, and so was The State Department. They put up America for Sale. All of them.

What did Obama and his cronies do with this intelligence? Like with Hillary Clinron’s Crines, they swept it under the rug and all got paid.

Now everything that Obama did makes sense. He Colluded with Russia, and he and his cronies need to stop Trump from discovering Obama’s Treachery and Treason!
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This nutbag is unhinged and apparently cannot hate The President enough!

So I smell a RAT!

Was he involved in procuring and composing the Fake Russian Dossier?

Was he involved in a wink wink deal with North Korea and Iran?

Was he involved in the gun running in Benghazi?

Maybe he was part of the operation that moved Jihadi Heroin through Mexico in to the US while Obama told the DOJ to stand down.

Was he Involved in Uranium One?

Or maybe he was involved in something like Fast & Furious and a gun running operation in Las Vegas gone really really wrong?

Was he leaking classified information to The Press?

Something is really really fishy.

Seriously, 4/5ths of everyone associated with the democrats and the Obama Administration and a lot of the GOP needs investigated, problem is that who's going to investigate them all? The crooks go all the way up the DOJ, They are all in bed together, the shit drags on forever, and the GOP has the balls of a squirrel. I'm kind of pulling for a coup where Trump just goes in like Elliot Ness and takes over and blows all the fucking crooks away, and resets the government back to zero, The problem is: WHERE DO YOU FIND HONEST PEOPLE THESE DAYS WHO WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS?
America doesn’t have to worry about Stormy Daniels when Obama knowingly sold Uranium to Russia despite knowing Clinton and her friends were taking bribes from Rosatom and Russia, and despite knowing Russia was actively helping Iran with their Nuclear program.

Mueller btw was fully aware of all this. Rosatom had an FBI informant that dumped Audio and Video recordings right on The FBI’s Lap and The FBI did NOTHING!

That’s why Uranium One was approved followed up with $1.5 Billion given to Iran to buy US Uranium through Russia so they could paint Death To America on their ICBMs amd North Korea’s Nukes and threaten us with our own Uranium.

Obama Bin Lying got paid, Comey got paid, Clinton got paid and we all got Fucked.

This nutbag is unhinged and apparently cannot hate The President enough!

So I smell a RAT!

Was he involved in procuring and composing the Fake Russian Dossier?

Was he involved in a wink wink deal with North Korea and Iran?

Was he involved in the gun running in Benghazi?

Maybe he was part of the operation that moved Jihadi Heroin through Mexico in to the US while Obama told the DOJ to stand down.

Was he Involved in Uranium One?

Or maybe he was involved in something like Fast & Furious and a gun running operation in Las Vegas gone really really wrong?

Was he leaking classified information to The Press?

Something is really really fishy.

Seriously, 4/5ths of everyone associated with the democrats and the Obama Administration and a lot of the GOP needs investigated, problem is that who's going to investigate them all? The crooks go all the way up the DOJ, They are all in bed together, the shit drags on forever, and the GOP has the balls of a squirrel. I'm kind of pulling for a coup where Trump just goes in like Elliot Ness and takes over and blows all the fucking crooks away, and resets the government back to zero, The problem is: WHERE DO YOU FIND HONEST PEOPLE THESE DAYS WHO WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS?
This nutbag is unhinged and apparently cannot hate The President enough!

So I smell a RAT!

Was he involved in procuring and composing the Fake Russian Dossier?

Was he involved in a wink wink deal with North Korea and Iran?

Was he involved in the gun running in Benghazi?

Maybe he was part of the operation that moved Jihadi Heroin through Mexico in to the US while Obama told the DOJ to stand down.

Was he Involved in Uranium One?

Or maybe he was involved in something like Fast & Furious and a gun running operation in Las Vegas gone really really wrong?

Was he leaking classified information to The Press

Something is really really fishy.

Really, me boy, your source is fox news. Are you simply trying to prove you are a con troll and basically stupid. You have succeeded, indeed. Fox. Jesus.
By the way, the smell is you.

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