John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI


Do all of you snowflakes emotionally rant while avoiding facts and reality this much?

FYI, snowflake, Hillary was never on trial here.

Sussmann -- the guy who billed Hlary for 2 flash drives he had bought and billed Hillary for the hour he met with FBI Lawyer Baker during which time he handed 2 flash drives filled with Russian Bank Connection BS the FBI testified they already knew was fake - was on trial.

Perhaps Sussmann's crime was illegally billing Hillary for an hour during which time he was NOT representing Hlary.

Still, the flash drives he charged Hillary for contained false information about the Russoan Bank Connection, information Hillary's own campaign manager testified Hillary knew about and about which Hillary gave her permission to Sussman. for him to take to the FBI.

Obama and the FBI reportedly were already briefed Hillary was going to pu this very scandal before the election...and damned, by coincidence according to you snowflakes, if she didn't do it, using Sussmann as her 'bag man' to deliver the goods.

For Sussmann NOT o be huty would take so many coincidences it would be statistically impossible.

Hillary was never on trial...ever.....nor was anyone close to her....

And this was with her testifying under oath for 10 folks will suffer 3 strokes and a seizure if you found out Trump had to testify under oath for 10 minutes...

However, I was told she was the most corrupt human being ever....even responsible for the murder of 92932737 people..and not a single charge...

Trump had half his admin indicted during his first year in office...why is he so weak?
At least 3 Hitlery donors.
1 AOC donor.

A a juror whose daughter plays HS sports, and is friends with, the defendants daughter.

The fact you still refuse to accept reality just exposes what a non-thinking hack you are.


'No, no, nooooo....I'm not listening lalalalalala....make the bad man and his facts go away ... I'm offended.....just think 'safe space'....

These snowflakes are so entertaining to watch

Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Acquitted! Thank you
You do know that only 5% of folks in DC voted for Trump, don't you? What are the odds that a person selected at random would have voted for Trump out of that pool of voters? Hilarious.
Change of venue should have been requested....of course the judge would have just denied it.
Sussman was her lawyer, you dumbass. He literally billed her for his services.

Sorry, 3rd strike - you're out.

He wasn't her PERSONAL LAWYER OF 13 YEARS......and he didn't get convicted...and then admitted that the person he worked for is a corrupt incompetent imbecile....and a racist

Now back to this lawyer being found not mad bro??

And with all of the allegations that Clinton did everything from murdered hundreds of people to forced Trump's DOJ to investigate Trump....the gist of this case was that an FBI lawyer was too dumb to fact check what was being told to him...
The Press helped in this Hillary and the FBI scandal by promoting the Russian Collusion "misinformation" to damage Trump.
Every one of you reality-denying, fact-denying. whiny snowflakes.

Reality is that he was acquitted...and Hillary is still unbothered....

Trump is currently talking about how he felt his own VP should have been executed...he seems terribly bothered...

Now back to this lawyer being found not mad bro??.

How could I be mad when everyone - whether they admit it or not - knew this would be the outcome when they heard 4 Clinton Supporters were on the jury?!

You seem agitated that someone is challenging your delusions. You should probably take a trip to your 'safe space'.

How could I be mad when everyone - whether they admit it or not - knew this would be the outcome when they heard 4 Clinton Supporters were on the jury?!

You seem agitated that someone is challenging your delusions. You should probably take a trip to your 'safe space'.

That doesn't make sense, dummy, as all jurors were in agreement.
How could I be mad when everyone - whether they admit it or not - knew this would be the outcome when they heard 4 Clinton Supporters were on the jury?!

You seem agitated that someone is challenging your delusions. You should probably take a trip to your 'safe space'.

So when I seen you on here being all giddy about the Durham investigation years and years ago -- you were just being full of shit??
Reality is that he was acquitted...and Hillary is still unbothered....

No one has said differently, bro.
They just pointed out that 4 Hillary supporters on the jury played more of a part in that acquittal than did the testimony and evidence.

You mad, bro? :p
No one has said differently, bro.
They just pointed out that 4 Hillary supporters on the jury played more of a part in that acquittal than did the testimony and evidence.

You mad, bro? :p
Remember when you folks thought having a Trump supporting VP meant he would overturn the 2020 election -- and he didn't...

Is that because Hillary was so powerful that she had more control over Trump's own VP than Trump did?

But apparently, if jurors donated to a person's campaign...that is all it takes......

Who are the 4 jurors who did that again?? and what did the other jurors decide??
So when I seen you on here being all giddy about the Durham investigation years and years ago -- you were just being full of shit??
Thank you for that pathetic snowflake attempted translation / false accusation; however, like the other snowflakes who try to do so, you SUCK at trying to speak for me.

'Giddy', me? No, I am a realist.

So many Democrats have been exposed for having committed crimes in their failed, seditious, treasonous, criminal attempts to take down Trump yet were never brought to justice that I came to the sad reality that none of them would ever be brought to justice for participating in the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

I never expected Schiff or Fang Fang Swalwell to be charged for their perjury and criminal manufactoring and submission of false evidence in Pelosi's bogus faux coup Impeachment attempts.

Just as I never expected Hillary to be charged with her crimes after Comey declared to the world Hillary had broken laws but was too stupid to know she was doing it.

Just as I never expect Pelosi to be charged for engaging in criminal Insider trading... again...which she admitted to.

Democrats play by their own rules and don't believe laws apply to them.

If you don't accept the reality of can become triggered and you snowflakes. Next thing you know. you're running outside with the other loons, screaming at the sky.


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