John Kelly is gonna be angry

This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
If you leftists thought America is so great, why do you try to fundamentally change it?
We are great, because we have progressed and improved and changed over the centuries...we learn from our mistakes...eventually! Like slavery...we did change the wrong and tried to make it right...
Like people trying to institute regressive policies, known failure and legitimizing violence and hate? Excellent point. Thanks.
Maybe you leftists are the morally and intellectually superior ones.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855
If your graphic was accurate, it would be showing North Korea missile launches.


Elect me! The world will be afraid of me!



What the hell was that?!?


That was my way of showing you how unafraid we are of you.



What the hell was that?!?


I just thought you should hear it in stereo.


Mein Fuhrer, we need to respond.


Yes, I will have the lobster bisque, and my date Abe will have the tuna roll.


I just got wasted with Rick the nuclear codes guy!



What the hell was that?!?


I’m violating a treaty with you, comrade.


You see this? THIS IS MY HARD FACE!


And I am officially putting the Axis of Evil on notice…


…that I am leaving.


I am already tired of winning.
How Obama would've handled it.View attachment 148859
You like mental masturbation fantasies. I get that. It's a convenient way to willfully blind yourself to the reality of Trump's incompetence.

So you think Trump will ask Obama to borrow his red crayon?
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?

slavery was legal?

& then when the KKK was the norm & top of the heap?

& then forcing japanese americans into internment camps?

chemical experiments & deliberately administering diseases to our own troops for the sake of 'science'?

not everything is or was great about this country. that is a fact, jack.
ummmm those are the things that the Democratic Party did
When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live you lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

You live in a world of paranoid delusion.

Nobody likes the fact that there are people on government assistance. These programs exist only to compensate the failing of the private sector.

When the private sector guarantees everyone a job at descent wages and benefits, government assistance program will no longer be needed.

Government does not tell you how to live, spend your money or what to eat.

Unless your referring to criminal behavior, don't want to pay taxes, or want to get poisoned.

And BTW - it's the government's money anyway. Your free to write your own notes if you'd like.
The Democrat party relies heavily on people that is dependent on welfare. Without them the democrats wouldn't win another election.

the biggest welfare queens are big corp with their tax loopholes & hiring only part timers so their worker bees have to go on food stamps & medicaid.

& the (R)s LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE big corp.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?

slavery was legal?

& then when the KKK was the norm & top of the heap?

& then forcing japanese americans into internment camps?

chemical experiments & deliberately administering diseases to our own troops for the sake of 'science'?

not everything is or was great about this country. that is a fact, jack.
ummmm those are the things that the Democratic Party did

ummmm.... this isn't about party. it is about US history. ummmm our founding fathers owned people. again, it's a fact jack. now you wanna tell me how great was that?

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live you lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

You live in a world of paranoid delusion.

Nobody likes the fact that there are people on government assistance. These programs exist only to compensate the failing of the private sector.

When the private sector guarantees everyone a job at descent wages and benefits, government assistance program will no longer be needed.

Government does not tell you how to live, spend your money or what to eat.

Unless your referring to criminal behavior, don't want to pay taxes, or want to get poisoned.

And BTW - it's the government's money anyway. Your free to write your own notes if you'd like.
The Democrat party relies heavily on people that is dependent on welfare. Without them the democrats wouldn't win another election.

the biggest welfare queens are big corp with their tax loopholes & hiring only part timers so their worker bees have to go on food stamps & medicaid.

& the (R)s LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE big corp.
Is that the liberal talking point today? Anyway obamacare converted full time jobs, to thousands of part-time jobs
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.
Liberalism is on the way out, the knife started going on. When you started supporting men in girls locker rooms. Soon liberals will support pedophilia, that will be the end. Liberals over sea already are trying to justify it.
I'm sure Bannon wants the world to believe he is very important, and that we should believe everything the propagandist says.

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.

The Founding Fathers were first and foremost about LIMITED government. The progressives, on the other hand, are all about an authoritarian government. That's not liberal.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

"so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps?"


Most recipients are white, elderly, children.

Also, veterans, single parents who are employed.

If you want to pretend to care about welfare fraud, start with pino trump and corporations that he is working to protect.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.

Very true.

The founding fathers believed government should serve the citizens -- NOT big business, as it is now.

We have right wing voters for that.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

"so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps?"


Most recipients are white, elderly, children.

Also, veterans, single parents who are employed.

If you want to pretend to care about welfare fraud, start with pino trump and corporations that he is working to protect.
well there is the difference between you and me. you wish to have people dependent and I am for getting jobs to get all people off of welfare. It is what a demoturd is. dependency maker. you and yours would rather keep them dependent for a vote than have them working and being productive and letting them choose their politicians. but hey, once fked always fked is the demoturd policy.,
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.

Very true.

The founding fathers believed government should serve the citizens -- NOT big business, as it is now.

We have right wing voters for that.
well just post up that link that proves that bubba. highlight it for us.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.

The Founding Fathers were first and foremost about LIMITED government. The progressives, on the other hand, are all about an authoritarian government. That's not liberal.
that's sort of true but they sure left it wide open in our constitution for the future / liberal/progressive changes...

I say sort of true, because it was not really government that they hated, initially they hated not having ''representation'' in King George's government and then not being able to govern themselves... imo!
When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

"so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps?"


Most recipients are white, elderly, children.

Also, veterans, single parents who are employed.

If you want to pretend to care about welfare fraud, start with pino trump and corporations that he is working to protect.

well there is the difference between you and me. you wish to have people dependent and I am for getting jobs to get all people off of welfare. It is what a demoturd is. dependency maker. you and yours would rather keep them dependent for a vote than have them working and being productive and letting them choose their politicians. but hey, once fked always fked is the demoturd policy.,

Many DO work.

Most cannot.

And there's the difference between the right and left is that the left. The left does not want people to starve or live on the streets.

The elderly person who had a pension until the big corporation he worked for ripped it out from under him -
The child of an employed singled mother struggling to feed, clothe and educate the kids she chose not to abort when the father bugged out -
The disabled veteran who cannot work or works at low paid job -
The handicapped, people who may well would have been aborted but now must have total care -

The list goes on and on and will get longer and include Medicaid, if the damn Repubs get their way.

I am very proud to be a liberal, progressive and I'll bet you would describe yourself as a christian.

This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?
Any era in which Americans didn't run and hide from an opinion that they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans did not try to silence those they disagreed with. Any era in which Americans rolled up their sleeves and tackled problems head on. Any era in which immigration meant applying for entry and waiting for acceptance. Any era in which it was unacceptable for the government to limit the freedoms of its citizens for the minorities with sniveling complaints.

Basically, any era in which progressives were nothing more than a tiny little squeaking snowflake.
there has never been a period in our history where liberals were just a tiny tiny fraction of our society. We are what we are and have been, due to Liberals, including the founding fathers.

The Founding Fathers were first and foremost about LIMITED government. The progressives, on the other hand, are all about an authoritarian government. That's not liberal.
that's sort of true but they sure left it wide open in our constitution for the future / liberal/progressive changes...

I say sort of true, because it was not really government that they hated, initially they hated not having ''representation'' in King George's government and then not being able to govern themselves... imo!

There was a huge fight between the Federalists (those in favor of a strong central government) and the Republicans (no relation to the current Party) who advocated a very small, almost powerless central government. The fight was to figure out the balance that worked best for the PEOPLE. The one common denominator between the two Party's was a desire to do what was best for the Country as a whole.

The difference today is the politicians don't truly care about the country, or the People any longer. They only care about how much they can take from the taxpayers to enrich, and empower them. The Political Class is at war with the People. That is now very, very clear.

That is why trump won. He is not a part of the Political Class.
I'm sure Bannon wants the world to believe he is very important, and that we should believe everything the propagandist says.

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!
I'm sure Bannon wants the world to believe he is very important, and that we should believe everything the propagandist says.

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties

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