John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

Yes, he volunteered to remain in captivity with his men when he had the opportunity to use his family's name to get released. It's called loyalty, And honor, Something that a piece of garbage like trump wouldn't know nothing about.

Trump had no problem with other people being sent to die for their country. But he didn't want to do it himself and We're having a corrupt doctor to make up diagnosises that he had bone spurs. Trump is a fucking coward, And if he had joined the u s military, The u s military would be lessened by the fact that he was part of it.
Can you just imagine what they would have done to him in boot camp? :heehee:
And here you are again.....:heehee:

You are upset I don't like a sexual abuser. Well, you love a sexual abuser.

Now you're just making things up. Given my choice neither Trump or Potato will get the nod.

But speaking of sexual abusers....your Tater showering with his young daughter?
Kelly was annoyed that Trump criticized John McCain, boo hoo. McCain in turn was so overcome with hatred for Trump that he forbade him from attending his funeral.

And there it is. Pettiness, hatred, and it's all about Trump!!!

No you ignorant dolt. It's all about the standards we hold for human beings, none of which are met by Donald Trump or his associates.

Trump and his low life associates are the worst kinds of criminals who prey on the weak, and the gullible, and then mock them for being "fools".
I am not the topic of this thread no matter how much you want me to be. :heehee: You're just another MAGAt sexual abuser lover....hating on our vets and military.

You snapped at me first, fatass. Don't want rebuttal keep waddling
The disturbing stories about Potatohead?

He sexually abused his daughter.

He does not even acknowledge his granddaughter.

His son is a deadbeat dad.

He stole the 2020 election.

He got rich selling out his country to foreign interest.

He has been the worst President in the history of the Republic.
The disturbing stories about Potatohead?

He sexually abused his daughter.

He does not even acknowledge his granddaughter.

His son is a deadbeat dad.

He stole the 2020 election.

He got rich selling out his country to foreign interest.

He has been the worst President in the history of the Republic.
No he didn' MAGAts (and INCELs) are sharing your sexual fantasies only.
Expect more Trump bashing as the election get near. I thought that the f b i trolls were only on GLP,, but it appears they are on every forum.

The alternative ,,,,,,elect another Deep State puppet who will keep the borders open. Here around metro Detroit, we have over 1 million illegals and the stores THAT ARE NOT BANKRUPT are advertising in Spanish mostly.
Multiple sources in multiple accounts all confirm the same thing………Trump has no respect for the military and considers those who were wounded or captured to be losers.

He called John McCain and George HW Bush losers for being shot down
He considers the wounded and crippled to be yucky and does not want to be seen with them
He does not understand why someone would fight for their country and sees no reason to honor the dead
I love watching the two sides bicker. Please keep it up and know you will HAVE to let me denigrate everything. Ahhh the sweet smell.
Multiple sources in multiple accounts all confirm the same thing………Trump has no respect for the military and considers those who were wounded or captured to be losers.

He called John McCain and George HW Bush losers for being shot down
He considers the wounded and crippled to be yucky and does not want to be seen with them
He does not understand why someone would fight for their country and sees no reason to honor the dead
^^ Awww, look who is sticking up for John McShitStain and War Criminal Bush! LOL

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