John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI

And STILL the jury found Sussman not guilty. Prove that the trial was rigged. Oh wait, you can't. :heehee:
You obviously don't know the meaning of the word "still" in this context. It means "despite," dingbat.

Yes, we can prove the trial was rigged. The proof has been posted multiple times in this thread.
You obviously don't know the meaning of the word "still" in this context. It means "despite," dingbat.

Yes, we can prove the trial was rigged. The proof has been posted multiple times in this thread.
Still waiting for you to prove the trial was rigged. And, you sure can lie, can't you? No proof has been provided at all in this thread.
Unbelievable! Based on the instructions to the jury, this is not a surprise ( the judge told the jury that the text message was not admissible). The trial was held in Democrat DC, presided over by a Democrat judge, and decided by a jury of Democrats. The outcome of the was determined before the trail began. Now that he is acquitted the MSM will spin it that all of the related allegations are false.

Bye bye Russiagate. Now Trump can forget about this great win for Hillary and go back to doing what he does best, lying his ass off! Bigly!!!

And no one can explain away any of my questions...

Can anyone tell me why the FBI has an Office in the Perkins-Coie law Firm, who is the lead counsel for the DNC?

Who thinks that this is a good idea? Why has it gone on so long? What is the roll of this office?

No one can explain away why Pelosi refused to take the proper protective posture offered by Trump.

No one can explain why Pelosi would have allowed people to be waived in by CHP, given she was informed by the FBI of the threat potential and what process was going on in the HOR (validation of the electoral college votes).

No one can explain why Pelosi and her SAA reduced the police staff prior to this day..

Why did Pelosi do these things? What plausible explanation is there for doing this?

The Sussman trial exposed a lot of things than need to be addressed. And it all starts with the incestuous relationship between the DNC, Perkins-Coie, and the FBI
Still waiting for you to prove the trial was rigged. And, you sure can lie, can't you? No proof has been provided at all in this thread.
Thats easy...
The DOJ slow walked the releases of critical evidence. The judge disallowed Sussman's unsolicited response in a text message due to the late release of the evidence. The fact that the Judge had major conflicts in interests. The fact that the jury had major conflicts in interests... The fact that a Juror nullified the actions of the jury right after the trial.. Shall I go on.. any one of these events should have caused a miss trial and a change of venue. Taken as a whole, this was a shame show.
The indictment alleges that Sussmann lied in the meeting, “falsely stating to the General Counsel that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client.”

Durham, in his Monday filing, writes that Sussmann “had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients,” including Tech Executive-1, who has been identified as Rodney Joffe, and the Clinton campaign.

…”Indeed, on September 18, 2016 at 7:24 p.m., i.e., the night before the defendant met with the General Counsel, the defendant conveyed the same lie in writing and sent the following text message to the General Counsel’s personal cellphone,” Durham wrote in the filing.

The text message, according to Durham, stated: “Jim—it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau. Thanks.”

Baker replied: “Ok. I will find a time. What might work for you?”

^^^^^^Looks contemporaneous to me^^^^^^^


That text clears Sussmann of lying.
And no one can explain away any of my questions...

Can anyone tell me why the FBI has an Office in the Perkins-Coie law Firm, who is the lead counsel for the DNC?

Who thinks that this is a good idea? Why has it gone on so long? What is the roll of this office?

No one can explain away why Pelosi refused to take the proper protective posture offered by Trump.

No one can explain why Pelosi would have allowed people to be waived in by CHP, given she was informed by the FBI of the threat potential and what process was going on in the HOR (validation of the electoral college votes).

No one can explain why Pelosi and her SAA reduced the police staff prior to this day..

Why did Pelosi do these things? What plausible explanation is there for doing this?

The Sussman trial exposed a lot of things than need to be addressed. And it all starts with the incestuous relationship between the DNC, Perkins-Coie, and the FBI
Sounds like you are trying to prove that Durham was a sucky prosecutor.
Sounds like you are trying to prove that Durham was a sucky prosecutor.
I clearly laid out that the judge was not trustworthy. The Judge denied the request for change of venue. This stinks to high heaven of judicial malfeasance.
It doesn't matter. It's hard evidence that he lied. The judge is obviously a sleazy dishonest douchebag.

Nostra posted this is the text...

Jim—it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau. Thanks.

... where's the lie?
The irony here being Billy the Bagman assigned Durham to prove the Russia investigation was a witch hunt. Now Durham's investigation has become one.

John Durham, the special counsel appointed days before the 2020 election by Donald Trump’s attorney general William Barr, just lost the only trial he has brought to date in his long tenure. A Washington jury took only about six hours yesterday to acquit lawyer Michael Sussmann of making a false statement to the FBI.

Durham’s loss was one more egg laid in the fetid henhouse where Barr first enlisted Durham to nest in May 2019, tasking him with proving the truth of a lie—Donald Trump’s favorite disinformation campaign at the time, that the FBI’s 2016 Trump-Russia investigation was a “witch hunt.” In October 2020, seventeen months after that initial assignment, Barr made Durham a special counsel—which meant that, no matter the outcome of the 2020 election, Durham’s investigation would continue, since special counsels are virtually unremovable. And so it has been: More than sixteen months into the Biden administration, the DOJ remains saddled with Durham.

Good Lord you are one stupid person.

The text was a lie. Do you think he went in the next day and said "I was just joking in my text, I'm actually being paid by Hitlery right now to come in here and give these two thumb drives of Russian lies to you"? If so, produce your evidence he said that instead of claiming once again he was just there as a concerned citizen.

Are you really that stupid?

Where is the lie?

Jim—it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau. Thanks.
I clearly laid out that the judge was not trustworthy. The Judge denied the request for change of venue. This stinks to high heaven of judicial malfeasance.
The evidence did not support the charge. Full stop. The jury foreman said the charges were a waste of time and resources.......which is exactly right.

Face it. The attempt to make turn the Russia investigation in to something it wasn't........Durham's task........has failed.
I clearly laid out that the judge was not trustworthy. The Judge denied the request for change of venue. This stinks to high heaven of judicial malfeasance.
You didn't "clearly laid out" anything. You don't like the result and now you are like the sports fan whining about the refs. Durham FAILED. :heehee:
Dayum, are all Catholics as racist as you?

Why am I still waiting for you to post how you know they're uneducated? Or obese? Or on welfare?

Hey Mashmont, why am I still waiting for your proof to show you know those jurors' education, weight, or that they're on welfare.

If you can't say, you prove you made that up because you're racist.
Still waiting for you to prove the trial was rigged. And, you sure can lie, can't you? No proof has been provided at all in this thread.
I don't need to prove it. The evidence was on display. The jury forum even admitted that they engaged in jury nullification.

Do you actually believe I'm going to play this stupid game with a moron like you?
Nostra posted this is the text...

Jim—it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau. Thanks.

... where's the lie?

I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau.

Big fat lie. He billed Hillary for his time visiting the FBI.
"Show me the conviction"
Not only did the jury unanimously and promptly reject the feeble charge. It was directed at a dude who was accused by Durham of lying to the FBI, when the target of Durham's three-year witch hunt had been the FBI on which he could contrive nothing.

Durham's efforts merely confirmed and discredited one of the Cry Baby Loser's flaunted paranoid victim cards.

Loser'll just double down on his pathetic lies in his vendetta-driven grievance jamborees that serve as loser therapy sessions.

Here we have a case where the prosecutors proved guilt beyond ANY doubt...used the defendant's own text messages.

Worst jury, worst judge, worst verdict of any high-profile case in the past decade.

Seriously, can anyone name a worse jury verdict in the news?

And one might note that the Press was absolutely NEUROTIC about concealing the demographic makeup of the jury. I wonder why that was. (Actually I don't wonder at all).

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