John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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After the interview Laura Ingraham did of General John Kelly.....I am liking John Kelly a lot! :2up:

He came through as a very nice, likable human being!

I really like him so very much now, I really do!:up:
What LWNJ's would say if Robert E Lee was a homosexual and/or a tranny:

Oh my!! What a wonderful man!! The statues can stay!! He was so honorable!!
What LWNJ's would say if Robert E Lee was a homosexual and/or a tranny:

Oh my!! What a wonderful man!! The statues can stay!! He was so honorable!!

:laugh::lol: haaaaaaaaaa exactly! LOL
Wrong. .....

Right, as determined by providence and affirmed in law. YOU remain a frustrated nobody who hates my country.

There is no law that bars secession, and I have no idea what "providence" is supposed to mean.

The highest court in the land refutes your whining. Your traitorous heroes got some of what they deserved then quit. All the bitching and historical ignorance you can muster won’t change that. :lol:

Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy. The court was packed with Lincoln hacks. It's decisions on the matter are worthless.

According to whom? You have no credibility, and do not understand how to apply logic. Enjoy your impotence, nobody.

Lincoln appointed 4 of the 8 justices on the court, moron. Facts don't depend on my credibility, moron. Facts are facts and all you can do is spew bullshit and your petulant insistence that your opinion is correct.
You can read the Constitution, can't you? Chase was a Lincoln appointed hack.

Chase was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. YOU are an ignorant, anti-American, hack wannabe on the internet. Guess who has more credibility?

He was a Lincoln appointed hack.

Chase = Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the United States of America

You = ignorant, America-hating nobody

Facts = facts. Venting your spleen doesn't change that.

The fact is that secession was illegal and illegitimate. The fact is that the confederate traitors lost. The fact is that you cannot change any of these facts.

It's certainly not a fact that secession was illegal. You have consistently failed to name the law that makes it illegal.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Another common mistake is to think of and discuss the people in history as a monolithic group as if they all held the same beliefs.

It was just as immoral then as it is now. Many thought and said so. Many risked their lives and livlihoods for the cause of abolition.
What do you base that obvious absurdity on?

If slavery were just as immoral then ("then" being the 1600s in the British colonies of America and well beyond in most parts of the world) it could not have remained as commonly accepted a practice as it was -- especially in Africa and in the Middle East (where it continues to this day). Slavery in the early days of liberated America, i.e., the mid 1700s, was acceptable to a substantial percentage of the population, especially to those who directly or indirectly benefited from it. But as the Nation grew in size and strength, and as its society became more educated, more technologically and philosophically sophisticated, the very nature of slavery became proportionately offensive to more and more individuals.

It took until 1865 for the level of widely experienced and acknowledged immorality to abolish something which until then was morally acceptable in most parts of the civilized world.
After the interview Laura Ingraham did of General John Kelly.....I am liking John Kelly a lot! :2up:

He came through as a very nice, likable human being!

I really like him so very much now, I really do!:up:
You seem to be a rather nice, likable human being, yourself.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
Since General Kelly is a military man, I can understand his admiration for Lee. I cannot understand, nor condone, his lying about what Representative Wilson said. He dishonored himself and his uniform in doing that.
General John Kelly's major mistake was in presuming Progressives had received an education in American history.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
Since General Kelly is a military man, I can understand his admiration for Lee. I cannot understand, nor condone, his lying about what Representative Wilson said. He dishonored himself and his uniform in doing that.
Puhleeze. A snake like Wilson deserves to undergo the humiliation ritual they portrayed in "Game of Thrones." She's a totally shameless liar and demagogue. All Kelly did is get his facts wrong.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

well, hell, what's a little treason among friends
Not treason. Sheer Patriotism!

I'm pretty sure a kkk'er can't judge what patriotism is. you hate this country and the people in it.

Even Abraham Lincoln had thought that Gen. Lee was a noble man to lead the Union army.


President Abraham Lincoln, a month before the war began, promoted Lee. A few weeks later, after Virginia seceded, Lee was offered command of the entire Union army. Lee wrestled with his options for two days -- his wife later said it was "the severest struggle" of her husband's life -- before declining the offer, resigning from the army and accepting command of Virginia's military forces. Robert E. Lee: A brief history of the general atop the Confederate monument
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

well, hell, what's a little treason among friends
Not treason. Sheer Patriotism!

I'm pretty sure a kkk'er can't judge what patriotism is. you hate this country and the people in it.

Yea right, Nazigirl. :rolleyes-41:
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