John Cougar (Mellencamp) Says Only 1-2% of American Blacks Better off Today than Slaves

I knew a guy back during our child bearing days, that would have a convenient argument with his wife that prompted a nine month separation while welfare picked up all the pre natal care and delivery of both his kids. Democrats are clueless when they suggest the system isn't being played.
The system is being played well by very rich white men who tell you how people on welfare are playing the system.
Lol! Racism is a belief in superiority/inferiority based on race. You have shown that you believe whites are superior.
How have I done that?

You realize that by agreeing with the notion that Blacks are no better off over the years, you still promote the status quo.

Do you find that a bit problematic?

I would say that Clarence Thomas is far more intelligent than the average white person, would you?

It is truly frightening that there are idiots walking around that are this fucking out of touch with reality. John's already smooth brain has been completely bleached with leftist ideological hyperbole. He has zero self-awareness and absolutely no shame. I think he actually believes what he is saying too.

I am not one to worry too much over the opinions expressed by entertainers on matters not involving entertainment. My opinions are much more important to me, and are much more likely to be relevant than that of some bubble-living nimrod who is unduly influenced by leftist interests in the entertainment industry. It is almost cute how they get all agitated and start lecturing us common folks about shit they do not even understand. But John Cougar is off the fucking chain with this stupid take. His brain is neutered.
Then i guess we should bring back slavery to help the other 98%?
How have I done that?

You realize that by agreeing with the notion that Blacks are no better off over the years, you still promote the status quo.

Do you find that a bit problematic?

I would say that Clarence Thomas is far more intelligent than the average white person, would you?
No, I don't promote the status quo. The facts show that blacks have less than 3 percent of the wealth and that black families have 1/15th the wealth of white families. And its not because of single parents because a white single parent family ears at least double that of a black 2 parent family.

You guys think that your use of one singular wealthy or important black person proves that racism isn't a problem, but there are 48 million blacks, not one. And Clarence Thomas is an idiot.
Given that blacks vote in huge numbers for DemoKKKrats and DemoKKKrat policies, what does that tell you?
That they are familiar with the southern strategy that you deny based on blogs and cartoon videos from Prager U....oh and the the 2k mules guy.
No, I don't promote the status quo. The facts show that blacks have less than 3 percent of the wealth and that black families have 1/15th the wealth of white families. And its not because of single parents because a white single parent family ears at least double that of a black 2 parent family.

You guys think that your use of one singular wealthy or important black person proves that racism isn't a problem, but there are 48 million blacks, not one. And Clarence Thomas is an idiot.

Yup. The DemoKKKrats like you just where you are (and have been since 1820). Keep voting for them.
Left Wingers are dolts without an inkling of introspection.
We provide a path to prosperity for everyone who tries.
The big problem is people who do not take advantage of the opportunities that they are provided.
America has fat poor people.
America is being flooded with poor uneducated third world moochers.
Why would the illegal alien Democrat Voters want to come to America if they thought that they will become a slave?
Mellencamp is a white guilt moron.
The Left would have you believe that the country has not changed since the 1800's, then spend all their time crying about slavery hundreds of years ago they can do nothing about. However, they then turn a blind eye regarding slavery today, which there is more of than at any other time in human history.

You are exactly right. I mean, where's MY slave?!?
Math has never been his strong suit at one time I believe he talked about the number of Iraqis killed in the Iraq war and the number he gave was more than the population of Iraq.
No, I don't promote the status quo. The facts show that blacks have less than 3 percent of the wealth and that black families have 1/15th the wealth of white families. And its not because of single parents because a white single parent family ears at least double that of a black 2 parent family.

You guys think that your use of one singular wealthy or important black person proves that racism isn't a problem, but there are 48 million blacks, not one. And Clarence Thomas is an idiot.
You do, you vote for the same party time after time after time

What has Joe done for you?


As for Thomas, he clawed his way out of poverty, made it through school, and sits on the highest court in the world.

He is a success story, but you are too mired down in the DNC status quo to even acknowledge his success.
Lol! Racism is a belief in superiority/inferiority based on race. You have shown that you believe whites are superior.
You think blacks are superior.

By your own daffynition, you’re a racist.

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