John Day, Oregon, Aryan Nations

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
John Day is a very remote town in Grant County in east-central Oregon. I've been there many times.

Like a lot of places in the rural West, folks in John Day are gritty working-class types. Pickup trucks, guns and Republicans are the norm here.

In 2008, Grant County voted 71.25% for McCain for President.

In 2004, Bush got 78.9%.

But something remarkable is happening there.

The Aryan Nations plans to move their headquarters from Northern Idaho to John Day.

John Day says NO.

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Aryan Nations plan sparks protests in JD

JOHN DAY - Community reaction was immediate and vocal last week as an Aryan Nations leader announced a plan to move the headquarters of their white supremacist movement from northern Idaho to Grant County.

About 80 people picketed last Saturday in downtown John Day to raise awareness of the group's activities, with another 60 taking to the streets on Monday.

Protest organizer Delilah Michael of Prairie City said she couldn't sit quietly when she heard the news that a hate group might come here. She noted that she worries about her mixed-race grandchildren.

"I said immediately, it ain't going to happen here, with my grandkids."

The demonstrations were just part of the reaction to the Aryan Nations plans published Feb. 17 in an online Blue Mountain Eagle article. The news also spurred a torrent of online comments, most laced with frustration, anger and worry. By week's end at least two Facebook pages had popped up to oppose the group's intent to bring its racist agenda to Grant County; together they had more than 1,600 members

This is the area that is home to me. And the whole population of the county is less than 7000 people.

This would be a very dangerous move for the Neo-nazis. Dangerous for them, the people of Grant county can and will take care of themselves.
I went to school in John Day and Dayville, and live about 100 miles from Dayville now. I heard about this a few days ago from a friend.

The rednecks in John Day just might kill those Aryans if they push their luck.
Wait, our local Liberals keep claiming all Republicans are racists. So if THAT is true, what is the problem? Or is Old Rocks admitting that his buddies are flat wrong?
They probably are thinking they are going to get the same grief the folks in Antelope did from Rasjnishpuram.

That was a farce that would curl your hair.

Back in the late 80's some indian sect bought up a huge farm in Wasco county, brought in hundreds of folks to live there, and they managed, through a set of electoral frauds, take over the town of Antelope OR.

The Rajnish and his inner cadre got arrested for something goofy and agreed to deportation.

The view from the Rajnishi side.
Actually, they poisoned a bunch of people at a restaurant in The Dalles using lab-made salmonella. And they got into a LOT of trouble over it.
Now there's a year-round Christian camp in Antelope. That's where they had about 60 cases of H1N1 when the outbreak was just getting rolling.
Good fo John Day. The Aryan Nation are Nazis huh? Whatta waste of time. Who the hell would want to worship that mess?
The "Aryan Nations", like the KKK, is nothing but a collection of undercover federal agents and paid informants all reporting on each other.
Wait, our local Liberals keep claiming all Republicans are racists. So if THAT is true, what is the problem? Or is Old Rocks admitting that his buddies are flat wrong?

Well, these are not your Southern rednecks. These are the homegrown Eastern Oregon type. A totally differant bunch of people. I know both kinds, and am quite proud to be related to the Eastern Oregon type.

For one thing, most of these people are not willfully ignorant. They are very much into the 'show me' part, but if shown, will change their ideas.

And not all Republicans are racist. However, since the Republican Party used the Southern Strategy, they have given themselves a black eye in that department. They took over where the Dixiecrats left off.

And Allie is right. The people in Grant county are a peaceful lot. But don't push them, or any of the folks that live in the mountains and high desert of Eastern Oregon. Should the Aryan Nations folks move in, and start the nonsense that they have practiced in Idaho and around Spokane, they will learn a terminal lesson.
Jewish Members of the U.S. Senate


Present U.S. Jewish Senators

Carl Levin D-MI 1979-
Arlen Specter R/D-PA* 1981
Frank Lautenberg D-NJ 1982-2001, 2003-
Herb Kohl D-WI 1989-
Joseph Lieberman D/I-CT** 1989-
Dianne Feinstein D-CA 1992-
Barbara Boxer D-CA 1992-
Russ Feingold D-WI 1993-
Ron Wyden D-OR 1996-
Charles Schumer D-NY 1999-
Norm Coleman R-MN 2003-
Benjamin Cardin D-MD 2007-
Bernard Sanders I-VT 2007-
Michael Bennet D-CO 2009-
Al Franken D-MN 2009-

House of Reps

Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
Representative Howard Berman (California)
Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
Representative Susan Davis (California)
Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
Representative Bob Filner (California)
Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
Representative Alan Grayson (Florida)
Representative Jane Harman (California)
Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
Representative Steve Israel (New York)
Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
Representative Adam Schiff (California)
Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
Representative Brad Sherman (California)
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
Representative Henry Waxman (California)
Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)

With 2.2% of the population, and a hell of a representation in both the house and the senate, I do not believe the Jews should worry themselves over the KKK. They are doing just fine. William Joyce is probably telling the truth about the informant racket in the KKK and Aryan Nation. Those types of people are yesterday and pretty much gone the way of the Mafia. Though they still exist, they have no more force or persuasiveness left. More or less people hanging on to old ideas.

The new hate mongers are the Progressives.
Wait, our local Liberals keep claiming all Republicans are racists. So if THAT is true, what is the problem? Or is Old Rocks admitting that his buddies are flat wrong?

Well, these are not your Southern rednecks. These are the homegrown Eastern Oregon type. A totally differant bunch of people. I know both kinds, and am quite proud to be related to the Eastern Oregon type.

For one thing, most of these people are not willfully ignorant. They are very much into the 'show me' part, but if shown, will change their ideas.

And not all Republicans are racist. However, since the Republican Party used the Southern Strategy, they have given themselves a black eye in that department. They took over where the Dixiecrats left off.

And Allie is right. The people in Grant county are a peaceful lot. But don't push them, or any of the folks that live in the mountains and high desert of Eastern Oregon. Should the Aryan Nations folks move in, and start the nonsense that they have practiced in Idaho and around Spokane, they will learn a terminal lesson.

I love how the same assholes who preach "tolerance" and "diversity" never have a problem painting the South with a broad brush.

I heard it in New York: "Like, oh my God! I totally hate the South."

Ever been there?

"No, and I don't need to go. They're all racists."

But, isn't that the very definition of prejudice? You've never been there or met them, but you've judged them already? And judged they're all the same, with no differences?

"Um, like, what?"
Jewish Members of the U.S. Senate


Present U.S. Jewish Senators

Carl Levin D-MI 1979-
Arlen Specter R/D-PA* 1981
Frank Lautenberg D-NJ 1982-2001, 2003-
Herb Kohl D-WI 1989-
Joseph Lieberman D/I-CT** 1989-
Dianne Feinstein D-CA 1992-
Barbara Boxer D-CA 1992-
Russ Feingold D-WI 1993-
Ron Wyden D-OR 1996-
Charles Schumer D-NY 1999-
Norm Coleman R-MN 2003-
Benjamin Cardin D-MD 2007-
Bernard Sanders I-VT 2007-
Michael Bennet D-CO 2009-
Al Franken D-MN 2009-

House of Reps

Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
Representative Howard Berman (California)
Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
Representative Susan Davis (California)
Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
Representative Bob Filner (California)
Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts)
Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
Representative Alan Grayson (Florida)
Representative Jane Harman (California)
Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
Representative Steve Israel (New York)
Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
Representative Adam Schiff (California)
Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
Representative Brad Sherman (California)
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
Representative Henry Waxman (California)
Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)

And Rahm and Axelrod pretty much pull all the strings in the White House, while Bernanke fills the pockets of his Jewish banker friends.

But it's crazy to suggest that Jews have disproportionate influence, right?

It makes you wonder how many Jews you'd have to have in power before anyone would admit that Jews have a lot of power. If there's no such quantum, we have no reason to take the Jewish power-deniers seriously.

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