John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Name them. And if you do name them then you had infor action that the judge didn't even have. Because those names are private.
The news was reporting the fact that there were 4 Hillary supporters on the jury before the trial started, lil' paranoid, triggered, racist, homophobic, anti-Semite.

And do your own research, you lazy, pathetic snowflake.
So glad justice was served.

I read the whole charge and everything and knew that Durham was just wanting to charge something because he couldn't find anything.

Justice is served.
It's not justice when you have two separate legal systems. It's very clear the deep state needs to be removed and it will take a second amendment solution.
How so?

Trump beat:
Fang Fang Swalwell

....and all of the above were proven to have committed Conspiracy, Treason, Perjury, illegal spying, etc....

Hillary, Obama, and Biden will go down in history as ha ing participated in the largest criminal political scandal in US history

Pelosi will go down in history as the most corrupt, criminal Speaker in history who attempted 2 Impeachments based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and during which Democrats were caught criminally manufacturing false / bogus evidense.

...and the failed criminal traitors are STILL trying to get him.

Because ........more than 5 or 6 years after whining "Lock Her Up" like some bitches..ABSOLUTELY ZERO HAS HAPPENED TO HER.....which makes her so much more powerful than him that you morons had your panties moist for some guy who is remotely connected to her in some way to be convicted...and that didn't even happen....

Trump had his own personal lawyer and 4 or 5 of his top advisors CONVICTED -- by his own handpicked Attorney generals...yall are weak powerless cucks...

And he is still whining to this day about Biden stealing the election ..and aint produced a single shred of proof or got a single person arrested for it...which basically tells me, Biden bitch-slapped Trump like a prostitute short on the money...

No wonder yall cucks worship him...he is the epitome of fragile mediocre Conservatism..

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😂 Sorry we can't understand your whining and crying and snowflake ass on this. 😂😂
Wow, couldn't come up with anything on your own so you had to pull a Biden by plagiarizing....

I'm surprised you aren't spewing more of your racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic comments like in the other thread.

You're not ready to run with the big dogs - better stay on the porch, lil' pup.
Wow, couldn't come up with anything on your own so you had to pull a Biden by plagiarizing....

I'm surprised you aren't spewing more of your racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic comments like in the other thread.

You're not ready to run with the big dogs - better stay on the porch, lil' pup.
Back your statements up with some facts.

You are just a conspiracy humping bitch.
Because that's what a cultist does, when reality (once again) does not align with his cult fantasies: He claims the world is a big conspiracy against him. Really base level, mental disorder stuff.
What the fuck are you talking about?

Go back and re-read my comments and the comments they were in response to, dumbass. You're completely off point.
The charge was weak to begin with. Durham just wanted to charge anything and get headlines.

He played you fools once again.

Liberals knew this a month ago.
It was an open and shut case under normal, fair circumstances. He lied to the FBI when he went to the FBI and said he was just a concerned citizen coming in on his own, then billed the Hitlery campaign for that time.

You are just a leftist hack lemming who has zero critical thinking skills.
Yep. Durham should have been fired the day Biden was sworn in. This should never have been allowed to continue. Garland now needs to fire Durham, and he needs to do it today, as in right now. This farce is over.
You sound scared.
There is no more investigation. It's over. And what happened with Comey doesn't compare with this case. Trump lost. He doesn't have a DOJ anymore. That belongs to Joe Biden now. The fact a prosecutor appointed by a former attorney general being allowed to continue an investigation into another administration, should never have been allowed to continue.

Durham should not have a job for one more minute, as of right now.
You sound scared too.
Because ........more than 5 or 6 years after whining "Lock Her Up" like some bitches..ABSOLUTELY ZERO HAS HAPPENED TO HER.....which makes her so much more powerful than him that you morons had your panties moist for some guy who is remotely connected to her in some way to be convicted...and that didn't even happen....

Trump had his own personal lawyer and 4 or 5 of his top advisors CONVICTED -- by his own handpicked Attorney generals...yall are weak powerless cucks...

And he is still whining to this day about Biden stealing the election ..and aint produced a single shred of proof or got a single person arrested for it...which basically tells me, Biden bitch-slapped Trump like a prostitute short on the money...

No wonder yall cucks worship him...he is the epitome of fragile mediocre Conservatism..

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Do all of you snowflakes emotionally rant while avoiding facts and reality this much?

FYI, snowflake, Hillary was never on trial here.

Sussmann -- the guy who billed Hlary for 2 flash drives he had bought and billed Hillary for the hour he met with FBI Lawyer Baker during which time he handed 2 flash drives filled with Russian Bank Connection BS the FBI testified they already knew was fake - was on trial.

Perhaps Sussmann's crime was illegally billing Hillary for an hour during which time he was NOT representing Hlary.

Still, the flash drives he charged Hillary for contained false information about the Russoan Bank Connection, information Hillary's own campaign manager testified Hillary knew about and about which Hillary gave her permission to Sussman. for him to take to the FBI.

Obama and the FBI reportedly were already briefed Hillary was going to pu this very scandal before the election...and damned, by coincidence according to you snowflakes, if she didn't do it, using Sussmann as her 'bag man' to deliver the goods.

For Sussmann NOT o be huty would take so many coincidences it would be statistically impossible.


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