John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.

well, hell, what's a little treason among friends
Not treason. Sheer Patriotism!

I'm pretty sure a kkk'er can't judge what patriotism is. you hate this country and the people in it.

Yea right, Nazigirl. :rolleyes-41:

projecting again, kkkboi?

do you think it somehow offends me that a nazi calls ME a nazi, wackadoodle?

run along little bigotboy
I was just wondering. My dad was in the pacific in wwii, and didn't talk about the japanese the way you talk about southerners.

I don't believe your father served in the US Army or Navy in WWII.

Kind of makes your drama look like bullshit.

Your made up bullshit is the bullshit here. It's funny how Conservatives have to lie about themselves in order to make the world's shittiest points.
What a moron you are.

Your precious feelings are of no concern to me. This post of yours is just your ham-fisted attempt to lash out at me in order to make yourself feel better.

You do not matter. You are not important. You are not significant. You have no authority. You have no credibility. You're a nobody.
What a moron you are.

Your precious feelings are of no concern to me. This post of yours is just your ham-fisted attempt to lash out at me in order to make yourself feel better.

You do not matter. You are not important. You are not significant. You have no authority. You have no credibility. You're a nobody.

You think you’re any different?
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.
Right, as determined by providence and affirmed in law. YOU remain a frustrated nobody who hates my country.

There is no law that bars secession, and I have no idea what "providence" is supposed to mean.

The highest court in the land refutes your whining. Your traitorous heroes got some of what they deserved then quit. All the bitching and historical ignorance you can muster won’t change that. :lol:

Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy. The court was packed with Lincoln hacks. It's decisions on the matter are worthless.

According to whom? You have no credibility, and do not understand how to apply logic. Enjoy your impotence, nobody.

Lincoln appointed 4 of the 8 justices on the court, moron. Facts don't depend on my credibility, moron. Facts are facts and all you can do is spew bullshit and your petulant insistence that your opinion is correct.

Presidents appointment Supreme Court justices, moron.

And History shows my informed view to be correct.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So we abolished slavery on a whimsical change of the Constitution? lol, good one.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So we abolished slavery on a whimsical change of the Constitution? lol, good one.

Post the relevant text in the Constitution reflecting your claim of a change from its mandate for slavery.
There is no law that bars secession, and I have no idea what "providence" is supposed to mean.

The highest court in the land refutes your whining. Your traitorous heroes got some of what they deserved then quit. All the bitching and historical ignorance you can muster won’t change that. :lol:

Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy. The court was packed with Lincoln hacks. It's decisions on the matter are worthless.

According to whom? You have no credibility, and do not understand how to apply logic. Enjoy your impotence, nobody.

Lincoln appointed 4 of the 8 justices on the court, moron. Facts don't depend on my credibility, moron. Facts are facts and all you can do is spew bullshit and your petulant insistence that your opinion is correct.

Presidents appointment Supreme Court justices, moron.

And History shows my informed view to be correct.

Yes they do, and Lincoln appointed four of the justices who ruled on Texas v. White, including Salmon P. Chase. Having a President appoint you doesn't mean you aren't a hack. In fact, it means precisely the opposite.

History shows your view is pure idiocy
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So how did we manage to abolish slavery?
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So we abolished slavery on a whimsical change of the Constitution? lol, good one.

Post the relevant text in the Constitution reflecting your claim of a change from its mandate for slavery.

Is slavery legal today?
Even Abraham Lincoln had thought that Gen. Lee was a noble man to lead the Union army.


President Abraham Lincoln, a month before the war began, promoted Lee. A few weeks later, after Virginia seceded, Lee was offered command of the entire Union army. Lee wrestled with his options for two days -- his wife later said it was "the severest struggle" of her husband's life -- before declining the offer, resigning from the army and accepting command of Virginia's military forces. Robert E. Lee: A brief history of the general atop the Confederate monument
You say that as if Abraham Lincoln doing that makes Lee less of a traitor and racist? It doesnt. Lee still got his ass handed to him and was defeated in his bid to be a traitor. Hell Lincoln offered the south the chance to legalize slavery for eternity in order to keep the union together but they were so paranoid they refused. Lincoln was no hero.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So how did we manage to abolish slavery?
Slavery isnt abolished. If you go to prison you can be enslaved.
After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So how did we manage to abolish slavery?

Too funny. Don't you know?
Even Abraham Lincoln had thought that Gen. Lee was a noble man to lead the Union army.


President Abraham Lincoln, a month before the war began, promoted Lee. A few weeks later, after Virginia seceded, Lee was offered command of the entire Union army. Lee wrestled with his options for two days -- his wife later said it was "the severest struggle" of her husband's life -- before declining the offer, resigning from the army and accepting command of Virginia's military forces. Robert E. Lee: A brief history of the general atop the Confederate monument
You say that as if Abraham Lincoln doing that makes Lee less of a traitor and racist? It doesnt. Lee still got his ass handed to him and was defeated in his bid to be a traitor. Hell Lincoln offered the south the chance to legalize slavery for eternity in order to keep the union together but they were so paranoid they refused. Lincoln was no hero.

Not quite true. The Northern Republicans killed the Crittenden compromise.
Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So we abolished slavery on a whimsical change of the Constitution? lol, good one.

Post the relevant text in the Constitution reflecting your claim of a change from its mandate for slavery.

Is slavery legal today?

In certain circumstances. Prison, for example.

Also, the Democrats have continued to enslave the black community, and suffered nary a consequence.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So how did we manage to abolish slavery?

Too funny. Don't you know?

It was a rhetorical question that proves you wrong.
I watched the interview tonight with Ingraham. Kelly is right. Lee was indeed an honorable man. As he explained tonight, things were thought of differently back then. People believed in fighting for your state more than for your country and that's what Lee thought he should do, fight for his state, Virginia.

Our modern American Communists insist upon applying 21st Century mores to 19th Century thought. That's how they obfuscate issues.

Isn't that what people do who insist we ought to be following the principles of the Founders?

I know you believe that, but as we are all aware of your chronic ignorance, there is little reason to engage your nonsense.

The Constitution is the national agreement. It does not change to suit your whim.

So how did we manage to abolish slavery?
Slavery isnt abolished. If you go to prison you can be enslaved.

Even Abraham Lincoln had thought that Gen. Lee was a noble man to lead the Union army.


President Abraham Lincoln, a month before the war began, promoted Lee. A few weeks later, after Virginia seceded, Lee was offered command of the entire Union army. Lee wrestled with his options for two days -- his wife later said it was "the severest struggle" of her husband's life -- before declining the offer, resigning from the army and accepting command of Virginia's military forces. Robert E. Lee: A brief history of the general atop the Confederate monument
You say that as if Abraham Lincoln doing that makes Lee less of a traitor and racist? It doesnt. Lee still got his ass handed to him and was defeated in his bid to be a traitor. Hell Lincoln offered the south the chance to legalize slavery for eternity in order to keep the union together but they were so paranoid they refused. Lincoln was no hero.

Not quite true. The Northern Republicans killed the Crittenden compromise.
Never heard of the Crittenden compromise. I was speaking about the Corwin Amendment. It can still be ratified and I believe texas attempted not too long ago to bring it back.

Corwin Amendment - Wikipedia
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