John Lewis dead

Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
No dog in this fight, but he did say that he figured that John Lewis supported the "new" Jim Crow laws.... He has told you this many times, but you keep reverting back to the "Old" Jim Crow laws as if to suggest that this feller was talking about John Lewis supporting those laws.

Now asking him to define what he thinks is the "New" Jim Crow laws, uhh would be nice at this point, and then maybe you two could get somewhere.

I'm thinking at this point that what he means by "New", is Lewis not doing anything but fomenting racism against whites by his actions while in power, and by it all if was the case, it therefore caused blacks to put themselves back into the nice tighty little box that Lincoln had got them out of, otherwise if only in their minds.

After this type of brain control, it allows politician's to use that control to convince these Black's (that are believers in it all), that they must only support Democrats or black politicians and/or white's who can speak the dialect with them (Hillary Clinton), that they are always trying to convince them that they are there for them when they truly weren't. If they were with the power they held, then things would have been alot better for the Black's than they were after all these years.

Heck I know a black man right now, who actually does exactly what John Lewis and others have been doing to other Black's for years, and that is to get them to work hard making individuals rich while they (the hard working Black's), end up with almost nothing at the end of it all. Otherwise their pay and benefits never matched the work that they had put in.

Same with the Mexicans, where as they have the Mexican foreman who speaks the language, and his job is to get the Mexican crew to bust their aces for 12 hours, and do it for $7.00 dollars per hour. They then go to a rented house where 15 or so live, having schedules of 6 to seven days a week to work, and then sending most of their income back home to Mexico.

This is the kind of bullcrap that has been going on, and yes your pure politicians have been up to their eyeballs in it forever.
I know my community is far more segregated today than it was a 1964, and talking to people that visit Atlanta they would say Atlanta is very segregated.. and John Lewis was in power John Lewis put policies together that create this new segregation..

The people you claim to know who visit Atlanta must not spend much time here. Yes, there are poor neighborhoods. I have not seen any that do not allow whites to live there. And they certainly do not forbid blacks from moving into the nicest neighborhoods.

The idea that any of this is forced, by law, is completely ridiculous. I have seen numerous million dollar homes in Buckhead, Marietta, Sandy Springs ect, that are owned by blacks. If Jim Crow laws were in effect, even if they had the money, they would not be allowed to live there.

If you take a MARTA bus in Atlanta, you will see blacks sitting next to whites. That was illegal under Jim Crow laws. And it was to the point that mobs of ignorant rednecks would violently attack the blacks and the whites who did so.
Why are you denying that democrat policies have created segregation in our communities across America? Your so going crazy about a name Jim Crow.. who cares about a name, results or polices Lewis over saw is reality.. these black neighborhoods are doing far worse than they were in 1963 and that’s with the right to vote and that is with the right to go into any place they want to go but because of policies they were not going to go to a certain neighborhood, Because of the wealth gap because of education gap because frankly they don’t know how to act because they didn’t have a nuclear family

It all started with your claim that John Lewis supported Jim Crow laws. And has progressed because you steadfastly refuse to admit that was incorrect.
I said NEW Jim Crow laws.. which has segregated America far worse than the 1960s, And blacks were doing far better back then then they are doing today

Adding the word "new" to it does not change the fact that Jim Crow laws were about legally forced segregation.
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
I’ve already explain the new Jim Crowe laws.. stop pretending I haven’t been over this 100 times just because you’re wrong just because your butt hurt.. TAKE A HIKE

Bullshit. Saying they are "new Jim Crow laws" is a dodge and you know it. If they were "new Jim Crow laws" they would be new laws forcing racial segregation. They aren't.

Just stop. You have been arguing bullshit for too many pages. Just stop. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws (falsely called "new" or otherwise). You are trying to avoid admitting you are wrong. But every person reading this bullshit can see that you were ignorant about it.

Just stop with the bullshit. You will never admit you are wrong, and I am fine with that. That is who you are, sadly. But stop pretending. Stop flailing around trying to defend your ignorance.
Of course there is, new area in Boston sea port has no black owned business in a city that graduates more blacks than whites in the past 30 years. Destroying education is implementing Jim Crow Laws.. let’s keep the neighborhood segregated

You are like a little kid who has been corrected. "Well that is what I call it!" while stamping your feet.

If it was a new Jim Crow law (and I notice you didn't add the "new" until well into defending your error), it would be a law that forces segregation on penalty of prosecution. The fact that blacks do not own businesses in a new, trendy section of Boston is not due to Jim Crow laws. The people living in ghettos are not there because the law won't LET them move elsewhere. They are there because of poverty. Jim Crow laws concerning education were laws that did not allow integration in schools. What you have in Boston is school districts that are mostly black and poor. And the funding for most public schools come from local property taxes. Poor areas have low taxes, so there is less funding for the schools. That is NOT Jim Crow laws, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and yell "That is what I call it!!".
It is Jim Crow laws, new ones. They saw welfare, and destroying education had the same effect as have a sign in the window NO BLACKS ALLOWED.. im more advanced than you in race relations.. I’m making history. Now sit back down and enjoy the ride

You are delusional. The new laws may have similar effects. But they are NOT Jim Crow laws.

As far as being more advanced in race relations, you defending and advocating lynching pretty much shoots that down. And, when you are told of a lynching in the 1980s, your first response being "Well he shouldn't have raped that white girl" shows you to be far behind the curve on race relations.
Cool story, I deal with reality

No, you absolutely do not. Or your reality changes with each new lie.
Bullshit I bet Atlanta is more segregated today than it was in 1964

Is it because of a law? That is the actual point, and you pretend it isn't.

And no, it is not more segregated than it was in 1964. In 1964 there were NO interracial neighborhoods. Now you would be hard pressed to find an area in the greater Atlanta area that is NOT interracial. You want to make claims about Boston, that is fine. But don't pretend you can tell me about my city when you have likely never been here.
How about integrated with diversity of thought? I could almost guarantee you that if I took 500 Trump supporters and put them in a black Atlanta neighborhood they would not be welcomed

That would depend on how they acted. Just like if you took 500 democrats and put them in a neighborhood of Trump supporters.
I know democrats have segregated us,, I’ve got pics of blacks wearing KKK, they were welcomed because they agreed with them.. segregation is about similarities. Z When you divide us by race gender religion color of skin like Democrats have With new policies than you Will have a segregation issue

The issue is whether or not it is a law. That is why they call them Jim Crow LAWS.
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
No dog in this fight, but he did say that he figured that John Lewis supported the "new" Jim Crow laws.... He has told you this many times, but you keep reverting back to the "Old" Jim Crow laws as if to suggest that this feller was talking about John Lewis supporting those laws.

Now asking him to define what he thinks is the "New" Jim Crow laws, uhh would be nice at this point, and then maybe you two could get somewhere.

I'm thinking at this point that what he means by "New", is Lewis not doing anything but fomenting racism against whites by his actions while in power, and by it all if was the case, it therefore caused blacks to put themselves back into the nice tighty little box that Lincoln had got them out of, otherwise if only in their minds.

After this type of brain control, it allows politician's to use that control to convince these Black's (that are believers in it all), that they must only support Democrats or black politicians and/or white's who can speak the dialect with them (Hillary Clinton), that they are always trying to convince them that they are there for them when they truly weren't. If they were with the power they held, then things would have been alot better for the Black's than they were after all these years.

Heck I know a black man right now, who actually does exactly what John Lewis and others have been doing to other Black's for years, and that is to get them to work hard making individuals rich while they (the hard working Black's), end up with almost nothing at the end of it all. Otherwise their pay and benefits never matched the work that they had put in.

Same with the Mexicans, where as they have the Mexican foreman who speaks the language, and his job is to get the Mexican crew to bust their aces for 12 hours, and do it for $7.00 dollars per hour. They then go to a rented house where 15 or so live, having schedules of 6 to seven days a week to work, and then sending most of their income back home to Mexico.

This is the kind of bullcrap that has been going on, and yes your pure politicians have been up to their eyeballs in it forever.
I know my community is far more segregated today than it was a 1964, and talking to people that visit Atlanta they would say Atlanta is very segregated.. and John Lewis was in power John Lewis put policies together that create this new segregation..

The people you claim to know who visit Atlanta must not spend much time here. Yes, there are poor neighborhoods. I have not seen any that do not allow whites to live there. And they certainly do not forbid blacks from moving into the nicest neighborhoods.

The idea that any of this is forced, by law, is completely ridiculous. I have seen numerous million dollar homes in Buckhead, Marietta, Sandy Springs ect, that are owned by blacks. If Jim Crow laws were in effect, even if they had the money, they would not be allowed to live there.

If you take a MARTA bus in Atlanta, you will see blacks sitting next to whites. That was illegal under Jim Crow laws. And it was to the point that mobs of ignorant rednecks would violently attack the blacks and the whites who did so.
Why are you denying that democrat policies have created segregation in our communities across America? Your so going crazy about a name Jim Crow.. who cares about a name, results or polices Lewis over saw is reality.. these black neighborhoods are doing far worse than they were in 1963 and that’s with the right to vote and that is with the right to go into any place they want to go but because of policies they were not going to go to a certain neighborhood, Because of the wealth gap because of education gap because frankly they don’t know how to act because they didn’t have a nuclear family

It all started with your claim that John Lewis supported Jim Crow laws. And has progressed because you steadfastly refuse to admit that was incorrect.
I said NEW Jim Crow laws.. which has segregated America far worse than the 1960s, And blacks were doing far better back then then they are doing today

Adding the word "new" to it does not change the fact that Jim Crow laws were about legally forced segregation.
And the NEW, means they found a way it to segregate us. And to applaud this man is Disgusting
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
I’ve already explain the new Jim Crowe laws.. stop pretending I haven’t been over this 100 times just because you’re wrong just because your butt hurt.. TAKE A HIKE

Bullshit. Saying they are "new Jim Crow laws" is a dodge and you know it. If they were "new Jim Crow laws" they would be new laws forcing racial segregation. They aren't.

Just stop. You have been arguing bullshit for too many pages. Just stop. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws (falsely called "new" or otherwise). You are trying to avoid admitting you are wrong. But every person reading this bullshit can see that you were ignorant about it.

Just stop with the bullshit. You will never admit you are wrong, and I am fine with that. That is who you are, sadly. But stop pretending. Stop flailing around trying to defend your ignorance.
Of course there is, new area in Boston sea port has no black owned business in a city that graduates more blacks than whites in the past 30 years. Destroying education is implementing Jim Crow Laws.. let’s keep the neighborhood segregated

You are like a little kid who has been corrected. "Well that is what I call it!" while stamping your feet.

If it was a new Jim Crow law (and I notice you didn't add the "new" until well into defending your error), it would be a law that forces segregation on penalty of prosecution. The fact that blacks do not own businesses in a new, trendy section of Boston is not due to Jim Crow laws. The people living in ghettos are not there because the law won't LET them move elsewhere. They are there because of poverty. Jim Crow laws concerning education were laws that did not allow integration in schools. What you have in Boston is school districts that are mostly black and poor. And the funding for most public schools come from local property taxes. Poor areas have low taxes, so there is less funding for the schools. That is NOT Jim Crow laws, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and yell "That is what I call it!!".
It is Jim Crow laws, new ones. They saw welfare, and destroying education had the same effect as have a sign in the window NO BLACKS ALLOWED.. im more advanced than you in race relations.. I’m making history. Now sit back down and enjoy the ride

You are delusional. The new laws may have similar effects. But they are NOT Jim Crow laws.

As far as being more advanced in race relations, you defending and advocating lynching pretty much shoots that down. And, when you are told of a lynching in the 1980s, your first response being "Well he shouldn't have raped that white girl" shows you to be far behind the curve on race relations.
Cool story, I deal with reality

No, you absolutely do not. Or your reality changes with each new lie.
Bullshit I bet Atlanta is more segregated today than it was in 1964

Is it because of a law? That is the actual point, and you pretend it isn't.

And no, it is not more segregated than it was in 1964. In 1964 there were NO interracial neighborhoods. Now you would be hard pressed to find an area in the greater Atlanta area that is NOT interracial. You want to make claims about Boston, that is fine. But don't pretend you can tell me about my city when you have likely never been here.
How about integrated with diversity of thought? I could almost guarantee you that if I took 500 Trump supporters and put them in a black Atlanta neighborhood they would not be welcomed

That would depend on how they acted. Just like if you took 500 democrats and put them in a neighborhood of Trump supporters.
I know democrats have segregated us,, I’ve got pics of blacks wearing KKK, they were welcomed because they agreed with them.. segregation is about similarities. Z When you divide us by race gender religion color of skin like Democrats have With new policies than you Will have a segregation issue

The issue is whether or not it is a law. That is why they call them Jim Crow LAWS.
Im explained my definition.. and it’s facts
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
No dog in this fight, but he did say that he figured that John Lewis supported the "new" Jim Crow laws.... He has told you this many times, but you keep reverting back to the "Old" Jim Crow laws as if to suggest that this feller was talking about John Lewis supporting those laws.

Now asking him to define what he thinks is the "New" Jim Crow laws, uhh would be nice at this point, and then maybe you two could get somewhere.

I'm thinking at this point that what he means by "New", is Lewis not doing anything but fomenting racism against whites by his actions while in power, and by it all if was the case, it therefore caused blacks to put themselves back into the nice tighty little box that Lincoln had got them out of, otherwise if only in their minds.

After this type of brain control, it allows politician's to use that control to convince these Black's (that are believers in it all), that they must only support Democrats or black politicians and/or white's who can speak the dialect with them (Hillary Clinton), that they are always trying to convince them that they are there for them when they truly weren't. If they were with the power they held, then things would have been alot better for the Black's than they were after all these years.

Heck I know a black man right now, who actually does exactly what John Lewis and others have been doing to other Black's for years, and that is to get them to work hard making individuals rich while they (the hard working Black's), end up with almost nothing at the end of it all. Otherwise their pay and benefits never matched the work that they had put in.

Same with the Mexicans, where as they have the Mexican foreman who speaks the language, and his job is to get the Mexican crew to bust their aces for 12 hours, and do it for $7.00 dollars per hour. They then go to a rented house where 15 or so live, having schedules of 6 to seven days a week to work, and then sending most of their income back home to Mexico.

This is the kind of bullcrap that has been going on, and yes your pure politicians have been up to their eyeballs in it forever.
I know my community is far more segregated today than it was a 1964, and talking to people that visit Atlanta they would say Atlanta is very segregated.. and John Lewis was in power John Lewis put policies together that create this new segregation..

The people you claim to know who visit Atlanta must not spend much time here. Yes, there are poor neighborhoods. I have not seen any that do not allow whites to live there. And they certainly do not forbid blacks from moving into the nicest neighborhoods.

The idea that any of this is forced, by law, is completely ridiculous. I have seen numerous million dollar homes in Buckhead, Marietta, Sandy Springs ect, that are owned by blacks. If Jim Crow laws were in effect, even if they had the money, they would not be allowed to live there.

If you take a MARTA bus in Atlanta, you will see blacks sitting next to whites. That was illegal under Jim Crow laws. And it was to the point that mobs of ignorant rednecks would violently attack the blacks and the whites who did so.
Why are you denying that democrat policies have created segregation in our communities across America? Your so going crazy about a name Jim Crow.. who cares about a name, results or polices Lewis over saw is reality.. these black neighborhoods are doing far worse than they were in 1963 and that’s with the right to vote and that is with the right to go into any place they want to go but because of policies they were not going to go to a certain neighborhood, Because of the wealth gap because of education gap because frankly they don’t know how to act because they didn’t have a nuclear family

It all started with your claim that John Lewis supported Jim Crow laws. And has progressed because you steadfastly refuse to admit that was incorrect.
I said NEW Jim Crow laws.. which has segregated America far worse than the 1960s, And blacks were doing far better back then then they are doing today

Adding the word "new" to it does not change the fact that Jim Crow laws were about legally forced segregation.
Yeah, but you've got to understand what's being said, and how it's being said. Read between the lines, and then you will understand the changed meanings of things that have a similar definition, but revamped due to the changing of times that still practice things, but in a more hidden way than it was before. In fact it changes so much that it's very hard for the eye to catch it unless you look real hard at it for a second look maybe. Then you say to yourself, hey that might be the same thing that went on before, but it's just wrapped up in a different paper.
This asshole Lewis was a low IQ Negro that ... used his elected position to fill his pockets. His biggest crime was supporting abortion that killed millions of Black children.... Good riddance to a shithead.
The racist asshole who made these obnoxious comments also proudly waves two Confederate Flags, showing once again that that flag is a screen behind which hide despicable racists. Any lie is acceptable to such elements, including accusing John Lewis of “lining his pockets” — when in fact he ended 33 years of Congressional service poorer than almost any other long-serving Congressmen, with a very modest net worth estimated at $300,000.
That's all the IRS knows about, you mean. I bet his offspring are opening up a few safe deposit boxes full of cash, gold, and gems as we speak.

But there's nothing wrong with that, IMO.
“That's all the IRS knows about, you mean. I bet his offspring are opening up a few safe deposit boxes full of cash, gold, and gems as we speak. But there's nothing wrong with that, IMO.“

More slander, made without any evidence whatever. You say, after slandering Lewis and his family, that you yourself are really perfectly alright with corrupt politicians “filling their pockets”! Apparently it is ok if they happen to be “high IQ” white Republican politicians? What a sorry pos and loser you are!

By the way, John Lewis and his very well educated wife had no children of their own. They adopted a two-month old baby around 1970. The young man always expressed love and admiration for his adopting parents, but despite his father’s encouragement did not go into politics. He stayed out of the limelight and apparently made a modest career in the music business.
Last edited:
This asshole Lewis was a low IQ Negro that ... used his elected position to fill his pockets. His biggest crime was supporting abortion that killed millions of Black children.... Good riddance to a shithead.
The racist asshole who made these obnoxious comments also proudly waves two Confederate Flags, showing once again that that flag is a screen behind which hide despicable racists. Any lie is acceptable to such elements, including accusing John Lewis of “lining his pockets” — when in fact he ended 33 years of Congressional service poorer than almost any other long-serving Congressmen, with a very modest net worth estimated at $300,000.
That's interesting that his net worth was estimated at only $300,000 dollars. So was it that he wasn't smart enough or corrupt enough to play the game as well as his co-workers were, and therefore he was just a follower, and not a leader ??? Yes that is very interesting when you take in consideration of what Pelosi, Hillary, and Shumer excetera are worth.

He probably pulled the Biden scam where his family got all the graft and it didn't show up on his books.
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
No dog in this fight, but he did say that he figured that John Lewis supported the "new" Jim Crow laws.... He has told you this many times, but you keep reverting back to the "Old" Jim Crow laws as if to suggest that this feller was talking about John Lewis supporting those laws.

Now asking him to define what he thinks is the "New" Jim Crow laws, uhh would be nice at this point, and then maybe you two could get somewhere.

I'm thinking at this point that what he means by "New", is Lewis not doing anything but fomenting racism against whites by his actions while in power, and by it all if was the case, it therefore caused blacks to put themselves back into the nice tighty little box that Lincoln had got them out of, otherwise if only in their minds.

After this type of brain control, it allows politician's to use that control to convince these Black's (that are believers in it all), that they must only support Democrats or black politicians and/or white's who can speak the dialect with them (Hillary Clinton), that they are always trying to convince them that they are there for them when they truly weren't. If they were with the power they held, then things would have been alot better for the Black's than they were after all these years.

Heck I know a black man right now, who actually does exactly what John Lewis and others have been doing to other Black's for years, and that is to get them to work hard making individuals rich while they (the hard working Black's), end up with almost nothing at the end of it all. Otherwise their pay and benefits never matched the work that they had put in.

Same with the Mexicans, where as they have the Mexican foreman who speaks the language, and his job is to get the Mexican crew to bust their aces for 12 hours, and do it for $7.00 dollars per hour. They then go to a rented house where 15 or so live, having schedules of 6 to seven days a week to work, and then sending most of their income back home to Mexico.

This is the kind of bullcrap that has been going on, and yes your pure politicians have been up to their eyeballs in it forever.
I know my community is far more segregated today than it was a 1964, and talking to people that visit Atlanta they would say Atlanta is very segregated.. and John Lewis was in power John Lewis put policies together that create this new segregation..

The people you claim to know who visit Atlanta must not spend much time here. Yes, there are poor neighborhoods. I have not seen any that do not allow whites to live there. And they certainly do not forbid blacks from moving into the nicest neighborhoods.

The idea that any of this is forced, by law, is completely ridiculous. I have seen numerous million dollar homes in Buckhead, Marietta, Sandy Springs ect, that are owned by blacks. If Jim Crow laws were in effect, even if they had the money, they would not be allowed to live there.

If you take a MARTA bus in Atlanta, you will see blacks sitting next to whites. That was illegal under Jim Crow laws. And it was to the point that mobs of ignorant rednecks would violently attack the blacks and the whites who did so.
Why are you denying that democrat policies have created segregation in our communities across America? Your so going crazy about a name Jim Crow.. who cares about a name, results or polices Lewis over saw is reality.. these black neighborhoods are doing far worse than they were in 1963 and that’s with the right to vote and that is with the right to go into any place they want to go but because of policies they were not going to go to a certain neighborhood, Because of the wealth gap because of education gap because frankly they don’t know how to act because they didn’t have a nuclear family

It all started with your claim that John Lewis supported Jim Crow laws. And has progressed because you steadfastly refuse to admit that was incorrect.
I said NEW Jim Crow laws.. which has segregated America far worse than the 1960s, And blacks were doing far better back then then they are doing today

Adding the word "new" to it does not change the fact that Jim Crow laws were about legally forced segregation.
Yeah, but you've got to understand what's being said, and how it's being said. Read between the lines, and then you will understand the changed meanings of things that have a similar definition, but revamped due to the changing of times that still practice things, but in a more hidden way than it was before. In fact it changes so much that it's very hard for the eye to catch it unless you look real hard at it for a second look maybe. Then you say to yourself, hey that might be the same thing that went on before, but it's just wrapped up in a different paper.
If the left wing media and big government doesn’t spoon feed him information he doesn’t understand.. he need the “elite “ to tell him what to think.
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
I’ve already explain the new Jim Crowe laws.. stop pretending I haven’t been over this 100 times just because you’re wrong just because your butt hurt.. TAKE A HIKE

Bullshit. Saying they are "new Jim Crow laws" is a dodge and you know it. If they were "new Jim Crow laws" they would be new laws forcing racial segregation. They aren't.

Just stop. You have been arguing bullshit for too many pages. Just stop. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws (falsely called "new" or otherwise). You are trying to avoid admitting you are wrong. But every person reading this bullshit can see that you were ignorant about it.

Just stop with the bullshit. You will never admit you are wrong, and I am fine with that. That is who you are, sadly. But stop pretending. Stop flailing around trying to defend your ignorance.
Of course there is, new area in Boston sea port has no black owned business in a city that graduates more blacks than whites in the past 30 years. Destroying education is implementing Jim Crow Laws.. let’s keep the neighborhood segregated

You are like a little kid who has been corrected. "Well that is what I call it!" while stamping your feet.

If it was a new Jim Crow law (and I notice you didn't add the "new" until well into defending your error), it would be a law that forces segregation on penalty of prosecution. The fact that blacks do not own businesses in a new, trendy section of Boston is not due to Jim Crow laws. The people living in ghettos are not there because the law won't LET them move elsewhere. They are there because of poverty. Jim Crow laws concerning education were laws that did not allow integration in schools. What you have in Boston is school districts that are mostly black and poor. And the funding for most public schools come from local property taxes. Poor areas have low taxes, so there is less funding for the schools. That is NOT Jim Crow laws, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and yell "That is what I call it!!".
It is Jim Crow laws, new ones. They saw welfare, and destroying education had the same effect as have a sign in the window NO BLACKS ALLOWED.. im more advanced than you in race relations.. I’m making history. Now sit back down and enjoy the ride

You are delusional. The new laws may have similar effects. But they are NOT Jim Crow laws.

As far as being more advanced in race relations, you defending and advocating lynching pretty much shoots that down. And, when you are told of a lynching in the 1980s, your first response being "Well he shouldn't have raped that white girl" shows you to be far behind the curve on race relations.
Cool story, I deal with reality

No, you absolutely do not. Or your reality changes with each new lie.
Bullshit I bet Atlanta is more segregated today than it was in 1964

Is it because of a law? That is the actual point, and you pretend it isn't.

And no, it is not more segregated than it was in 1964. In 1964 there were NO interracial neighborhoods. Now you would be hard pressed to find an area in the greater Atlanta area that is NOT interracial. You want to make claims about Boston, that is fine. But don't pretend you can tell me about my city when you have likely never been here.
How about integrated with diversity of thought? I could almost guarantee you that if I took 500 Trump supporters and put them in a black Atlanta neighborhood they would not be welcomed

That would depend on how they acted. Just like if you took 500 democrats and put them in a neighborhood of Trump supporters.
I know democrats have segregated us,, I’ve got pics of blacks wearing KKK, they were welcomed because they agreed with them.. segregation is about similarities. Z When you divide us by race gender religion color of skin like Democrats have With new policies than you Will have a segregation issue

The issue is whether or not it is a law. That is why they call them Jim Crow LAWS.
Laws are many, whether universal, literal, physical, mental, moral, spiritual, scientific and etc. Laws can change in some relms, and it's hard to follow the path ways to find that it really didn't change, but the pathways to it changed.
This asshole Lewis was a low IQ Negro that ... used his elected position to fill his pockets. His biggest crime was supporting abortion that killed millions of Black children.... Good riddance to a shithead.
The racist asshole who made these obnoxious comments also proudly waves two Confederate Flags, showing once again that that flag is a screen behind which hide despicable racists. Any lie is acceptable to such elements, including accusing John Lewis of “lining his pockets” — when in fact he ended 33 years of Congressional service poorer than almost any other long-serving Congressmen, with a very modest net worth estimated at $300,000.
That's interesting that his net worth was estimated at only $300,000 dollars. So was it that he wasn't smart enough or corrupt enough to play the game as well as his co-workers were, and therefore he was just a follower, and not a leader ??? Yes that is very interesting when you take in consideration of what Pelosi, Hillary, and Shumer excetera are worth.

He probably pulled the Biden scam where his family got all the graft and it didn't show up on his books.
No telling how corrupt a politician can be. Agree.
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
I’ve already explain the new Jim Crowe laws.. stop pretending I haven’t been over this 100 times just because you’re wrong just because your butt hurt.. TAKE A HIKE

Bullshit. Saying they are "new Jim Crow laws" is a dodge and you know it. If they were "new Jim Crow laws" they would be new laws forcing racial segregation. They aren't.

Just stop. You have been arguing bullshit for too many pages. Just stop. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws (falsely called "new" or otherwise). You are trying to avoid admitting you are wrong. But every person reading this bullshit can see that you were ignorant about it.

Just stop with the bullshit. You will never admit you are wrong, and I am fine with that. That is who you are, sadly. But stop pretending. Stop flailing around trying to defend your ignorance.
Of course there is, new area in Boston sea port has no black owned business in a city that graduates more blacks than whites in the past 30 years. Destroying education is implementing Jim Crow Laws.. let’s keep the neighborhood segregated

You are like a little kid who has been corrected. "Well that is what I call it!" while stamping your feet.

If it was a new Jim Crow law (and I notice you didn't add the "new" until well into defending your error), it would be a law that forces segregation on penalty of prosecution. The fact that blacks do not own businesses in a new, trendy section of Boston is not due to Jim Crow laws. The people living in ghettos are not there because the law won't LET them move elsewhere. They are there because of poverty. Jim Crow laws concerning education were laws that did not allow integration in schools. What you have in Boston is school districts that are mostly black and poor. And the funding for most public schools come from local property taxes. Poor areas have low taxes, so there is less funding for the schools. That is NOT Jim Crow laws, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and yell "That is what I call it!!".
It is Jim Crow laws, new ones. They saw welfare, and destroying education had the same effect as have a sign in the window NO BLACKS ALLOWED.. im more advanced than you in race relations.. I’m making history. Now sit back down and enjoy the ride

You are delusional. The new laws may have similar effects. But they are NOT Jim Crow laws.

As far as being more advanced in race relations, you defending and advocating lynching pretty much shoots that down. And, when you are told of a lynching in the 1980s, your first response being "Well he shouldn't have raped that white girl" shows you to be far behind the curve on race relations.
Cool story, I deal with reality

No, you absolutely do not. Or your reality changes with each new lie.
Bullshit I bet Atlanta is more segregated today than it was in 1964

Is it because of a law? That is the actual point, and you pretend it isn't.

And no, it is not more segregated than it was in 1964. In 1964 there were NO interracial neighborhoods. Now you would be hard pressed to find an area in the greater Atlanta area that is NOT interracial. You want to make claims about Boston, that is fine. But don't pretend you can tell me about my city when you have likely never been here.
How about integrated with diversity of thought? I could almost guarantee you that if I took 500 Trump supporters and put them in a black Atlanta neighborhood they would not be welcomed

That would depend on how they acted. Just like if you took 500 democrats and put them in a neighborhood of Trump supporters.
I know democrats have segregated us,, I’ve got pics of blacks wearing KKK, they were welcomed because they agreed with them.. segregation is about similarities. Z When you divide us by race gender religion color of skin like Democrats have With new policies than you Will have a segregation issue

The issue is whether or not it is a law. That is why they call them Jim Crow LAWS.
Laws are many, whether universal, literal, physical, mental, moral, spiritual, scientific and etc. Laws can change in some relms, and it's hard to follow the path ways to find that it really different change, but the pathways to it changed.
To him if they don’t come out and say hey! Welfare is here to destroy black ppl and Resegregate the nation. Than he can’t believe it.
Me?? LMAO!! First of all, it would be "you're", not "your".
But most importantly, the term "Jim Crow Law" concerns a very specific type of law. One that forces racial segregation. I have told you that over and over. I showed you several links that said the same thing. And yet you continue to try and pretend that Jim Crow laws are any law that works against black people. That is absolutely, unequivocally wrong. No matter how many examples you try to bring up, the specific definition of the term "Jim Crow law" does not change.
As always, you nail the numbskull racist Jitss617 . The man is not worth a moment of anybody‘s time, but you have a knack of eviscerated him publicly that I admire. Since it is probably impossible to ignore such worthless trash completely, there’s no harm in having a little fun, eh?

Most of his posts are just trolling. But, as I have said before, there are always people lurking on this site. People read his posts and accept them as accurate. Some of those people are simply stupid. But some just don't do research. I want those people to see Jitsie for what is truly is.

And yeah, there is the entertainment value. I can argue with Jitsie and still do other things. I appreciate you noticing.
Lol I live in reality,, when black ppl in his district where doing far better in 1963, than they are in 2020 than he is the racist, and the NEW Jim Crow laws he helped implement all working. Watching you deflect and flop like a fish is entertaining ha

Your attempts to redefine the term "Jim Crow Law" shows that you do not live in reality. Your inability to either admit you misunderstood the definition of the term or that you are wrong shows your ego is more important than actual truth.

But I repeat the challenge, what do you think "Jim Crow law" means? Give me your new definition of the term. Because what you have been arguing does not fit the long accepted definition.

If my continuing to reiterate the actual definition of the term is what you think is deflecting or flopping like a fish, you obviously don't live in reality at all. You made a claim. I pointed out your claim was bullshit. And you have spent page after page arguing.
No one redefined it i always called it new Jim Crow laws, with an explanation it’s just over your head just go somewhere go flop somewhere else.. thanks for playing lol

The fact that you called it something doesn't matter. There is a long standing, accepted definition of the term.

I have not argued that the policies advocated by either John Lewis or the democrats was good or helped black people. What I have argued, consistently, is that those policies are not Jim Crow laws. They do not involve forced racial segregation by law. You claim I have flopped. But I know you cannot show one single post where I changed what I was saying about Jim Crow laws. Not one.

At least now you know what Jim Crow laws actually were. And what they were not.

Oh, and if you always called it "new Jim Crow laws", why didn't you make that claim about John Lewis? If you always called it that, why didn't you claim John Lewis supported new Jim Crow laws? I'll tell you why. Because it is bullshit.

Now you can run along and play somewhere else. This should be finished.
I’m bringing awareness to the suffering of Black people in this community that he let happen for many many years.. he is a disgusting little pos. Do you wanna ignore the fact that people in his district living rat infestation!? I don’t .. When Black people live better in 1963 than they are doing today in 2020. The man should have been taken out years ago.. but with years of lying to blacks promising and promising to get re-elected, Absolutely disgusting

I have not ignored anything. And you are not bringing awareness about anything. You are scrambling and dancing to avoid admitting that you were wrong.

Are there ghettos in Atlanta? Yes. Were the policies of the democrats good for black people? No.

Did John Lewis support Jim Crow laws? No, he did not. And your insistence that he did is simply you lying to try and save face. Jim Crow laws were a very specific type of law. Apparently you were unaware of that fact. But now you know. So quit bullshitting and trying to make claims about what you said.

You want to discuss John Lewis record as a democrat, or the harm done to blacks by the democratic party? Fine. First you admit that Mr. Lewis did NOT, in fact, support Jim Crow laws.
I’ve already explain the new Jim Crowe laws.. stop pretending I haven’t been over this 100 times just because you’re wrong just because your butt hurt.. TAKE A HIKE

Bullshit. Saying they are "new Jim Crow laws" is a dodge and you know it. If they were "new Jim Crow laws" they would be new laws forcing racial segregation. They aren't.

Just stop. You have been arguing bullshit for too many pages. Just stop. John Lewis did not support Jim Crow laws (falsely called "new" or otherwise). You are trying to avoid admitting you are wrong. But every person reading this bullshit can see that you were ignorant about it.

Just stop with the bullshit. You will never admit you are wrong, and I am fine with that. That is who you are, sadly. But stop pretending. Stop flailing around trying to defend your ignorance.
Of course there is, new area in Boston sea port has no black owned business in a city that graduates more blacks than whites in the past 30 years. Destroying education is implementing Jim Crow Laws.. let’s keep the neighborhood segregated

You are like a little kid who has been corrected. "Well that is what I call it!" while stamping your feet.

If it was a new Jim Crow law (and I notice you didn't add the "new" until well into defending your error), it would be a law that forces segregation on penalty of prosecution. The fact that blacks do not own businesses in a new, trendy section of Boston is not due to Jim Crow laws. The people living in ghettos are not there because the law won't LET them move elsewhere. They are there because of poverty. Jim Crow laws concerning education were laws that did not allow integration in schools. What you have in Boston is school districts that are mostly black and poor. And the funding for most public schools come from local property taxes. Poor areas have low taxes, so there is less funding for the schools. That is NOT Jim Crow laws, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and yell "That is what I call it!!".
It is Jim Crow laws, new ones. They saw welfare, and destroying education had the same effect as have a sign in the window NO BLACKS ALLOWED.. im more advanced than you in race relations.. I’m making history. Now sit back down and enjoy the ride

You are delusional. The new laws may have similar effects. But they are NOT Jim Crow laws.

As far as being more advanced in race relations, you defending and advocating lynching pretty much shoots that down. And, when you are told of a lynching in the 1980s, your first response being "Well he shouldn't have raped that white girl" shows you to be far behind the curve on race relations.
Cool story, I deal with reality

No, you absolutely do not. Or your reality changes with each new lie.
Bullshit I bet Atlanta is more segregated today than it was in 1964

Is it because of a law? That is the actual point, and you pretend it isn't.

And no, it is not more segregated than it was in 1964. In 1964 there were NO interracial neighborhoods. Now you would be hard pressed to find an area in the greater Atlanta area that is NOT interracial. You want to make claims about Boston, that is fine. But don't pretend you can tell me about my city when you have likely never been here.
How about integrated with diversity of thought? I could almost guarantee you that if I took 500 Trump supporters and put them in a black Atlanta neighborhood they would not be welcomed

That would depend on how they acted. Just like if you took 500 democrats and put them in a neighborhood of Trump supporters.
I know democrats have segregated us,, I’ve got pics of blacks wearing KKK, they were welcomed because they agreed with them.. segregation is about similarities. Z When you divide us by race gender religion color of skin like Democrats have With new policies than you Will have a segregation issue

The issue is whether or not it is a law. That is why they call them Jim Crow LAWS.
Laws are many, whether universal, literal, physical, mental, moral, spiritual, scientific and etc. Laws can change in some relms, and it's hard to follow the path ways to find that it really different change, but the pathways to it changed.
To him if they don’t come out and say hey! Welfare is here to destroy black ppl and Resegregate the nation. Than he can’t believe it.
I do agree with the facts that policies have actually held black folks back due to keeping us all segregated if only in our minds these days, and not so much as in the physical relms we all lived in in the old days. Otherwise instead of a sign being put up that read No Black's allowed, they just moved the game into the mental relm. This way the sign can't be taken down as easy, and it can be used by anyone including the Black's if want too.
Any bets on how many memorial services will be held for the sonofabitch next week? My guess is 4 or 5. The shithead Moon Bats in Congress will want the asshole to lie in the Capitol rotunda.

All the filthy ghetto monkeys and White Guilt pukes will turn out for the one in Atlanta. It will make the George Floyd extravaganza look pale by comparison.
And beagle9 is an apologist for those two slandering racists.
How so liar ??? Either you are in here to debate the points being made by both sides or you are just in here to counter for your team, and to hell with the truth being spoken regardless of who speaks it eh ? Sounds like you don't like the truth when hear it, but ohh well that's your loss in life.

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