John Kerry wants border-less world

None of which are artificial. Fail.

When people decide and agree that the border between them should be a river, an ocean, a mountain range or a lake you see that natural borders are respected as natural borders. You will also find that more often than not people on either side of those borders speak different languages.

Take a good, long and detailed look at the map of the globe. Most borders you see are what you would call were made by God/Nature. The only genuine man-made borders are straight lines and you see precious few of them except for in the United States (between states) and the Middle East as the remnants of long forgotten British rule
How many countries have rivers, lakes, even mountain ranges within their borders?

Borders are by man, which is why they change. You lose.

I am going to do my best to be patient with you, even knowing that is an almost hopeless task.

Like I said before: Look at the map. You WILL see rivers, mountain ranges and lakes separating countries. Those are God/made borders.

For example mountain range separating Switzerland from Austria, and Italy and France, river separating Slovakia from Hungary, lake separating Rwanda from some other African hell hole and so on.

Geography, history, common sense and intelligence are not your strong points, are they?

Borders between countries that are straight (Jordan/Syria, Lebanon/Israel etc.) are man made.
God made the river, but it's man who decided to call that one, versus the one just before it, the border. The US doesn't stop at the Mississippi River or the Rockies, not because of God but because of man.

Next time, think then post.

I agree. Like I said before, most countries have rivers, lakes, mountain ranges within their borders. So, the United States has the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains within its borders. I bow at your superior wisdom: You finally discovered that a river or a mountain range WITHIN a country does not separate that country from another country.

Since you are a hopeless idiot I don't care if you reply to this or not, I will not respond to you, since it would be precious time I would never get back.

AKA, I beat your ass because the US doesn't stop at the first river or mountain range even if sometimes people say stop, this is our border. That's man, not God,
The word probably in the headline of the story says it all. Kind of like the world is getting warmer and the reason is probably human related. That's what baffles me about you will believe anything as long as it fits with your ideology. You may be a robot but I'm not. I have free will for now at least. I know Obama bots would like to change that fact but you haven't as of yet.
War is good for business, dummy.
I guess you won't give me an you want America to remove it's borders?
Who am I to question God? Maybe there's a good reason why he made the earth without borders?
I notice you never gave a direct answer.

"Yes" or "no" would suffice.
Nope, never did.

And one species, one planet.

I think she is jillian or LoneLaugher or rdean in disguise.
The word probably in the headline of the story says it all. Kind of like the world is getting warmer and the reason is probably human related. That's what baffles me about you will believe anything as long as it fits with your ideology. You may be a robot but I'm not. I have free will for now at least. I know Obama bots would like to change that fact but you haven't as of yet.
You just think you have free will because people of faith told you that. Read up.
You just think you have free will because people of faith told you that. Read up
Well if you don't have free will that's fine with me...but can you will yourself to finally answer my question? Do you want America to remove it's borders or not?
War is good for business, dummy.
I guess you won't give me an you want America to remove it's borders?
Who am I to question God? Maybe there's a good reason why he made the earth without borders?
I notice you never gave a direct answer.

"Yes" or "no" would suffice.
Nope, never did.

And one species, one planet.
So your answer appears to be "yes, America should remove its borders."

Not surprised...he's always been an advocate for the end of the United States of America.

Justin Holcomb - John Kerry: Get Ready for "Borderless World"

The OP is encouraged to research the Libertarianism that Ronald Reagan embraced in 1980.

Start by reading the great Republican icon, Milton Friedman - specifically, read his seminal critique of postwar Keynesianism, "Capitalism and Freedom".

You will learn that Ronald Reagan's economic guru believed that borders, language and culture are impediments to the flow of capital.

You will learn that Reagan's blessed Free Market Ideology was based on a world where capital could flow instantly to wherever it could get the highest return. This is why he (and later the New Democrats) broke down the legal impediments to trade, which allowed our noble capitalists to shift production to freedom hating tyrannies in Mexico and China.

[You guessed 'er Chester: Nike investors make higher returns when their sneaks are made for pennies by oppressed slaves living beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.]

Do you know what happens to countries who try to protect their culture and economies from foreign capital? They get disciplined by the Pentagon. In other words, if your country has oil or cheap labor or anything needed by our production system, than we don't give a fuck about your border.

Same goes for California agriculture: if you will work for less money than an American, than we don't give a fuck about the border. This is the logic of capitalism, which puts profit above else.

Higher profits come from [things like] illegal labor, and breaking down the borders (physical, legal, cultural) that prevent American capital from merging with cheaper third world resources.

The OP is part of an uneducated know-nothing movement that merely uses the values of Conservatism to get his vote.

The OP is encouraged to turn off talk radio and read the great Conservative Daniel Bell, specifically his "Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism". Why read this book? So you can see an argument for their inherent conflict between Libertarianism (which favor open borders) and Conservatism (which favors tradition and cultural autonomy over the free flow of capital).

By trying to unite Libertarianism with Conservatism, Ronald Reagan raised a generation of intellectually confused Republicans. Problem is: there is no way to understand this confusion without vacating the slogans and talking points of The Machine.

The OP is proof that people who don't get a strong college education are victims of the chattering class.
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Not surprised...he's always been an advocate for the end of the United States of America.

Justin Holcomb - John Kerry: Get Ready for "Borderless World"

The OP is encouraged to research the Libertarianism that Ronald Reagan embraced in 1980.

Start by reading the great Republican icon, Milton Friedman - specifically, read his seminal critique of postwar Keynesianism, "Capitalism and Freedom".

You will learn that Ronald Reagan's economic guru believed that borders, language and culture are impediments to the flow of capital.

You will learn that Reagan's blessed Free Market Ideology was based on a world where capital could flow instantly to wherever it could get the highest return. This is why he (and later the New Democrats) broke down the legal impediments to trade, which allowed our noble capitalists to shift production to freedom hating tyrannies in Mexico and China.

[You guessed 'er Chester: Nike investors make higher returns when their sneaks are made for pennies by oppressed slaves living beneath brutal freedom hating dictators.]

Do you know what happens to countries who try to protect their culture and economies from foreign capital? They get disciplined by the Pentagon. In other words, if your country has oil or cheap labor or anything needed by our production system, than we don't give a fuck about your border.

Same goes for California agriculture: if you will work for less money than an American, than we don't give a fuck about the border. This is the logic of capitalism, which puts profit above else.

Higher profits come from [things like] illegal labor, and breaking down the borders (physical, legal, cultural) that prevent American capital from merging with cheaper third world resources.

The OP is part of an uneducated know-nothing movement that merely uses the values of Conservatism to get his vote.

The OP is encouraged to turn off talk radio and read the great Conservative Daniel Bell, specifically his "Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism". Why read this book? So you can see an argument for their inherent conflict between Libertarianism (which favor open borders) and Conservatism (which favors tradition and cultural autonomy over the free flow of capital).

By trying to unite Libertarianism with Conservatism, Ronald Reagan raised a generation of intellectually confused Republicans. Problem is: there is no way to understand this confusion without vacating the slogans and talking points of The Machine.

The OP is proof that people who don't get a strong college education are victims of the chattering class.
I didn't and don't agree with everything Reagan or the republican party believes in. Right now at this time in history borders are a necessity. I wish it weren't the case but it is. So I will ask you the same question I asked earlier with no answer forthcoming. Do you want to eliminate America's borders? Be careful with your answer since you already felt the need to call me uneducated you would not want to answer wrong and make yourself appear foolish.
You just think you have free will because people of faith told you that. Read up
Well if you don't have free will that's fine with me...but can you will yourself to finally answer my question? Do you want America to remove it's borders or not?
The world is without borders, except for
those made by man. Done right, there would be no need for borders.
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The world is without borders, except for
those made by man. Done right, there would be no need for borders
That's not an answer. Do you want to remove Americas borders? You don't have to answer, I know you would say no if you were not involved with the argument.
War is good for business, dummy.
I guess you won't give me an you want America to remove it's borders?
Who am I to question God? Maybe there's a good reason why he made the earth without borders?
I notice you never gave a direct answer.

"Yes" or "no" would suffice.
Nope, never did.

And one species, one planet.
So your answer appears to be "yes, America should remove its borders."

In the end we are one, even if we pretend we aren't.
Question for you, if the whole world is like America, why can't the whole world be America?

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