John Eastman now suggests that maybe he didn't write the Eastman memo


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Too funny and what a weasel! :heehee:

When Eastman spoke on 1/6, he echoed Giuliani’s claims regarding the conspiracy theory that voting machines had fraudulently changed the vote tallies in Georgia. “We now know, because we caught it live last time in real time, how the machines contributed to that fraud,” Eastman said of the Georgia Senate and 2020 presidential-election results. “They put those ballots in a secret folder in the machines, sitting there waiting until they know how many they need.”​
As for the electoral-vote tally at the Capitol, Eastman made the case that “all we are demanding of Vice President Pence is this afternoon at one o’clock he let the legislatures of the states look into this so that we get to the bottom of it and the American people know whether we have control of the direction of our government or not! We no longer live in a self-governing republic if we can’t get the answer to this question!”​
But Eastman now tells National Review in an interview that the first of the two strategies Giuliani highlighted on stage — having Pence reject electoral votes — was not “viable” and would have been “crazy” to pursue.​
What makes that admission remarkable is that Eastman was the author of the now-infamous legal memo making the case that Pence had that very power — that the vice president was the “ultimate arbiter” of deciding whether to count Electoral College votes.​
The two-page memo written by Eastman proposed that Pence reject certified Electoral College votes and then either declare Trump the winner or invalidate enough votes to send the election to the House of Representatives, where Republicans controlled a majority of delegations. That memo was first published in September in Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s book Peril.​

" having Pence reject electoral votes — was not “viable” and would have been “crazy” to pursue."

I don't get it. Why did he write the memo if he thought the idea of Pence rejecting the electoral votes was crazy?
" having Pence reject electoral votes — was not “viable” and would have been “crazy” to pursue."

I don't get it. Why did he write the memo if he thought the idea of Pence rejecting the electoral votes was crazy?
Heat of the moment?
" having Pence reject electoral votes — was not “viable” and would have been “crazy” to pursue."

I don't get it. Why did he write the memo if he thought the idea of Pence rejecting the electoral votes was crazy?

John Eastman doesn't get it either. Looks to me that he's either confused or attempting to avoid a subpoena. One thing for certain - he has no business practicing law.

Okay - So this is the brilliant Lauren Windsor talking to John “I din write it!” Eastman the day AFTER his National Review interview.

Prepare to lol! 🤣

Did y’all see this? Eastman blamed Mike Pence for the 1/6 WHILE the riot was going on. Now he claims that he never blamed Pence. Ehh - John, we HAVE THE EMAIL :rolleyes-41:
As a pro-Trump mob chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, one of Trump’s lawyers, John Eastman, sent an email to the vice-president’s top lawyer blaming him and Pence for the riot.​
“The ‘siege’ is because YOU and your boss did not do what was necessary to allow this to be aired in a public way so that the American people can see for themselves what happened,” Eastman wrote in an email to Greg Jacob, Pence’s lawyer. The email was sent while Jacob, Pence, and other Pence advisers were hunkered down under guard in a secure area after rioters attacked and entered the Capitol.​


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