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John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today; Would vote for Trump


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D
"John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today; Would vote for Trump"


The thread premise unwittingly admits to the fact that the GOP agenda is bankrupt of sound ideas and devoid of merit, offering the American people nothing but lies and personal attacks in an attempt to divide the American people.

The thread premise also unwittingly admits that the GOP is devoid of qualified candidates to run for president, hence the likes of Trump as the imminent nominee.
:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
"John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today; Would vote for Trump"


The thread premise unwittingly admits to the fact that the GOP agenda is bankrupt of sound ideas and devoid of merit, offering the American people nothing but lies and personal attacks in an attempt to divide the American people.

The thread premise also unwittingly admits that the GOP is devoid of qualified candidates to run for president, hence the likes of Trump as the imminent nominee.

Coming from someone like you that has a Bilderburg and CFR puppet like Hillary waving the rainbow colored "demcrat" flag,. your reply was hilarious and ironic all at the same time. I know that you avoid my posts at all costs lest I continue to expose you for the partisan, non-thinking shill that you are ....good move on your part...ignore the elephant in the room as I trounce all over your lame arguments to the amusement of others. You are like a prop...a very useful one.
:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
He sure as hell wouldn't have thrown his support to Hillary, her handlers are the same ones that had him killed....you see, I know more than you...FACT.

Love Dale Smith! Not sure if he's always being serious but for me he's one of the reasons I keep coming back to this place.

Kennedy would hate Trump, I'm pretty sure of that. His wife on the other hand.......
:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
He sure as hell wouldn't have thrown his support to Hillary, her handlers are the same ones that had him killed....you see, I know more than you...FACT.
sure you do.... :lol: :rolleyes:
When you have shunned TV and spent over 14,000 hours downloading books, listening to accredited researchers like Antony Sutton, get back to me. I am a friggin' sponge when it comes to soaking up information...a walking, talking encyclopedia of information and I have no loyalty to either political parties because I know that the body in the middle controls both sides. You would struggle massively to walk even a 100 yards in my shoes much less a mile. What I have learned has totally turned my belief system upside down and it opened my eyes up to how people are struggling to simply eek out an existence under this world wide tyrannical system that has made us all indentured debt slaves. I doubt that your frail shoulders could hold up under the weight of the things that I know.
Kennedy would kick the OP's premise up between its ears so that it could hear Kennedy thumping it.

What a stupid, stupid OP.

Kennedy was a cold warrior, not a neo-con; he was for national health care; he was for unions; he was for so many things that the TPM would crucify him for today.
There are some similarities between Donald and JFK.

Both had wealthy fathers that paved the way for their successes.

Both used their own money to get noticed at first.

The differences are probably greater than the likenesses.

JFK was a bonified war hero. Trump has only served himself.

JFK was elected a senator. Trump has never won an open election.

JFK was under spoken and polite in public. Trump is an egotistical loudmouth buffoon who bullies any that disagree with him..

I didn't like JFK for many reasons. He hid the fact that he had a serious debilitating illness and spinal malformation that required him to take an enormous amount of pain killer and speed to counter the drowsiness of the opiates. Khrushchev was afraid of JFK because he thought he was a drug crazed wacko. Like Trump JFK(his father) paid for many of his election victories. JFK made many morally bad choices in his personal life and while in office. He was a hopeless woman chaser which left him vulnerable to personal attack. He made Clinton look like an amateur.

JFK WAS a for real war hero as the Lt. operating the PT 109 his boat was mowed down by a Japanese frigate in the Pacific theater and he got his crew to safety swimming 20 miles or so pulling a wounded man along with him. It was an incredible act of perseverance, endurance and bravery.

Of course we know that the Donald would have done no such thing if he was ever in the service of his country.
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D
First quote: You are making a comparison between Cold war 1960's and a time where the US is the only remaining superpower. I don't believe for a second that Kenedy would have been alright with spending an exorbiant amount of money on defence when there's no current enemy. And I'm sorry but low lvl warfare against isis who have no real heavy weapons counts as an enemy.
Second quote: Trump is about the most divisive candidate in American history and routinely shows his inability to handle ANY type of critisism. if you've seen your typical republican debate you can't exactly claim that it's retoric has been highminded in fact it routinely has been just a bunch of ppl calling eachoter names.
Third quote: If you really believe that about the most centrist politician will in any way shape or form give the US its much need social reform, your either dumb, dishonest or simply misinformed.
:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
He sure as hell wouldn't have thrown his support to Hillary, her handlers are the same ones that had him killed....you see, I know more than you...FACT.

Love Dale Smith! Not sure if he's always being serious but for me he's one of the reasons I keep coming back to this place.

Kennedy would hate Trump, I'm pretty sure of that. His wife on the other hand.......
I know a lot of stuff....sometimes I wish I didn't but once you go down the rabbit hole, you can't "unlearn it". I was much happier when I was one of the sheeple and all I had to do to feel better was vent against faceless people on the left that I thought were the problem for the world's ills......that isn't the case at all.
"John F. Kennedy would be a Republican today; Would vote for Trump"


The thread premise unwittingly admits to the fact that the GOP agenda is bankrupt of sound ideas and devoid of merit, offering the American people nothing but lies and personal attacks in an attempt to divide the American people.

The thread premise also unwittingly admits that the GOP is devoid of qualified candidates to run for president, hence the likes of Trump as the imminent nominee.

Can we talk?
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D

:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
He sure as hell wouldn't have thrown his support to Hillary, her handlers are the same ones that had him killed....you see, I know more than you...FACT.

Love Dale Smith! Not sure if he's always being serious but for me he's one of the reasons I keep coming back to this place.

Kennedy would hate Trump, I'm pretty sure of that. His wife on the other hand.......
I know a lot of stuff....sometimes I wish I didn't but once you go down the rabbit hole, you can't "unlearn it". I was much happier when I was one of the sheeple and all I had to do to feel better was vent against faceless people on the left that I thought were the problem for the world's ills......that isn't the case at all.

I enjoy analysing the motives rather than anything else. I mean the whole moon landings being faked theory. If you ignore all of the arguements about dust under landers, van allen belts and mirrors set up to reflect laser beams back to earth to measure distance. The motive for the US to fake a moon landing is prety compelling, JFK's legacy, the fact that Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin had made Capitalism look second best to communism in terms of the cutting edge of science that was space exploration. I don't take a side but it is interesting.
He said things like:

"Let us remember what Gibbon said of the Romans: They kept the peace – by a constant preparation for war..."
"The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion".
"And so my fellow Americans; ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

Today, the Hillary-Bernie Socialists have changed that last one to: Where's my Free Shit?

I do believe Kennedy would have to be a Republican today...the Socialists/Democrats wouldn't have him.

More than likely, he would be a Trump supporter.:D
First quote: You are making a comparison between Cold war 1960's and a time where the US is the only remaining superpower. I don't believe for a second that Kenedy would have been alright with spending an exorbiant amount of money on defence when there's no current enemy. And I'm sorry but low lvl warfare against isis who have no real heavy weapons counts as an enemy.
Second quote: Trump is about the most divisive candidate in American history and routinely shows his inability to handle ANY type of critisism. if you've seen your typical republican debate you can't exactly claim that it's retoric has been highminded in fact it routinely has been just a bunch of ppl calling eachoter names.
Third quote: If you really believe that about the most centrist politician will in any way shape or form give the US its much need social reform, your either dumb, dishonest or simply misinformed.

Thank you for the response.

1. Kennedy was quoting a Roman policy of several centuries...successful centuries....when there was no Cold War either.

2. Is there no Cold War now? Many think there is one, and many others see it coming. Hitler wasn't much of a problem in 1935, but four years later...well. I have children. How about you? Are you one of the ones who says: Let there be peace in my time; and let my children fend for themselves.

3. Isis has no "real heavy weapons". So you dismiss them? They have lunatics who can take out World Trade Centers when they have the proper training...and Isis now has much territory and money in which to provide that training. They use Geiger-Counters...or some similar apparatus...now...at Parades in New York....why do you think they do that? Should we hunker down behind the Atlantic Ocean and wait for them to get a hold of a Dirty Bomb and sent it stateside? Surely we can agree that the first duty of any society is "to provide for the common defense".....the disagreement between us must be whether to wait on them and try to stop the Dirty Bomb once it arrives...meanwhile turning our heads while they cut off the heads of other Americans who have fallen into their depraved clutches...or stomp them out like the cockroaches they are before they pose a truly imminent threat to the mainland.

4. We have had a shitload of "divisive candidates". Jefferson was one of the most divisive candidates in history because the fucking intelligentsia in New England, New York, and New Jersey wanted a dominant Federal Government, and Jefferson wanted to let the People alone to do their thing. (The result is the Greatest Society in History). Two Term Andrew Jackson was divisive for the same reason. He got on Liberal nerves. Same for two term Ronald Reagan,

But the most divisive candidate in American history....no contest...was a Republican by the name of Abraham Lincoln. Divisive...and now American hero.

I am damn good and ready for a divisive president...one that really really pisses off the cocksuckers in the Northeast.

As to your last comment, I don't know what the shit you are talking about...and I don't think you do either. In fact, I think you are a dumb-ass. But thanks for the response.
:lol::lol::rofl: :rofl:

Never in a million trillion years would JFK be a Republican today, or support a candidate like Trump!
He sure as hell wouldn't have thrown his support to Hillary, her handlers are the same ones that had him killed....you see, I know more than you...FACT.

Love Dale Smith! Not sure if he's always being serious but for me he's one of the reasons I keep coming back to this place.

Kennedy would hate Trump, I'm pretty sure of that. His wife on the other hand.......
I know a lot of stuff....sometimes I wish I didn't but once you go down the rabbit hole, you can't "unlearn it". I was much happier when I was one of the sheeple and all I had to do to feel better was vent against faceless people on the left that I thought were the problem for the world's ills......that isn't the case at all.

I enjoy analysing the motives rather than anything else. I mean the whole moon landings being faked theory. If you ignore all of the arguements about dust under landers, van allen belts and mirrors set up to reflect laser beams back to earth to measure distance. The motive for the US to fake a moon landing is prety compelling, JFK's legacy, the fact that Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin had made Capitalism look second best to communism in terms of the cutting edge of science that was space exploration. I don't take a side but it is interesting.

I will not dismiss the theory that NASA faked the moon landings but it's one of those things that could be "Yeah, we made it but the technology didn't really allow us to prove it...so we did a recreation but our hearts were in the right place" kinda thing...or maybe they did pull it off. It is my personal belief that there is a breakaway civilization that makes up our shadow government using ET technology that they got starting with Roswell in 1947 and back engineered the alien crafts and using their radar system, they were able to disable and ground other ET crafts that they garnered even more information from. I work in electronics and I have seen them go from a computer that took up the length of a football field and slow as hell....to a micro-processor that can power a lap-top computer that can fit into the dimple of a golf ball in the span of less than 60 years. We were warned about the military industrial complex by Eisenhower and we were warned about a monolithic conspiracy by JFK....we are just pawns in the game and with the robotic age coming upon us, the human resource which is us has ever diminishing returns and the tipping point will come where we cost more to the elites than what we are able to produce....think I am joking? I wish I was but sadly I know exactly what I am talking about. There will be a "culling of the herd" unless we wake up. What frustrates me so much is that the problems could be easily remedied...it's not that complicated at all.

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