John Kasich is a Putz

"Believed" is past tense. Strong borders,and conservative Judges is good enough for me. Are you a liberal? Do support corruption in government?. Why do you support the witch?
And here we see the willful blindness of the monkeys.

Trump spouted the far Left position whenever he opined, right up to 2013, idiot.

And why have you ASSUMED I support Clinton? She and Trump are the same person, rube!

If you don't support anybody then stay the hell out of the way side-liner..Suck establishment ass somewhere else..Build the wall:eusa_wall:
I support real conservatives, of which we had SEVERAL.

All those years you retards whined we lost because we never put up a conservative candidate. Now you rejected all the real conservatives and proved you really wanted all along was a huckster and a bigot.

Hey moron, i supported Cruz all the way through.....He got beat, Trump's the nominee. Quite crying like Kiasch,, Trump never attacked you ..Get your head out of your ass..Hillary lover:slap:
You are rolling over for Trump the limousine liberal like a good little dog. I'm writing in Cruz.
May as well write in Hillary.
The Kasiches of this world.....the Cruces of this world........

losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:puke:
Kasich needs to stay in Columbus.

We don't need any squishy moderates queering up the works....
And here we see the willful blindness of the monkeys.

Trump spouted the far Left position whenever he opined, right up to 2013, idiot.

And why have you ASSUMED I support Clinton? She and Trump are the same person, rube!

If you don't support anybody then stay the hell out of the way side-liner..Suck establishment ass somewhere else..Build the wall:eusa_wall:
I support real conservatives, of which we had SEVERAL.

All those years you retards whined we lost because we never put up a conservative candidate. Now you rejected all the real conservatives and proved you really wanted all along was a huckster and a bigot.

Hey moron, i supported Cruz all the way through.....He got beat, Trump's the nominee. Quite crying like Kiasch,, Trump never attacked you ..Get your head out of your ass..Hillary lover:slap:
You are rolling over for Trump the limousine liberal like a good little dog. I'm writing in Cruz.
May as well write in Hillary.
Nope. It isn't my fault the tards managed to select the one person most likely to lose to Hillary.
If you don't support anybody then stay the hell out of the way side-liner..Suck establishment ass somewhere else..Build the wall:eusa_wall:
I support real conservatives, of which we had SEVERAL.

All those years you retards whined we lost because we never put up a conservative candidate. Now you rejected all the real conservatives and proved you really wanted all along was a huckster and a bigot.

Hey moron, i supported Cruz all the way through.....He got beat, Trump's the nominee. Quite crying like Kiasch,, Trump never attacked you ..Get your head out of your ass..Hillary lover:slap:
You are rolling over for Trump the limousine liberal like a good little dog. I'm writing in Cruz.
May as well write in Hillary.
Nope. It isn't my fault the tards managed to select the one person most likely to lose to Hillary.
Yeah, that's why the Democrats have been smearing ONLY Trump since the beginning of the primaries, because he would be the easiest one to beat. You think nobody can tell you're a fake Republican? We see right through you like we see right through Jake.
Last Monday Trump came out blasting Kasich like he still in primaries. Is that good sign of unifying his party? Supposed to be time for peace and unifications.
Do you blame other GOPs not showing up to greet this asshole?
Gov. Kerry never mentioned Trump name in his speech. It will interesting to see if Cruz, Rubio and Walker will endorse Trump.
They signed a pledge, made a big fucking deal about Trump signing it. No conditions, just that they would support the nominee (WHOEVER IT WAS). Well, it was Trump and not them. They thought they had him over a barrel and could slander him out of the race and still get his support because he signed the pledge. Didn't work that way so instead of being gracious losers and honoring their pledge of support, they said "fuck you, I'm not gonna honor my pledge". I knew they had no intention of honoring it because they are NOT men of their word and they all proved it. So yeah, I DO blame them for not showing up to greet him. Of course, you wouldn't understand the concept of honoring commitments or keeping your word because you're a liberal with no standards. Any more questions?
Hitler is no doubt a hero of yours... Nazi boy

Well, no, you see, unlike your Zionist Friends, I don't replicate his actions by stealing someone else's land and putting them in camps, just like the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians.

You guys lost the moral high ground a long time ago.
Hey moron, i supported Cruz all the way through.....He got beat, Trump's the nominee. Quite crying like Kiasch,, Trump never attacked you ..Get your head out of your ass..Hillary lover

That just tells me you have no principles.

Not to worry, Hillary will get 75% of the Jewish vote, and she'll probably be better friend to the Zionist Entity than Trump will.
Hey moron, i supported Cruz all the way through.....He got beat, Trump's the nominee. Quite crying like Kiasch,, Trump never attacked you ..Get your head out of your ass..Hillary lover

That just tells me you have no principles.

Not to worry, Hillary will get 75% of the Jewish vote, and she'll probably be better friend to the Zionist Entity than Trump will.
Hitlery has her ovens ready.....
Yhe measure of a man is how he keeps his word.

John Kasich signed a pledge to support the eventual winner of the Republican presidential primary, regardless who it might turn out to be.

By NOT endorsing the eventual winner, John Kasich broke his pledge.

By breaking his pledge he displays the character of a man who is never to be trusted again.

By not even attending the convention held in his state he displays his character of a petulant child.

It is obvious that he will be happy when Clinton loads four or five radicals on the Supreme Court, should she be elected president..

It is obvious that he does not give a crap.
Hey moron, i supported Cruz all the way through.....He got beat, Trump's the nominee. Quite crying like Kiasch,, Trump never attacked you ..Get your head out of your ass..Hillary lover

That just tells me you have no principles.

Not to worry, Hillary will get 75% of the Jewish vote, and she'll probably be better friend to the Zionist Entity than Trump will.
Yeah and we all know Hillary supporters have principles....LOL!!!!!!!
Yhe measure of a man is how he keeps his word.

John Kasich signed a pledge to support the eventual winner of the Republican presidential primary, regardless who it might turn out to be.

By NOT endorsing the eventual winner, John Kasich broke his pledge.

A foolish consistency is the Hobgoblin of Tiny Minds...

The thing is, EVERY DAY Donald Trump shows that he is unfit for the Presidency. The man can't manage his Twitter Account, and some of you fools want to give him the Nuclear Launch Codes.

Kasich is making the right call. It's a tragedy the GOP establishment didn't have safeguards in place to stop a Trump nomination, but that's not a good reason to pretend everything is fine.
Yhe measure of a man is how he keeps his word.

John Kasich signed a pledge to support the eventual winner of the Republican presidential primary, regardless who it might turn out to be.

By NOT endorsing the eventual winner, John Kasich broke his pledge.

A foolish consistency is the Hobgoblin of Tiny Minds...

The thing is, EVERY DAY Donald Trump shows that he is unfit for the Presidency. The man can't manage his Twitter Account, and some of you fools want to give him the Nuclear Launch Codes.

Kasich is making the right call. It's a tragedy the GOP establishment didn't have safeguards in place to stop a Trump nomination, but that's not a good reason to pretend everything is fine.
Yeah...the people should not be allowed to pick their candidate. Only the 1% gets that in the D thinks a fool, dunce, and dickhead Leftist.
Yhe measure of a man is how he keeps his word.

John Kasich signed a pledge to support the eventual winner of the Republican presidential primary, regardless who it might turn out to be.

By NOT endorsing the eventual winner, John Kasich broke his pledge.

A foolish consistency is the Hobgoblin of Tiny Minds...

The thing is, EVERY DAY Donald Trump shows that he is unfit for the Presidency. The man can't manage his Twitter Account, and some of you fools want to give him the Nuclear Launch Codes.

Kasich is making the right call. It's a tragedy the GOP establishment didn't have safeguards in place to stop a Trump nomination, but that's not a good reason to pretend everything is fine.

Au contraire, mon ami.

Every day as they pass Trump shows that he is far more qualified to be the CEO of the nation to be as the leader of the free world than the woman and the party she represents who wants to subjugate the country and the world to politically correct theories and morally indefensible ideas.

There are no safe guards to pretend that everything is fine, except those by the misguided Democrats, who want to extend the rot and corruption for another four years, spearheaded by Hillary Rotten Clinton.
Kasich is free to do as he pleases. Trump would do well to remember though that Kasich is extremely popular in Ohio and controls most of the state GOP's machinery. Considering Trump needs Kasich more than Kasich needs Trump perhaps Trump and his staff shouldn't be so publicly dismissive of Kasich and the Ohio delegation.
What kind of governor doesn't attend his own parties convention, hosted in his state? He's a small little Putz. After he's done being governor, he should just fade away. We don't need trivial, little, men like him in the Republican party:eusa_boohoo:


Literally, vulgar slang for penis, not to be used lightly. More offensive than the schmuck, which can be used affectionately or teasingly. Rarely used to describe the member, schmuck does that.

"What a putz! Used the same as What an asshole!"

To think I considered Cruz and Kasich before casting my vote for Trump in my states primary. Both Cruz and Kasich broke their pledge to we the voters to support the nominee. But are lying garbage.
Au contraire, mon ami.

Every day as they pass Trump shows that he is far more qualified to be the CEO of the nation to be as the leader of the free world than the woman and the party she represents who wants to subjugate the country and the world to politically correct theories and morally indefensible ideas.

That' fucking retarded. The guy can't even control himself with a fucking Twitter account and you want to give him the nuclear launch codes.
Yhe measure of a man is how he keeps his word.

John Kasich signed a pledge to support the eventual winner of the Republican presidential primary, regardless who it might turn out to be.

By NOT endorsing the eventual winner, John Kasich broke his pledge.

A foolish consistency is the Hobgoblin of Tiny Minds...

The thing is, EVERY DAY Donald Trump shows that he is unfit for the Presidency. The man can't manage his Twitter Account, and some of you fools want to give him the Nuclear Launch Codes.

Kasich is making the right call. It's a tragedy the GOP establishment didn't have safeguards in place to stop a Trump nomination, but that's not a good reason to pretend everything is fine.

Arent you the one who cant wait for the mullahs in Iran to have Nukes? :uhoh3:
I can't figure out why he wouldn't be out there trying to be a gracious host. It's not like he would have to endorse Trump. Just welcome everyone. No ones values would be compromised. But it's become very obvious that our party has lost its ability to be gracious and kind to one another. Is it any shock that we are divided?

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