John Durham Case Update: Jury Finds Michael Sussmann NOT guilty of lying to the FBI


I’m coming on my own—not on behalf of a client or company—want to help the Bureau.

Big fat lie. He billed Hillary for his time visiting the FBI.

Fucking moron, he billed Hillary to meet with the FBI?? Where's your evidence of that?
Hey Mashmont, why am I still waiting for your proof to show you know those jurors' education, weight, or that they're on welfare.

If you can't say, you prove you made that up because you're racist.
That so-called christian ignores the Commandment against lying.
The real interesting case will be the russian agent that clinton hired who lied to the fbi
Rigged elections and rigged juries.
That's the Democrat way.
Indeed,the OP nailed it,couldnt have been a worst jury verdict ever sense i wouldnt say oj simpson trial,the rodney king versict of the cops being found not guilty. that was the worst jury verdict ever until NOW,this one gots even that one beat.
as always,when you cant counter facts,you shoot the messenger like the coward you are.
there is no fact to counter...your dumb ass actually believe "lying to the FBI" is as bad as murdering 2 people...this is why we call you have to rely on goofy ass hyperbole because facts aint on your side...

The jury ALL DECIDED he did not commit the crime.....and whatever crime you believe he committed wasn't the same as murdering 2 people......if it was, you should be outraged that Mike Flynn was pardoned for ACTUALLY CONFESSING TO LYING TO THE FBI...

and to make you idiots look even more pathetic...the whole point of this so-called Durham investigation was to imply the FBI were the ones who were the criminals...yet the only charge he took to trial paints the FBI as the God you folks are absolute morons...
Name that jury member who admitted that.....

What she did, her statement is jury nullification.

However, a statement from a juror immediately after the verdict fueled speculation of the impact of juror bias. According to the Washington Times’ Jeff Mordock, the juror reportedly said “I don’t think it should have been prosecuted. There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI.”

I don't need to prove it. The evidence was on display. The jury forum even admitted that they engaged in jury nullification.

Do you actually believe I'm going to play this stupid game with a moron like you?
He did no such thing. As you noted , "the evidence" was on display and what hew said was that considering that evidence...the case should have never come before the court.
jury nullification is when there is no evidence to support the verdict wanted by the Trumpistas. LOL
And Sussman was STILL found to be not guilty by a jury who heard all the evidence presented by Durham. What a shame that the Republican white-wingers put all their hopes on another FAILURE. :heehee:
Poor little lying bitch. Here’s reality troll. Friend of Sussman’s daughter on the jury. Judge refused to remove her. Judge refused to allow relevant evidence to be introduced. Two jurors have come out and said that lying to the FBI is NO BIG DEAL. Funny how assholes like them and you are okay with lying as long as it’s a Dem. it’s not over yet fatso. Another trial coming. What a shame you’re a fat, ignorant, racist troll loser.

Seriously, dumbass. You have been destroyed more times in this thread than the piece of pie in Groundhog Day. You really should just shut the fk up already. This is embarrassing to to watch.
No, you should STFU and never speak again. Nothing but lies and bullshit from you constantly. It’s embarrassing watching you assholes now say lying to the FBI is okay. The facts are destroying you libturds.
Poor little lying bitch. Here’s reality troll. Friend of Sussman’s daughter on the jury. Judge refused to remove her. Judge refused to allow relevant evidence to be introduced. Two jurors have come out and said that lying to the FBI is NO BIG DEAL. Funny how assholes like them and you are okay with lying as long as it’s a Dem. it’s not over yet fatso. Another trial coming. What a shame you’re a fat, ignorant, racist troll loser.

Wow, you are acting like a kid who didn't get what he wanted for Christmas.

Here's the problem with Durrrr-ham's case. He didn't charge Sussman with spreading lies about Trump. He charged him with lying about who he was working for. And the FBI was ALREADY investigating Trump and Alfa Bank, so he wasn't giving them anything they weren't already aware of.

They also admitted Sussman lied, meaning he was GUILTY. But they said lying to the FBI isn’t a big deal.

It isn't when the FBI is ALREADY INVESTIGATING what you told them about, no.

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