John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

Of course they did not. The case did not involve Hillary Clinton.
No, only her lawyer - who received Hillary's 'green light' to take the Russian propaganda to Baker and the FBI (according to Hillary's campaign manager), who billed Hillary for the hour he met with Baker and for the 2 USB drives he bought, filled with Russian Bank Connection BS Hillary knew about, and gave to Baker.

Seriously, do you snowflakes stop and think before you post this unintelligible dribble?
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

This two tiered justice system totally rocks.
Just Beginning?

We have already learned:

Obama wS briefed Hillary was going to pull this scam before the election...

As briefed, Hillary sent Sussman. to the FBI with the Russian Bank Connection BS AND worked with Susion GPS and her lawfirm to create the Russian Collusion BS

We know Obama, Biden, and their criminal agencies / Directors took it over and ran with it

We know Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the rest engaged in the biggest criminal political scandal in US history

We know Pelosi is responsible for 2 faux failed coup Impeachments based admittedly on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnessed
-- She argued that Impeachments do jot have to be based on crimes

We know Schiff and Swalwell illegally manufactured/ modified and submitted false evidence in both Impeachments

Holy Crap...if we are only just beginning I can't wait to see what comes out next
I hope its the beginning of ramming this rhetoric home every day for skews and the gang.
Apparently he was found not guilty of lying to the FBI, not that he didn't do anything wrong.
Small victories I guess, bro......

but since Trumpers are pretending to care about "wrong" and right.....

......would demanding a VP overturn an election be wrong or no??

Sussman not telling some FBI lawyer that he worked for the Clinton campaign even tho the FBI KNEW he worked for the not the "wrong" you claim it is bro
Small victories I guess, bro......

but since Trumpers are pretending to care about "wrong" and right.....

......would demanding a VP overturn an election be wrong or no??

Sussman not telling some FBI lawyer that he worked for the Clinton campaign even tho the FBI KNEW he worked for the not the "wrong" you claim it is bro
Trying to hijack the thread, 'bro'? Scraping the bottom of the barrel in defense of the 'Clintonista Crime Syndicate'...
Pathetic...and against USMB rules. Then again you leftists have your own rules / laws.

If Trump was on trial, went before a Trump-appointed judge, and / or had 3 - 4 Trump supporters on the jury you snowflakes would be squealing like stuck pigs.

If he was found innocent, everyone knows what you would be doing...AGAIN:

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We told you from the beginning it was a bullshit charge that would go nowhere. Now you're acting all butthurt that he was found not guilty.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

And this comes as no surprise to no one, DC is corrupt to its core.

Might as well had Hilliary on the jury. This was rigged from fay 1 and all for a show.

Admiral Rogers had enough documented crimes that wed have to build new jails. System is corrupt to hell.

Only one answer left when theyown the courts and police.

Walking tall was a great movie
Trying to hijack the thread, 'bro'? Scraping the bottom of the barrel in defense of the 'Clintonista Crime Syndicate'...
Pathetic...and against USMB rules. Then again you leftists have your own rules / laws.


The Clinton Crime Syndicate????? Name one thing that ANY of the Clintons have been charged with.

25 plus investigations with no charges, say that you're an idiot for calling the Clintons criminals.
Trying to hijack the thread, 'bro'? Scraping the bottom of the barrel in defense of the 'Clintonista Crime Syndicate'...
Pathetic...and against USMB rules. Then again you leftists have your own rules / laws.

is the Mike Lindell investigation going to finally bring down the Clintons bro??
We told you from the beginning it was a bullshit charge that would go nowhere. Now you're acting all butthurt that he was found not guilty.
He clearly lied to the FBI. The evidence showed exactly that. This jury wasn't going to convict him if he got up there and confessed.

You are a dumbass.
Might as well had Hilliary on the jury. This was rigged from fay 1 and all for a show.

Admiral Rogers had enough documented crimes that wed have to build new jails. System is corrupt to hell.

Only one answer left when theyown the courts and police.

Walking tall was a great movie
Special whining reserved for when reality does not align with the cult fantasies. Which is often.

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