John Kelly calls Robert E. Lee an "honorable man"

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After lying about an African American Congresswoman, John Kelly called the pro- slavery man in charge of trying to break up the USA an "honorable man".

Axios on Twitter

This sure will dispel the belief that Kelly is racist.
He didn't lie about her.
He related his impression of her speech.

It must be nice to have thousands of journalists coming to your aide when you act like a classless asshole though.
muhammed owned slaves. that means he is a bad person. that means the muslim religion is based worshipping a bad person.
Lincoln had chosen Lee because the both of them had the same view or opinion on slavery.
That's stupid.

" Each states was like a country. Lee did not want to abandoned the state that he loved, Virginia."

No, we were the UNITED States, and though loyalty to state was stronger in the earlier years, they all recognized they were not sovereign entities.

Every single confederate state saw soldiers who went off to fight for the Union, and 40% of Lees' own Virginia regiment stayed loyal to the US Government.
Lincoln had chosen Lee because the both of them had the same view or opinion on slavery.
That's stupid.

" Each states was like a country. Lee did not want to abandoned the state that he loved, Virginia."

No, we were the UNITED States, and though loyalty to state was stronger in the earlier years, they all recognized they were not sovereign entities.

Nope. In all authority not mandated to the federal government by the Constitution or denied to the states, the states were and now remain sovereign.

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
What is "full secession never happened" supposed to mean? Of course it did. The Confederacy told the North to take their Union and go fuck themselves. That isn't treason. The Constitution defines treason, and secession doesn't fit the definition.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort

Did the Confederacy invade any state of the Union? Nope. Lincoln invaded the Confederate states. He's the traitor.
Idiot! They "levied war" against the US. They didn't accomplish a succession within the law or with diplomacy, they fought their own government. That is treason.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them,"

They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

ROFL! How was it not legal?
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They defended themselves against Lincoln's invasion, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

You claim that secesion wasn't legal has no factual basis to support it. None whatsoever.

Note that it says Treason shall consist on "levying war against them. [plural]" That means making war against any state is treason. Lincoln is the only one who did that.
Lincoln cannot invade Virginia, it is his country. You can't invade your own country, fool.

Wrong. After secession, Virginia was a foreign country. Nevertheless, the Constitution says it's treason to make war on a state of the union.
No it wasn't because it wasn't a legal sucession.

Prove it, douche bag.
You are an idiot. Did you go to school in the South? They don't teach correct history, do they?

No, I didn't go to school in the South. The difference between you and me is that the brainwashing didn't stick in my case.

Men of honor would not have whipped a person who just sought not to be a slave. Lee attempted to find honor is acting as a typical slave owing elite of the South. No way that works.
Referring to the moral standards of that era, what punishment would you recommend for runaway slaves (presuming you owned a few). And please don't evade the question with some specious diversion such as, "I wouldn't have owned slaves." Because there were Blacks who owned Black slaves. (Probably whipped them, too.)
Lincoln had chosen Lee because the both of them had the same view or opinion on slavery.
That's stupid.

" Each states was like a country. Lee did not want to abandoned the state that he loved, Virginia."

No, we were the UNITED States, and though loyalty to state was stronger in the earlier years, they all recognized they were not sovereign entities.

Every single confederate state saw soldiers who went off to fight for the Union, and 40% of Lees' own Virginia regiment stayed loyal to the US Government.

Wrong. They all recognized that they were sovereign states.

Men of honor would not have whipped a person who just sought not to be a slave. Lee attempted to find honor is acting as a typical slave owing elite of the South. No way that works.
Referring to the moral standards of that era, what punishment would you recommend for runaway slaves (presuming you owned a few). And please don't evade the question with some specious diversion such as, "I wouldn't have owned slaves." Because there were Blacks who owned Black slaves. (Probably whipped them, too.)
It's unbelievably stupid to ask someone a question like that. The past is the past. What people think about it today is irrelevant to what people thought then.

Do you believe slavery only became a contentious issue with the start of the war?
As I plainly stated, slavery became unacceptable in proportion with the growth and social sophistication of the Nation. Initially it was a widely and thoroughly acceptable practice. Advancing sociological and technological sophistication, such as high-level (Humanities) education and development of the cotton gin, made slaves far less useful or morally acceptable entities.
I was just wondering. My dad was in the pacific in wwii, and didn't talk about the japanese the way you talk about southerners.

I don't believe your father served in the US Army or Navy in WWII.

LOL!! 16 million americans wore an uniform during wwii. All that is required for that to be true is for me to be older and my father to have been older when I was born.

Do you find it hard to believe that someone as "hip" as I am could be anything but young? LOL!!

Your desperate and pathetic attempt to dodge my point is noted and laughed at. LOL!

My point stands. Your hatred of Confederates, all long dead before your grandfather was born, is not credible.

You are pretending to be upset to give yourself an excuse to be your normal partisan and insulting self.

Kind of makes your drama look like bullshit.

Your made up bullshit is the bullshit here. It's funny how Conservatives have to lie about themselves in order to make the world's shittiest points.[/QUOTE]

You know that you are the dishonest one here.

The Civil War was long ago. NO ONE is personally involved. THis is a historical discussion.

YOu are pretending to be upset to avoid discussing the issue seriously and honestly.
What a moron you are.

Your precious feelings are of no concern to me. This post of yours is just your ham-fisted attempt to lash out at me in order to make yourself feel better.

You do not matter. You are not important. You are not significant. You have no authority. You have no credibility. You're a nobody.

That was not "my feelings" that was my correct judgement on the level of intelligence indicated by your post.

And I stand by that. YOu are a moron.

YOu keep trying to make this about me.

Standard dishonest lefty crap.

YOur debating tactic is noted and dismissed.

LOL!! 16 million americans wore an uniform during wwii. All that is required for that to be true is for me to be older and my father to have been older when I was born.

I think you're just making this shit up because you think it lends your garbage argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have. I think the only army your father may have fought for in WWII was the Wehrmacht. It's a pattern with you people; you make outlandish claims, then invent scenarios or imaginary people that magically corroborate what you're saying when the facts don't. You know you have no way to prove that your father served in WWII, so why do you make the claim? Simple; you think it lends credibility to your argument. Well, let me be the first to tell doesn't.

The Civil War was long ago. NO ONE is personally involved. THis is a historical discussion.

So then why are you taking it so personally when you screech about Southern "heritage"? Yes, this is an historical discussion. The history is that Robert E. Lee was a traitor who lost. That's the history. Your attempt to make him seem like a good guy is just a way for you to legitimize the cause he fought for. I'm not so sure you think preserving slavery is an illegitimate cause.

TYOu are pretending to be upset to avoid discussing the issue seriously and honestly.

You're the one who invoked these imaginary people to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have, pal.
That was not "my feelings" that was my correct judgement on the level of intelligence indicated by your post.And I stand by that. YOu are a moron.YOu keep trying to make this about me.Standard dishonest lefty crap.
YOur debating tactic is noted and dismissed.Also, FUCK YOU.

Whoa I've really broken this Russian post-bot.

You're the one who made it about you. You're the one who invoked all these personal anecdotes and feelings. You're the one who invoked imaginary relatives. You're the one who does all this just so you don't have to admit to a stranger on an anonymous message board that you're wrong about something.

Everything is about you people. You make everything about yourselves. You do that because you obviously had shitty parents who did a shitty job raising their shitty children.
LOL!! 16 million americans wore an uniform during wwii. All that is required for that to be true is for me to be older and my father to have been older when I was born.

I think you're just making this shit up because you think it lends your garbage argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have. I think the only army your father may have fought for in WWII was the Wehrmacht. It's a pattern with you people; you make outlandish claims, then invent scenarios or imaginary people that magically corroborate what you're saying when the facts don't. You know you have no way to prove that your father served in WWII, so why do you make the claim? Simple; you think it lends credibility to your argument. Well, let me be the first to tell doesn't.

There is nothing outlandish about my father serving in WWII.

Your post is idiotic.

My point stands. Your hysteria about this war, that was long over before your grandfather was born, is not credible.

The Civil War was long ago. NO ONE is personally involved. THis is a historical discussion.

So then why are you taking it so personally when you screech about Southern "heritage"? Yes, this is an historical discussion. The history is that Robert E. Lee was a traitor who lost. That's the history. Your attempt to make him seem like a good guy is just a way for you to legitimize the cause he fought for. I'm not so sure you think preserving slavery is an illegitimate cause.[/QUOTE]

Because people like you, are using this shit to wage the Culture War TODAY.

The history I learned in a norther public school was that Lee was a national war hero, who fought for his home state and lost.

Your slavery concerns is also not reasonable. FUCK OFF, RACE BAITER.

TYOu are pretending to be upset to avoid discussing the issue seriously and honestly.

You're the one who invoked these imaginary people to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have, pal.[/QUOTE]

Not sure what you are referring to, but I am comfortable assuming you are lying.

ANd my point about you doing all you can to avoid serious and honest discuss stands.

Drama queen.
That was not "my feelings" that was my correct judgement on the level of intelligence indicated by your post.And I stand by that. YOu are a moron.YOu keep trying to make this about me.Standard dishonest lefty crap.
YOur debating tactic is noted and dismissed.Also, FUCK YOU.

Whoa I've really broken this Russian post-bot.

You're the one who made it about you. You're the one who invoked all these personal anecdotes and feelings. You're the one who invoked imaginary relatives. You're the one who does all this just so you don't have to admit to a stranger on an anonymous message board that you're wrong about something.

Everything is about you people. You make everything about yourselves. You do that because you obviously had shitty parents who did a shitty job raising their shitty children.

You're losing focus. My judgement of that one post was that is was incredibly idiotic.

I stand by that. It was idiotic. ANy reasonable person would be ashamed of such a post.

THe rest of your post is delusional and vague rantings. Dismissed.
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