CDZ John kasich the Next President of the United States thread

Bullshit. What you posted doesn't matter.
Again, Kasich is not going to be president – he is not qualified to be president.

Had you bothered to research his record, you'd learn he is not qualified because he is hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans, hostile to the privacy rights of women, and hostile to Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where the First Amendment clearly prohibits conjoining church and state.

Consequently, his judicial appointments would reflect his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of millions of Americans; someone so hostile to the civil rights of the American people is indeed unqualified to be president.

You think you are making some big point, but you aren't. Kasich is by far the most qualified and experienced. Everything we need done as a nation he has done. You can't argue with those facts. Read, between the lines. Most of America will.

You think most Americans will read between the lines?

You think most Americans are ok with his hostility towards equality of gays?
You think most Americans want religious squabbling in the schools?

Get a grip. Kasich is far from the best. And if he WERE the best the GOP could put up, the Dems would be a shoe-in for 4 more years.

Not at all. Nobody has Kasich's accomplishments at the federal, state , local and business level of ALL the candidates including Hilary. Period. There's no debating that. The most important thing? He's VERY likable by everybody


including blacks an minorities.

yeah, right!

He'll have full backing of foxnews. Bring it on.
Like that means anything.

Here again the Democrats in Ohio don't have any strong contenders so he's right, he's all set.
Again, Kasich is not going to be president – he is not qualified to be president.

Had you bothered to research his record, you'd learn he is not qualified because he is hostile to the equal protection rights of gay Americans, hostile to the privacy rights of women, and hostile to Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where the First Amendment clearly prohibits conjoining church and state.

Consequently, his judicial appointments would reflect his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law, the rule of law, and the rights of millions of Americans; someone so hostile to the civil rights of the American people is indeed unqualified to be president.

You think you are making some big point, but you aren't. Kasich is by far the most qualified and experienced. Everything we need done as a nation he has done. You can't argue with those facts. Read, between the lines. Most of America will.

You think most Americans will read between the lines?

You think most Americans are ok with his hostility towards equality of gays?
You think most Americans want religious squabbling in the schools?

Get a grip. Kasich is far from the best. And if he WERE the best the GOP could put up, the Dems would be a shoe-in for 4 more years.

Not at all. Nobody has Kasich's accomplishments at the federal, state , local and business level of ALL the candidates including Hilary. Period. There's no debating that. The most important thing? He's VERY likable by everybody


including blacks an minorities.

yeah, right!

He'll have full backing of foxnews. Bring it on.
Like that means anything.

Here again the Democrats in Ohio don't have any strong contenders so he's right, he's all set.

Oh, I agree Kasich has no heavy competition in Ohio but I don't see the rest of the country warming to him at all. His #1 problem is he's not that likeable. His FoxNews show was a total disaster, ratings-wise. If he can't get the tribe to watch him he's nowhere.
You think you are making some big point, but you aren't. Kasich is by far the most qualified and experienced. Everything we need done as a nation he has done. You can't argue with those facts. Read, between the lines. Most of America will.

You think most Americans will read between the lines?

You think most Americans are ok with his hostility towards equality of gays?
You think most Americans want religious squabbling in the schools?

Get a grip. Kasich is far from the best. And if he WERE the best the GOP could put up, the Dems would be a shoe-in for 4 more years.

Not at all. Nobody has Kasich's accomplishments at the federal, state , local and business level of ALL the candidates including Hilary. Period. There's no debating that. The most important thing? He's VERY likable by everybody


including blacks an minorities.

yeah, right!

He'll have full backing of foxnews. Bring it on.
Like that means anything.

Here again the Democrats in Ohio don't have any strong contenders so he's right, he's all set.

Oh, I agree Kasich has no heavy competition in Ohio but I don't see the rest of the country warming to him at all. His #1 problem is he's not that likeable. His FoxNews show was a total disaster, ratings-wise. If he can't get the tribe to watch him he's nowhere.

Kasich will actualy be the most likeable candidate of them all. Have you even heard him speak? If you have you know what I say is true. If you have and you say differently then you favor another candidate and are lying. That's common, though.

Kasich is by far the most qualified candidate and to say otherwise isn't living in reality. All the candidate know this and can't deny it in the gop primary's. Even Christie admitted it by letting Kasich take over his Gov meeting.

Also, having the backing of the number 1 media outlet and Lara Ingram and most of the billionaires makes him instantly a top contender over anybody else, because money/media talks. That's why Jeb running wont affect it and will make him and Kasich the top contenders or the most well financed ones, which means there chances are far and away better than anybody else's.

Sorry, to burst your bubble there, but you are dead wrong. Sorry. :)
You think most Americans will read between the lines?

You think most Americans are ok with his hostility towards equality of gays?
You think most Americans want religious squabbling in the schools?

Get a grip. Kasich is far from the best. And if he WERE the best the GOP could put up, the Dems would be a shoe-in for 4 more years.

Not at all. Nobody has Kasich's accomplishments at the federal, state , local and business level of ALL the candidates including Hilary. Period. There's no debating that. The most important thing? He's VERY likable by everybody


including blacks an minorities.

yeah, right!

He'll have full backing of foxnews. Bring it on.
Like that means anything.

Here again the Democrats in Ohio don't have any strong contenders so he's right, he's all set.

Oh, I agree Kasich has no heavy competition in Ohio but I don't see the rest of the country warming to him at all. His #1 problem is he's not that likeable. His FoxNews show was a total disaster, ratings-wise. If he can't get the tribe to watch him he's nowhere.

Kasich will actualy be the most likeable candidate of them all. Have you even heard him speak? If you have you know what I say is true. If you have and you say differently then you favor another candidate and are lying. That's common, though.

Kasich is by far the most qualified candidate and to say otherwise isn't living in reality. All the candidate know this and can't deny it in the gop primary's. Even Christie admitted it by letting Kasich take over his Gov meeting.

Also, having the backing of the number 1 media outlet and Lara Ingram and most of the billionaires makes him instantly a top contender over anybody else, because money/media talks. That's why Jeb running wont affect it and will make him and Kasich the top contenders or the most well financed ones, which means there chances are far and away better than anybody else's.

Sorry, to burst your bubble there, but you are dead wrong. Sorry. :)

Then why did his ratings suck, among his own people?

Pence is a better bet than Kasich.
Let me start by saying bookmark this thread. Also, this thread is going to be only about Kasich since he's the most qualified to be President other than Gingrich.

John Kasich......John Kasich who?

You know I'm spelling his name correctly, right?


You know that guy who worked on the federal budget for a decade to get it to a surplus, the guy who cut Ohios income tax 8.5% and made in #1 in the midwest over Walkers state, number 5 over all, created most jobs month to month 2nd in the country behind texas, got elected twice to be ohio Gov, had 25% of black vote for him in the last election, carried 66 of 68 Ohio counties in a state that is a must win for president of the united states for a republican that he won with over 60% of the vote hands down easily. , former host on Foxnews where they LOVE him and will back him over anybody else due to favoritism, etc.. you know the usual.


LOL....not surprising that you didn't get my point.

Other some of the viewers of Fox, and some of the people in Ohio- he has almost zero name recognition

Which is why on the latest CNN poll he garnered 2% of the possible vote- versus 20% for Romney.

Maybe he would be a great President.

But hardly anyone has heard of him.
That really is not a problem. It is actually a boon in this climate where people don't like anyone they have already associated as a politician.

Barrack Obama who? Yes, that was also the reality in 2007.

I don't really think he has much of a chance but the issues in this thread have nothing to do with that. His stance on gays is going to be irrelevant - it is no longer a centerpiece issue. The courts have already decided anyway allowing him an easy out. It is no longer up to the president or legislators concerning gay marriage and rights - they have been established.
Let me start by saying bookmark this thread. Also, this thread is going to be only about Kasich since he's the most qualified to be President other than Gingrich.

John Kasich......John Kasich who?

You know I'm spelling his name correctly, right?


You know that guy who worked on the federal budget for a decade to get it to a surplus, the guy who cut Ohios income tax 8.5% and made in #1 in the midwest over Walkers state, number 5 over all, created most jobs month to month 2nd in the country behind texas, got elected twice to be ohio Gov, had 25% of black vote for him in the last election, carried 66 of 68 Ohio counties in a state that is a must win for president of the united states for a republican that he won with over 60% of the vote hands down easily. , former host on Foxnews where they LOVE him and will back him over anybody else due to favoritism, etc.. you know the usual.


LOL....not surprising that you didn't get my point.

Other some of the viewers of Fox, and some of the people in Ohio- he has almost zero name recognition

Which is why on the latest CNN poll he garnered 2% of the possible vote- versus 20% for Romney.

Maybe he would be a great President.

But hardly anyone has heard of him.
That really is not a problem. It is actually a boon in this climate where people don't like anyone they have already associated as a politician.

Barrack Obama who? Yes, that was also the reality in 2007.

I don't really think he has much of a chance but the issues in this thread have nothing to do with that. His stance on gays is going to be irrelevant - it is no longer a centerpiece issue. The courts have already decided anyway allowing him an easy out. It is no longer up to the president or legislators concerning gay marriage and rights - they have been established.

Very good points.
Ok, you asked that thread thread be bookmarked.

I thought I would see what updates you have.
Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
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Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
There’s a change in convention rules, a revolt against Trump, with Kasich as the only viable candidate left.

No problem.
Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
There’s a change in convention rules, a revolt against Trump, with Kasich as the only viable candidate left.

No problem.
A state or states may abstain from a first ballot vote. That would make a second vote occur with delegates not longer obligated to a specific nominee.
Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
Man you are dark.

How about Trump gets sick and drops out of the race? Then the party temporarily loses its mind and selects him.

Should Trump drop out after the nomination then the establishment picks a candidate and, afaik, there are almost no bars on who they are allowed to select.
Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
Man you are dark.

How about Trump gets sick and drops out of the race? Then the party temporarily loses its mind and selects him.

Should Trump drop out after the nomination then the establishment picks a candidate and, afaik, there are almost no bars on who they are allowed to select.

Hmmm...Let's just say that when it comes to setting and achieving goals, I have a lot of experience minimizing the risk of failure and maximizing the likelihood of success.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
There’s a change in convention rules, a revolt against Trump, with Kasich as the only viable candidate left.

No problem.
A state or states may abstain from a first ballot vote. That would make a second vote occur with delegates not longer obligated to a specific nominee.

Ah, nice. A chess/go player raises his head. Well done and TY.

I take it you mean a reimplementation of Roosevelt's 1912 "stunt" or something akin to it, perhaps in concert with some 11th hour shenanigans ?
Interesting strategic approach. Though a long shot, mass-abstentions would get the job done, I suppose. The idea surely has to devout Republicans more appeal than does the "desertion strategy" I roughly outlined here. (Where were you when that thread needed participants who understood strategy as distinct from, well, everything that isn't strategy? LOL)

Assume a committed set of anti-Trump movers and shakers undertook the strategy you proposed. So, let's look step-by-step at the tactics needed to make your strategy achieve it's goal(s).

Top level goals:
  1. Unbind Trump's delegates from Trump, while also not yielding 1,237 "yea" votes for Trump on the first voting round --> this is what the abstentions are intended to do. (I'm not familiar enough with GOP convention rules to know whether abstentions, and what nature of them, can make this happen on the first round of voting.)
  2. Propose a Trump alternative --> under current GOP rules, I think the only possible alternatives are Mssrs. Cruz and Kasich.
  3. Garner sufficient support for the alternative candidate -- this is what it is, but how this plays out seems it'd be anybody's guess, again, given the current rules governing the GOP convention.

You've suggested that generating abstentions are a viable tactic for achieving the first goal. Which of the following top level tactics will result in unbinding the delegates for the second and later voting rounds, while also not yielding 1237 "yea" votes for Trump on the first round?
  • Convince at least one state delegation to abstain from the first round?
  • Convince enough individual delegates to abstain from the first round?
Have faith that kasich can still win. It's a long shot but I do believe miracles can happen. It has to.

??? Under what scenario(s) do you consider he can win?

The only one that comes to mind for me is stupidly violent: Trump chooses him as a running mate, gets elected, sworn in and immediately assassinated. That doesn't even strike me as "winning." Moreover, and thankfully, I don't see that happening at all, but I must at least recognize that, detestable as such a scenario is, it nonetheless exists as one of all possible sequences of events that could transpire in the future. It's certainly not one I'd hope plays to fruition.
Man you are dark.

How about Trump gets sick and drops out of the race? Then the party temporarily loses its mind and selects him.

Should Trump drop out after the nomination then the establishment picks a candidate and, afaik, there are almost no bars on who they are allowed to select.

Hmmm...Let's just say that when it comes to setting and achieving goals, I have a lot of experience minimizing the risk of failure and maximizing the likelihood of success.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Without faith there is no success, but only failure in the end.
Without words there is no 'failure'.
Knowing replaces faith.

Knowing or knowledge is of this earth and is subject to sin and the laws of man, which is subject to change; however the faith through the spirit is through God and through God there is only success and God doesn't change for no man.

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