John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Remember when you were so giddy about the Durham investigation that you were dumb enough to think this would result in something happening to Biden?

And now here you are, trying to save face and calling everyone else triggered just because we are laughing at you??

View attachment 652388 are a clown....
I don't remember that.

Can you quote his posts?
Remember when you were so giddy about the Durham investigation that you were dumb enough to think this would result in something happening to Biden?

And now here you are, trying to save face and calling everyone else triggered just because we are laughing at you??

View attachment 652388 are a clown....
I would love to focus on nothing but you. repeatedly attempting to claim you have the ability to tell what someone is feeling or that you can speak for others, but I have a rule about NOT enabling triggered, delusional, mentally unstable snowflakes.

If one does so the next thing you know they are looting, burning, destroying, threatening USSC Justices, and fire bombing those who oppose their delusions and agendas.

If you are lucky, they just run outside in large groups and scream at the sky:


...good luck with that.
Reality is that he was acquitted...and Hillary is still unbothered....

Trump is currently talking about how he felt his own VP should have been executed...he seems terribly bothered...

Apparently he was found not guilty of lying to the FBI, not that he didn't do anything wrong.
'I am here as a concerned citizen, not representing anyone ... but I am billing my client for this hour we're meeting ... and for the 2 USB flash drives I am giving you now.'

Hell, sounds innocent to me.

Yep. Durham should have been fired the day Biden was sworn in. This should never have been allowed to continue. Garland now needs to fire Durham, and he needs to do it today, as in right now. This farce is over.
Its only beginning.....the truth is only beginning Dimmer.
That's too bad.... I was looking forward to another lawyer draped over a memorial cannon in a federal park, with a double-tap suicide to the back of the head.

Hillury still commands fear in the swamp.... they universally despise that satanic shit beast, but they respect her soulless psychopathy.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Durham admitted his case was week. He did not want the trial to start until late summer. Sussman wanted it in May.
This outcome was guaranteed before the trial ever began when they loaded the jury pool with Hillary donors and supporters.

Thanks to this bitch and other Democrats, our government and Judicial system resembles that of a corrupt 3rd world nation.

Of course they did not. The case did not involve Hillary Clinton.
Its only beginning.....the truth is only beginning Dimmer.
Just Beginning?

We have already learned:

Obama wS briefed Hillary was going to pull this scam before the election...

As briefed, Hillary sent Sussman. to the FBI with the Russian Bank Connection BS AND worked with Susion GPS and her lawfirm to create the Russian Collusion BS

We know Obama, Biden, and their criminal agencies / Directors took it over and ran with it

We know Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the rest engaged in the biggest criminal political scandal in US history

We know Pelosi is responsible for 2 faux failed coup Impeachments based admittedly on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnessed
-- She argued that Impeachments do jot have to be based on crimes

We know Schiff and Swalwell illegally manufactured/ modified and submitted false evidence in both Impeachments

Holy Crap...if we are only just beginning I can't wait to see what comes out next
It's not a big deal.
Even if the jury did the right thing, the Left would still deny it.
The trial made the point that Hillary, the Democrats and the FBI are corrupt.
The Democrat Party's crimes undermine our constitutional republic.
The FBI needs to be cleaned out of these political driven people.
The FBI is supposed to be protecting the public, not these corrupt Democrat politicians.

It is the Republican Party that is criminal. They inspire mass murderers.
Turley is nothing but Trump trash. There is no evidence of this/. If I were a juror, I would sue him and Fox for slander.
No, they knew the ID for the jury panel.

Turley is a dem, and great legal mind.

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