John Kelly longer on speaking terms with Trump

John Kelly is the racist son of a bitch that lied through his yellow teeth on that black Floridian Congresswoman during the fallen black soldier controversy...all in defense of his Trumpenfuhrer.

Eff him!


And who's still there?
Trump and Kelly are both alpha dogs...sooner or later one goes at the other for dominance. Trump comes from a world where when he says "yes" it happens. Being president or a Marine general ain't like that. Trump has no fear of other alpha dogs...he tests himself against them and always has whether it was buying the property that would become Trump Tower from a mafia don or dealing with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Trump is top dog, always was, always will be.
Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘Undisciplined, doesn’t like to read’ and tries to do illegal things

Meaning Trump is not a corrupted swamper....meaning Trump won't play the game like the swamp has always played.....well I say good!....
"John Kelly is one of a long list of failed & incompetent Trump appointees that served in a dysfunctional White House. Kelly leaves with a cloud over his head because of the lie that he told on Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. He refused to apologize. Leaves WH in disgrace." - Maxine Waters
I doubt Kelly wanted this job, or the Homeland Sec one, but he did it because he thought he could be of service. He's unlike people like Spicer who like a toady latched on in failed hopes of making a step up, and killed his own career. And even like Cohn who sure didn't need the money or a better job, but did so to push an agenda. And Cohn is happily back in finance.

We should all thank him for his efforts and wish him a good life.
I'll never understand why a man like that would take that position to begin with.
Trump and the DOJ are about to bring down a hammer on the corruptness of the swamp...starting with the Clinton' if true I'm not surprised Kelly a long time swamper wants to get clear of the fallout....
I see you are a QAnon piss drinker!
I doubt Kelly wanted this job, or the Homeland Sec one, but he did it because he thought he could be of service. He's unlike people like Spicer who like a toady latched on in failed hopes of making a step up, and killed his own career. And even like Cohn who sure didn't need the money or a better job, but did so to push an agenda. And Cohn is happily back in finance.

We should all thank him for his efforts and wish him a good life.
It seems like everyone who goes to work for Trump ends up seriously regretting it.
I doubt Kelly wanted this job, or the Homeland Sec one, but he did it because he thought he could be of service. He's unlike people like Spicer who like a toady latched on in failed hopes of making a step up, and killed his own career. And even like Cohn who sure didn't need the money or a better job, but did so to push an agenda. And Cohn is happily back in finance.

We should all thank him for his efforts and wish him a good life.
It seems like everyone who goes to work for Trump ends up seriously regretting it.

they should have read the fine print in the contract requiring them to lip-lock his fat ass 24/7/365 ..
Good for him.
Working for a lying POS con man is a tough job!

He needs to get off the sinking ship!

John Kelly expected to resign in coming days: CNN | TheHill
1 hour ago - CNN is reporting that White House chief of staff John Kelly will resign in the coming days.

John Kelly to resign as White House chief of staff: CNN | Reuters
1 hour ago - John Kelly is expected to resign as U.S. President Donald Trump's chief of staff in coming days, CNN reported on Friday citing unnamed ...

John Kelly expected to resign soon, no longer on speaking terms with ...
27 mins ago - Washington (CNN) John Kelly is expected to resign as White House chief of staff in the coming days, two sources familiar with the situation ...
John Kelly should have been a man and told Trump to his face that he was going behind his back. Instead he snuck around like a backstabbing asshole....Mkay.

Strange how everyone seems to know so much about what goes on in this WH, and knew nothing about what went on in Obama's WH till he was gone. The mindless discussions where nothing got done. The meetings with terrorist groups and protest groups. The plans to spy on the Trump campaign. The plans to frame Trump.

But everyone heard about how Trump is lazy.


The man doesn't have a lazy none in his body.
"John Kelly is one of a long list of failed & incompetent Trump appointees that served in a dysfunctional White House. Kelly leaves with a cloud over his head because of the lie that he told on Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. He refused to apologize. Leaves WH in disgrace." - Maxine Waters

Sure, Max
I doubt Kelly wanted this job, or the Homeland Sec one, but he did it because he thought he could be of service. He's unlike people like Spicer who like a toady latched on in failed hopes of making a step up, and killed his own career. And even like Cohn who sure didn't need the money or a better job, but did so to push an agenda. And Cohn is happily back in finance.

We should all thank him for his efforts and wish him a good life.
It seems like everyone who goes to work for Trump ends up seriously regretting it.

they should have read the fine print in the contract requiring them to lip-lock his fat ass 24/7/365 ..
That's the job of any Chief of Staff. I admire someone who stands by their boss and presents a unified front. We need people like that.

It's just that so many of Trump's underlings have learned to their horror that they were standing by a totally incompetent huckster. It had to make the daily trudge to work really suck.

I'm surprised Sarah Huckabee hasn't broken out in boils.
I doubt Kelly wanted this job, or the Homeland Sec one, but he did it because he thought he could be of service. He's unlike people like Spicer who like a toady latched on in failed hopes of making a step up, and killed his own career. And even like Cohn who sure didn't need the money or a better job, but did so to push an agenda. And Cohn is happily back in finance.

We should all thank him for his efforts and wish him a good life.
It seems like everyone who goes to work for Trump ends up seriously regretting it.
It will be interesting to see what happens to Munchkin. He tied his sail to Trump hoping as a 100-1 shot Trump would win and he'd be Sec of Treasury.
I doubt Kelly wanted this job, or the Homeland Sec one, but he did it because he thought he could be of service. He's unlike people like Spicer who like a toady latched on in failed hopes of making a step up, and killed his own career. And even like Cohn who sure didn't need the money or a better job, but did so to push an agenda. And Cohn is happily back in finance.

We should all thank him for his efforts and wish him a good life.
It seems like everyone who goes to work for Trump ends up seriously regretting it.

they should have read the fine print in the contract requiring them to lip-lock his fat ass 24/7/365 ..
That's the job of any Chief of Staff. I admire someone who stands by their boss and presents a unified front. We need people like that.

It's just that so many of Trump's underlings have learned to their horror that they were standing by a totally incompetent huckster. It had to make the daily trudge to work really suck.

I'm surprised Sarah Huckabee hasn't broken out in boils.
That poor woman will be lucky to land a gig as spokesperson for lepers.

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