John Kelly is gonna be angry

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live you lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

You live in a world of paranoid delusion.

Nobody likes the fact that there are people on government assistance. These programs exist only to compensate the failing of the private sector.

When the private sector guarantees everyone a job at descent wages and benefits, government assistance program will no longer be needed.

Government does not tell you how to live, spend your money or what to eat.

Unless your referring to criminal behavior, don't want to pay taxes, or want to get poisoned.

And BTW - it's the government's money anyway. Your free to write your own notes if you'd like.
The Democrat party relies heavily on people that is dependent on welfare. Without them the democrats wouldn't win another election.

the biggest welfare queens are big corp with their tax loopholes & hiring only part timers so their worker bees have to go on food stamps & medicaid.

& the (R)s LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE big corp.
Is that the liberal talking point today? Anyway obamacare converted full time jobs, to thousands of part-time jobs

lol......... forbes' is hardly a liberal magazine...

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Apr 15, 2014 @ 03:35 PM

Walmart's low-wage workers cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion in public assistance including food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing, according to a report published to coincide with Tax Day, April 15.
Other large retail chains have been the focus of similar reports in recent months. In October, two studies released to coincide showed that American fast food industry outsourced a combined $7 billion in annual labor costs to taxpayers. McDonald's MCD -3.22% alone accounted for $1.2 billion of that outlay.

Yum Brands came in at a distant number two, with its Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC subsidiaries costing $648 million in benefits programs for workers each year.
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Uncle Sam’s

Identifying the Large Companies
that Dominate Federal Subsidies


Over the past 15 years, the federal government has provided $68 billion in grants and
special tax credits to business, with two-thirds of the total going to large corporations.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

"so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps?"


Most recipients are white, elderly, children.

Also, veterans, single parents who are employed.

If you want to pretend to care about welfare fraud, start with pino trump and corporations that he is working to protect.
well there is the difference between you and me. you wish to have people dependent and I am for getting jobs to get all people off of welfare. It is what a demoturd is. dependency maker. you and yours would rather keep them dependent for a vote than have them working and being productive and letting them choose their politicians. but hey, once fked always fked is the demoturd policy.,

people that have jobs also receive food stamps. people who worked all their lives receive food stamps. or would you rather have gramma eat dog food?
I'm sure Bannon wants the world to believe he is very important, and that we should believe everything the propagandist says.

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
AS I had said and in your article, apples and oranges....ALSO Clinton campaign is NO WHERE in that article!

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"
I'm sure Bannon wants the world to believe he is very important, and that we should believe everything the propagandist says.

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
AS I had said and in your article, apples and oranges....ALSO Clinton campaign is NO WHERE in that article!

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

Yes, it is. All of the colluding with the Ukraine was to help the clinton campaign. Don't play obtuse.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
AS I had said and in your article, apples and oranges....ALSO Clinton campaign is NO WHERE in that article!

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

Yes, it is. All of the colluding with the Ukraine was to help the clinton campaign. Don't play obtuse.

& not even a looksey into it. why is that? nothing happened after all the benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hearings & there was whitewater...... & the murder of vince foster.... good lord you all hated the clintons that much & yet can't seem to nail them about anything except for slick willy's blowjob.
Last edited:
On 60 Minutes last Sunday, he said there was no collusion with Russia.

Apparently, he believes no one reads the news.

Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
AS I had said and in your article, apples and oranges....ALSO Clinton campaign is NO WHERE in that article!

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

Yes, it is. All of the colluding with the Ukraine was to help the clinton campaign. Don't play obtuse.
I am not playing obtuse.... I KNOW the meaning of the law that governs this and I KNOW this was NOT a top down operation by the UKRAINIAN govt as the Russian operation was....

Getting opposition information from Russians or Ukrainians or ex MI 5 Brits or Timbuktu-ians or whomever foreigners you pay to get information for you is not breaking the law... it's a normal part of the campaigns.

What is illegal, is working with a foreign GOVERNMENT, with the power of the foreign government's intelligence community and govt resources, people and money.

What's also illegal is working with that foreign government to influence our elections, with a promise of a quid pro quo.... like if you help me win with all of your govt's power and might, if I win, I will turn a BLIND EYE to your involvement in the Ukraine? or Crimea, or for your govt power and help, I will remove sanctions on you, if elected....

I have no problem looking in to what happened with the DNC, or this woman and her getting info from her connections in the Ukraine...

GO FOR IT! should only take them a week to prove it was NOT breaking the law.

AND NO, it was NOT the Clinton Campaign that did this (and your impersonating of Chubby Checkers is not coming off very well!) :D , as it was with Donny Junior saying he "LOVED IT!" getting help from the Russian GOVERNMENT on Hillary....and manafort his campaign manager and kushner also involved with this Russian GOVERNMENT information from The Kremlin, they supposedly had....that email SAID CLEARLY this dirt on Hillary information was coming from the Russian GOVT.

Granted, the investigation has to prove the conspiracy....but there is ample reason for Mueller to investigate...imo.
Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
AS I had said and in your article, apples and oranges....ALSO Clinton campaign is NO WHERE in that article!

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

Yes, it is. All of the colluding with the Ukraine was to help the clinton campaign. Don't play obtuse.
I am not playing obtuse.... I KNOW the meaning of the law that governs this and I KNOW this was NOT a top down operation by the UKRAINIAN govt as the Russian operation was....

Getting opposition information from Russians or Ukrainians or ex MI 5 Brits or Timbuktu-ians or whomever foreigners you pay to get information for you is not breaking the law... it's a normal part of the campaigns.

What is illegal, is working with a foreign GOVERNMENT, with the power of the foreign government's intelligence community and govt resources, people and money.

What's also illegal is working with that foreign government to influence our elections, with a promise of a quid pro quo.... like if you help me win with all of your govt's power and might, if I win, I will turn a BLIND EYE to your involvement in the Ukraine? or Crimea, or for your govt power and help, I will remove sanctions on you, if elected....

I have no problem looking in to what happened with the DNC, or this woman and her getting info from her connections in the Ukraine...

GO FOR IT! should only take them a week to prove it was NOT breaking the law.

AND NO, it was NOT the Clinton Campaign that did this (and your impersonating of Chubby Checkers is not coming off very well!) :D , as it was with Donny Junior saying he "LOVED IT!" getting help from the Russian GOVERNMENT on Hillary....and manafort his campaign manager and kushner also involved with this Russian GOVERNMENT information from The Kremlin, they supposedly had....that email SAID CLEARLY this dirt on Hillary information was coming from the Russian GOVT.

Granted, the investigation has to prove the conspiracy....but there is ample reason for Mueller to investigate...imo.
As soon as Mueller releases his report proving Trump 'colluded' with the Russians by all means let us all know. Until then all your bullshit 'maybe/could have been/ifs mean fuck all.
It's obvious you WANT desperately to see President Trump convicted of something.........ANYTHING!!!!!!
You don't really want the truth to come out. You'll settle for anything that 'might have happened' but Mueller and his team were 'bought off' by Trump"
That's your problem asshole.
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.

When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.
Well, there wasn't with the trump campaign. There was collusion between hilary's campaign and the Ukraine however. Funny how you ignore that fact. It doesn't even matter though because collusion ain't illegal.

But never let a fact get in the way of your hysteria, right, silly person?
there was NOT collusion between Hillary's campaign and the Ukraine govt.

The Ukraine's government did not coordinate all of their gvt power in their spy and intelligence community to influence and interfere with our elections nor did they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to do such...the Ukraine gvt was not involved at all.

The situations are not even REMOTELY close in comparison.

You are believing a made up lie and fake news.

An embassy worker there, gave a copy of an already PUBLIC REPORT to a lady friend from the USA.

THAT my dear is NOT the Ukrainian Government using their power and might, to affect our election!

Ummmm, yeah, she did. But, like I said. It doesn't matter because it's not illegal.

Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate
Top Democrat behind Trump-Russia hysteria confronted with fact his party got info from foreign sources
Schiff Concedes DNC Collusion with Ukrainian Government Inappropriate | LifeZette

"The similarities
Benjamin Wittes, editor of the respected Lawfare blog, told us he doesn’t think the comparison is frivolous.

"If everyone is running around with the assumption that it’s illegitimate to work with a foreign government in a campaign, then it’s perfectly fair to ask what was the relationship between the Clinton campaign and the Ukrainians," Wittes said.
Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
Parliament member demands to know whether his country’s government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
AS I had said and in your article, apples and oranges....ALSO Clinton campaign is NO WHERE in that article!

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

Yes, it is. All of the colluding with the Ukraine was to help the clinton campaign. Don't play obtuse.
I am not playing obtuse.... I KNOW the meaning of the law that governs this and I KNOW this was NOT a top down operation by the UKRAINIAN govt as the Russian operation was....

Getting opposition information from Russians or Ukrainians or ex MI 5 Brits or Timbuktu-ians or whomever foreigners you pay to get information for you is not breaking the law... it's a normal part of the campaigns.

What is illegal, is working with a foreign GOVERNMENT, with the power of the foreign government's intelligence community and govt resources, people and money.

What's also illegal is working with that foreign government to influence our elections, with a promise of a quid pro quo.... like if you help me win with all of your govt's power and might, if I win, I will turn a BLIND EYE to your involvement in the Ukraine? or Crimea, or for your govt power and help, I will remove sanctions on you, if elected....

I have no problem looking in to what happened with the DNC, or this woman and her getting info from her connections in the Ukraine...

GO FOR IT! should only take them a week to prove it was NOT breaking the law.

AND NO, it was NOT the Clinton Campaign that did this (and your impersonating of Chubby Checkers is not coming off very well!) :D , as it was with Donny Junior saying he "LOVED IT!" getting help from the Russian GOVERNMENT on Hillary....and manafort his campaign manager and kushner also involved with this Russian GOVERNMENT information from The Kremlin, they supposedly had....that email SAID CLEARLY this dirt on Hillary information was coming from the Russian GOVT.

Granted, the investigation has to prove the conspiracy....but there is ample reason for Mueller to investigate...imo.


Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

"so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps?"


Most recipients are white, elderly, children.

Also, veterans, single parents who are employed.

If you want to pretend to care about welfare fraud, start with pino trump and corporations that he is working to protect.
well there is the difference between you and me. you wish to have people dependent and I am for getting jobs to get all people off of welfare. It is what a demoturd is. dependency maker. you and yours would rather keep them dependent for a vote than have them working and being productive and letting them choose their politicians. but hey, once fked always fked is the demoturd policy.,

people that have jobs also receive food stamps. people who worked all their lives receive food stamps. or would you rather have gramma eat dog food?
no fking kidding. Why don't they get a job that pays more and let's stop the food stamps. K? stop having fking babies that keeps them from getting an education, get the fathers to pay for their fked up lives? why is it my problem? Better yet, you fking fund them, I mean your morals are sooooo much better than mine. take it over. cat got your tongue? LOL
When exactly was it that America was not great?
View attachment 148855

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!
I have no fking idea what corporate welfare is, it's your bumper sticker, I don't have a definition. so stop talking for me since you have no idea who I am. you speak for you bubba, Loser.

Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!

What the hell is corporate welfare?
This is great news. Bannons ideology is great for making America great again.
What year or era in our History was America Great in your mind or bannon's mind Steve?

The 1920's, 1930's or 1940's or 1950's or 1960's etc?

When was this time that America was GREAT and you want to mimic to make America Great AGAIN now?

In his 60 minutes interview, Bannon Said America was great in the era prior to WWI when it had isolationist policies across the board. He seems to forget that it also had fewer than 100 million people and massive immigration. And the fiscal policies of the era lead directly to the Great Depression.
Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!
I have no fking idea what corporate welfare is, it's your bumper sticker, I don't have a definition. so stop talking for me since you have no idea who I am. you speak for you bubba, Loser.

You don't know much that's for sure, you are right I do not speak ultra stupid so I will not be able to speak for you!
Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!

What the hell is corporate welfare?

Earned income credits. Food stamps for working Americans. Basically wage subsidies.
Are you saying that America was not great because a black man was elected President or because we do not persecute homosexuals?
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!

What the hell is corporate welfare?
it must be a libturd bumper sticker
so you're ok with people on welfare and receiving food stamps? see I thought you all liked unemployment and dependents. government telling you how to live your lives. spend your money and tell you what to eat. knew it.

Oh and open borders and violence.

Nah, i like corporate welfare so much more. You know like you do!
I love americans working, my neighbors and my countrymen. Not illegals. not jobs shipped to other countries because taxes are so fking high on our industries.

And you love corporate welfare, you just said so!
I have no fking idea what corporate welfare is, it's your bumper sticker, I don't have a definition. so stop talking for me since you have no idea who I am. you speak for you bubba, Loser.

You don't know much that's for sure, you are right I do not speak ultra stupid so I will not be able to speak for you!
I speak for myself, so again, what is this subject you are promoting about corporate something?

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