John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

If Trump was on trial, went before a Trump-appointed judge, and / or had 3 - 4 Trump supporters on the jury you snowflakes would be squealing like stuck pigs.

If he was found innocent, everyone knows what you would be doing...AGAIN:

If Trump was on trial, went before a Trump-appointed judge, and / or had 3 - 4 Trump supporters on the jury you snowflakes would be squealing like stuck pigs.

If he was found innocent, everyone knows what you would be doing...AGAIN:

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Relax bro, Trump will never be on trial for anything....just like Hillary.....

But it does seem like Trump is a lot weaker than she is tho...sad
So glad justice was served.

I read the whole charge and everything and knew that Durham was just wanting to charge something because he couldn't find anything.

Justice is served.

Yep. Durham should have been fired the day Biden was sworn in. This should never have been allowed to continue. Garland now needs to fire Durham, and he needs to do it today, as in right now. This farce is over.
Relax bro, Trump will never be on trial for anything....just like Hillary.....

But it does seem like Trump is a lot weaker than she is tho...sad
How so?

Trump beat:
Fang Fang Swalwell

....and all of the above were proven to have committed Conspiracy, Treason, Perjury, illegal spying, etc....

Hillary, Obama, and Biden will go down in history as ha ing participated in the largest criminal political scandal in US history

Pelosi will go down in history as the most corrupt, criminal Speaker in history who attempted 2 Impeachments based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and during which Democrats were caught criminally manufacturing false / bogus evidense.

...and the failed criminal traitors are STILL trying to get him.

Yep. Durham should have been fired the day Biden was sworn in.
I remember people saying tbe same thing about how Trump should have fired Comey when he took over...

...and you hypocritical, whiny ass snowflakes declared that would have been grounds for Impeachment for interfering in an ongoing investigation, blah, blah, blah....

Thanks for reminding us all what big hypocrites you lefties are and how Democrats prefer to play by their own rules.

They didn't let it happen. They moved for every one of those jurors to be stricken, but the judge refused. One of them, when asked if he could listed to the evidence and the judge's instructions and be objective, wouldn't even say yes, he said he would try. Let me tell you this, speaking as a trial lawyer, that answer is insufficient to avoid being stricken for cause in any courtroom I've ever stepped foot in.
Didn't durham have peremptory challanges?
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Just because you are a follower sheep who would compromise himself for any freak that comes along doesn't mean it is true of all the jurors.
They didn't let it happen. They moved for every one of those jurors to be stricken, but the judge refused.
Who was on the jury and how did they vote and what was their political veiws.
FACT, dumbass.

You CAN'T handlethetruth!
Fact my white ass. You're a fucking joke. You say you know who was on the jury. That's not released till after the verdict.

Durham has a weak case from the get go.

You guys are morons.

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