John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

remember people saying tbe same thing about how Trump should have fired Comey when he took over...

...and you hypocritical, whiny ass snowflakes declred that would have been grounds for Impeachment for interfering in an ongoing investigation, blah, blah, blah....

Thanks for reminding us all what big hypocrites you lefties are and how Democrats prefer to play by their own rules.


There is no more investigation. It's over. And what happened with Comey doesn't compare with this case. Trump lost. He doesn't have a DOJ anymore. That belongs to Joe Biden now. The fact a prosecutor appointed by a former attorney general being allowed to continue an investigation into another administration, should never have been allowed to continue.

Durham should not have a job for one more minute, as of right now.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Lol, ya know jury pools are selected at random right. Hilarious. More butt hurt on the right.
Just because you are a follower sheep who would compromise himself for any freak that comes along doesn't mean it is true of all the jurors.
'Follower Sheep'??


Have you read this bitch's rap sheep, her and her WH oval office sex / pedophile husband?

Charles Manson is in a jail cell watching 'Bonnie and Clyde's' criminal career and wondering how the f* he is still in prison and these 2 'Teflon Dons' are still running around free.
Who was on the jury and how did they vote and what was their political veiws.

Fact my white ass. You're a fucking joke. You say you know who was on the jury. That's not released till after the verdict.

Durham has a weak case from the get go.

You guys are morons.
I already answered that. I'm not playing your game troll. Do you realize you have posted over 2,000 messages in a month? At that rate you are posting more often than moonglow and rightwinger, the two most prolific time wasters in the history of this forum. Congratulations, you have no life. Leave me out of it.

It's also against forum rules to edit someone's Post in a quote. Do it again and I will report it. Or just completely ignore me preferably.
'Follower Sheep'??


Have you read this bitch's rap sheep, her and her WH oval office sex / pedophile husband?

Charles Manson is in a jail cell watching 'Bonnie and Clyde's' criminal career and wondering how the f* he is still in prison and these 2 'Teflon Dons' are still running around free.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over all of that embarrassing failure.
There is no more investigation. It's over. And what happened with Comey doesn't compare with this case. Trump lost. He doesn't have a DOJ anymore. That belongs to Joe Biden now. The fact a prosecutor appointed by a former attorney general being allowed to continue an investigation into another administration, should never have been allowed to continue.

Durham should not have a job for one more minute, as of right now.

I'm tired of winning.
Just because you are a follower sheep who would compromise himself for any freak that comes along doesn't mean it is true of all the jurors.
Yeah, the Trumpbots have to attack the jurors. But Sussman had a rational defense about why he went to the FBI as a private citizen. The burden is on the State to prove guilt beyond a reas doubt.

If you think Flynn got jammed up, that's nothing compared to what they did to Sussman. Durham appears to be as much a shit as Ken Starr of perhaps Walsh .. who just couldn't bring it to a close, Lol

The real thing we learned was not actually a legal issue. Hillary Clinton gave the media a story about Trump having Russia money ties that were part of a quid pro. That's not too cool, but Trump was asking Putin to hack her emails. LOL. Not THAT's never happened before.
😂 More conspiracy theories. You guys are a hoot.
This was the most blatant example of a political dirt trick I've ever seen, Handle. The Clinton Campaign and the DNC literally paid someone to concoct a set of fictional "dossiers" and then used connections in the media and the Justice Department to not only make them public right before an election but to lend credence to what was IN the "dossiers"! It was a total smear job and you know it!

That's Democrats LYING to the American people when they were about to go to the polls to pick the next Leader of the Free World! That's Democrats using the FISA Court against their political opponent and lying to those FISA Court judges to make that happen!

The fact that a liberally biased Jury from the most liberally biased city in the nation, presided over by a liberally biased judge, didn't find Sussman guilty of lying to the FBI doesn't mean that he didn't do so BECAUSE IT'S OBVIOUS HE simply means that there was no justice in that court. Gloat all you want over this doesn't change what happened.
Who was on the jury and how did they vote and what was their political veiws.

Fact my white ass. You're a fucking joke. You say you know who was on the jury. That's not released till after the verdict.

Durham has a weak case from the get go.

You guys are morons.
Hey dumbass, the very fact that 4 Hillary supporters were on the jury was a massive conflict of interest and justice that should have never been allowed. You would know this if you didn't have your head so far up your own, Hillaey's, and the Democrat Party' ass ... and if you weren't so triggered right now.
These losers were fooled once again by right wing radio and media. You gotta wonder when these idiots would get tired of losing and looking like idiots.
Well some folks thought Trump would be frog marched in chains from the WH .... so.
Yeah, the Trumpbots have to attack the jurors. But Sussman had a rational defense about why he went to the FBI as a private citizen. The burden is on the State to prove guilt beyond a reas doubt.

If you think Flynn got jammed up, that's nothing compared to what they did to Sussman. Durham appears to be as much a shit as Ken Starr of perhaps Walsh .. who just couldn't bring it to a close, Lol

The real thing we learned was not actually a legal issue. Hillary Clinton gave the media a story about Trump having Russia money ties that were part of a quid pro. That's not too cool, but Trump was asking Putin to hack her emails. LOL. Not THAT's never happened before.
And trump will be begging Putin more and more in the future. Putin is trump go to.
Hillary Clinton gave the media a story about Trump having Russia money ties that were part of a quid pro.
And then we learned that Putin and Trump were sharing in a lie to the American people about Trump Tower Moscow. That's a career-ender right there, for any other presidential candidate.
Hey dumbass, the very fact that 4 Hillary supporters were on the jury was a massive conflict of interest and justice that should have never been allowed. You would know this if you didn't have your head so far up your own, Hillaey's, and the Democrat Party' ass ... and if you weren't so triggered right now.

Name them. And if you do name them then you had infor action that the judge didn't even have. Because those names are private.
Sorry, I couldn't hear you over all of that embarrassing failure.
In other words, the poor, fragile, easily offended snowflake returned to his safe space to avoid the harsh, bruising truth.

No worries - I am used to dealing with a lot of reality denying triggered snowflakes on this board.
In other words, the poor, fragile, easily offended snowflake returned to his safe space to avoid the harsh, bruising truth.

No worries - I am used to dealing with a lot of reality denying triggered snowflakes on this board.
😂 Sorry we can't understand your whining and crying and snowflake ass on this. 😂😂

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