John Lott Destroys CNN's Soledad O'Brien on Gun Free Zones


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
John Lott Destroys CNN's Soledad O'Brien on Gun Free Zones (Watch Video)​

By: Katie Pavlich

Mass shootings in the United States have at least one thing in common: they all happen in in gun free zones. Yesterday economist and author of More Guns Less Crime John Lott went on CNN with anchor Soledad O'Brien to discuss why mass shootings occur in gun free zones. O'Brien as usual, wasn't interested in factual data Lott was presenting and continually cut him off as he was making his points.

[ame=]Soledad O'Brien Clashes With Gun Advocate John Lott: 'Your Position Completely Boggles Me' - YouTube[/ame]​

John Lott, the gun advocate who recently had a heated encounter with Piers Morgan, spoke to Soledad O'Brien on Monday morning — continuing to make his pro-gun argument. O'Brien had a hard time stomaching Lott's perspective, telling him she simply does not understand it.

The common feature across such attacks, Lott said, is that, with few exceptions, they've occurred where guns have been banned. "But there's more than one thing in common, right?" O'Brien asked, adding that they're armed, often with semi-automatic weapons.

The point, Lott underlined, is that these "gun-free" pockets are the ones that are targeted. Specifically, he spoke about the gunman who chose the movie theater in Aurora, as opposed to other nearby theaters. O'Brien countered that Lott hasn't spoken to him and has no way of knowing the gunman's thought process. "How do you know that?" she asked. "You don't know that."

"Why is your takeaway from all of this to get rid of gun laws — and your takeaway is not to say, 'There are people who should not have access to certain types of weapons,'" O'Brien questioned.In this instance, she said, we know the gunman used a semi-automatic rifle to breaking into the building, rendering their security useless. "Why would you not say that's exactly the kind of weapon that someone should not be able to easily get their hands on?"

Lott said that Germany had three of the five worst public shootings in the world. And Germany has extremely strict gun control laws. "Yet they've had a worse record," Lott said.

"I don't argue Second Amendment, I argue crime," Lott said.

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John Lott Destroys CNN's Soledad O'Brien on Gun Free Zones - Katie Pavlich
Oh ya, dumb fuck. That makes us all feel so good. Tell it to the parents at Sandy Hook. You are part and parcel of the problem.

There are going to be major changes, you want to play games, these changes will be even less to your liking.
Oh ya, dumb fuck. That makes us all feel so good. Tell it to the parents at Sandy Hook. You are part and parcel of the problem.

There are going to be major changes, you want to play games, these changes will be even less to your liking.

Gun researcher John Lott has made numerous media appearances in the wake of the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. to argue against the enactment of gun violence prevention measures. While Lott uses his media platform to push a multitude of statistics -- often from his own research -- he has been thoroughly discredited as a serious academic researcher.

Much More: Who Is Gun Advocate John Lott? | Research | Media Matters for America
It's common sense...a criminal who wants to kill will seek a place he can do the most killing. A gun free zone is perfect.
The majority of crimes with guns are by....criminals and the insane, not Joe Schmoe the Tea Party member in bumpkinville TN.

Joe Schmoe usually owns a rifle, shotgun and handgun...maybe even an assault weapon if he has the money, free time to shoot up his backyard, etc.

Meanwhile the criminals in NYC, Chicago, LA, Detroit, etc buy their guns from illegal dealers and don't register their guns like Joe Schmoe.

CNN idiots are worried about Joe Schmoe because is white and votes for the GOP....
Funny how that site keeps saying over and over that he's discredited while never showing anything evidence of it.

Seems to me that he's right. Every time there is a mass shooting its in a "No Gun Zone".
Oh ya, dumb fuck. That makes us all feel so good. Tell it to the parents at Sandy Hook. You are part and parcel of the problem.

There are going to be major changes, you want to play games, these changes will be even less to your liking.
Yep, knee jerk socialism is always to my dislike. Idiots like you have no idea what you just read. IDIOT!!!!!
Gun researcher John Lott has made numerous media appearances in the wake of the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn. to argue against the enactment of gun violence prevention measures. While Lott uses his media platform to push a multitude of statistics -- often from his own research -- he has been thoroughly discredited as a serious academic researcher.

Much More: Who Is Gun Advocate John Lott? | Research | Media Matters for America
Like most libtards have been discredited, like obamaturd and you. IDIOT!!!!
It's common sense...a criminal who wants to kill will seek a place he can do the most killing. A gun free zone is perfect.

And they will always find some way to commit their crime, regardless of what has been banned. There will just be that many more opportunities for the evil among us.

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