John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump

Trump is somebody McCain couldn't accomplish twice, becoming President of the United States. He was a traitor to this country and lied to his Arizona constituents saying he'd repeal Obamacare. He deserves zero respect. Trump has every right to be pissed at John McCain after floating the fake dossier to media outlets.
McCain will always be a war hero true patriot and Trump will always be a draft dodging piece of garbage, always. Those are the facts, non-negotiable.

:laugh: :laughing0301: ...............
What the fuck are you laughing at fruit loop?
When you think of a "war hero" you imagine someone who voluntarily places himself in grave danger in order to save, protect, or defend their comrades. They jump on a live grenade, or take out a machine gun nest, or individually hold of an enemy onslaught while their unit retreats.

This is not John McCain's war record. He was flying relatively safe bombing missions from the comfort of an aircraft carrier Officer's Quarters. His expectation was to serve out his deployment and go back home to his wife. BECAUSE HE WAS SHOT DOWN, he became the object of unthinkable abuse, torture, deprivation, and conditions. Two major events have come to define his confinement. First, he "broke" under torture and made propaganda films for the enemy, and second, he was said to have refused "early" release which was offered due to his prominent family connections, insisting on waiting until he would be released in due course.

Nothing else in his military record is particularly meritorious, and as a civilian/congressperson, his main accomplishment was to exploit his was hero status for political gain. Having no deep seated principles, he caucused with the Republicans, but betrayed them when it was convenient.

His behavior during the short time while he was in the Senate during Trump's presidency, his record was disgraceful, going back on scores of peomises to overturn ACA for no reason other than personal animus toward Trump.

Nothing Trump has said about McCain is false. The ONLY reason why he is considered a hero is because he got shot down. Had he finished his tour as he intended to, he would never have been elected to public office, and he might not have had a chance to marry rich women to support his inflated egotistic lifestyle.

Good riddance.
Zzzzzzz typical armchair blow hard. Go back to your hole.
When you think of a "war hero" you imagine someone who voluntarily places himself in grave danger in order to save, protect, or defend their comrades. They jump on a live grenade, or take out a machine gun nest, or individually hold of an enemy onslaught while their unit retreats.

This is not John McCain's war record. He was flying relatively safe bombing missions from the comfort of an aircraft carrier Officer's Quarters. His expectation was to serve out his deployment and go back home to his wife. BECAUSE HE WAS SHOT DOWN, he became the object of unthinkable abuse, torture, deprivation, and conditions. Two major events have come to define his confinement. First, he "broke" under torture and made propaganda films for the enemy, and second, he was said to have refused "early" release which was offered due to his prominent family connections, insisting on waiting until he would be released in due course.

Nothing else in his military record is particularly meritorious, and as a civilian/congressperson, his main accomplishment was to exploit his was hero status for political gain. Having no deep seated principles, he caucused with the Republicans, but betrayed them when it was convenient.

His behavior during the short time while he was in the Senate during Trump's presidency, his record was disgraceful, going back on scores of peomises to overturn ACA for no reason other than personal animus toward Trump.

Nothing Trump has said about McCain is false. The ONLY reason why he is considered a hero is because he got shot down. Had he finished his tour as he intended to, he would never have been elected to public office, and he might not have had a chance to marry rich women to support his inflated egotistic lifestyle.

Good riddance.
Zzzzzzz typical armchair blow hard. Go back to your hole.
He thinks flying bombers and other combat aircraft over N. Vietnam was relatively safe.
When you think of a "war hero" you imagine someone who voluntarily places himself in grave danger in order to save, protect, or defend their comrades. They jump on a live grenade, or take out a machine gun nest, or individually hold of an enemy onslaught while their unit retreats.

This is not John McCain's war record. He was flying relatively safe bombing missions from the comfort of an aircraft carrier Officer's Quarters. His expectation was to serve out his deployment and go back home to his wife. BECAUSE HE WAS SHOT DOWN, he became the object of unthinkable abuse, torture, deprivation, and conditions. Two major events have come to define his confinement. First, he "broke" under torture and made propaganda films for the enemy, and second, he was said to have refused "early" release which was offered due to his prominent family connections, insisting on waiting until he would be released in due course.

Nothing else in his military record is particularly meritorious, and as a civilian/congressperson, his main accomplishment was to exploit his was hero status for political gain. Having no deep seated principles, he caucused with the Republicans, but betrayed them when it was convenient.

His behavior during the short time while he was in the Senate during Trump's presidency, his record was disgraceful, going back on scores of peomises to overturn ACA for no reason other than personal animus toward Trump.

Nothing Trump has said about McCain is false. The ONLY reason why he is considered a hero is because he got shot down. Had he finished his tour as he intended to, he would never have been elected to public office, and he might not have had a chance to marry rich women to support his inflated egotistic lifestyle.

Good riddance.
Tell us about your bombing missions, tell us about being shot down and keeping your mouth shut, your service as a political servant. Your humble leader ship.
How dare a chicken hawk like you criticize McCain.
When you think of a "war hero" you imagine someone who voluntarily places himself in grave danger in order to save, protect, or defend their comrades. They jump on a live grenade, or take out a machine gun nest, or individually hold of an enemy onslaught while their unit retreats.

This is not John McCain's war record. He was flying relatively safe bombing missions from the comfort of an aircraft carrier Officer's Quarters. His expectation was to serve out his deployment and go back home to his wife. BECAUSE HE WAS SHOT DOWN, he became the object of unthinkable abuse, torture, deprivation, and conditions. Two major events have come to define his confinement. First, he "broke" under torture and made propaganda films for the enemy, and second, he was said to have refused "early" release which was offered due to his prominent family connections, insisting on waiting until he would be released in due course.

Nothing else in his military record is particularly meritorious, and as a civilian/congressperson, his main accomplishment was to exploit his was hero status for political gain. Having no deep seated principles, he caucused with the Republicans, but betrayed them when it was convenient.

His behavior during the short time while he was in the Senate during Trump's presidency, his record was disgraceful, going back on scores of peomises to overturn ACA for no reason other than personal animus toward Trump.

Nothing Trump has said about McCain is false. The ONLY reason why he is considered a hero is because he got shot down. Had he finished his tour as he intended to, he would never have been elected to public office, and he might not have had a chance to marry rich women to support his inflated egotistic lifestyle.

Good riddance.
Zzzzzzz typical armchair blow hard. Go back to your hole.
He thinks flying bombers and other combat aircraft over N. Vietnam was relatively safe.
Let's put this sorry chicken hawk ass in a US bomber and send him over North Korea.
my friends, Senator McCain fused two opposing virtues: duty and dissent!

he is the last of the statesmen. people of his ilk have died out.

it was Low Energy Lisa Murkowski & Sassy Susan Collins who convinced McCain to vote for Obamacare, my friends

mccain was the kind of man other men respected, other women found attractive. no women find Trump attractive. they all marry him because he's rich of because he's gonna be the president. how pathetic!
The left used McCain when he was at his most vulnerable. Sickening.

Its possible he saw the light shining off his medical bills and decided something reasonable needed done about our medical system where those who can't pay get treated, but we don't admit its socialist and we don't tax ppl accordingly.
McCain was a war hero

Private Bone Spur got a private doctor to diagnosis a reason to avoid the draft

I just thing that he never got over that he never had that type of courage

How easy is it to attack a man who has died

Freedom of speech, you got to love it especially when the dead can't
McCain pushed hard for every war, Iraq, Libya, Syria, he was a Zionist stooge with buckets of blood on his hands, men, women, children. Fuk him burn in hell.
There are some people on this thread who seriously need to study some history before posting anything about McCain's war record. One guy actually said McCain was flying safe bombing missions over North Vietnam. Are you serious? Do you have ANY idea how high our air losses were in that war? The Air Force flew a plane called the F-105 Thunderchief. Half of all F-105's ever built were shot down over NVN. Safe bombing missions? Like I said, try to educate yourself a bit before posting.

Another individual said McCain killed many of his shipmates. I am guessing he is referring to the Forrestal fire. What kind of wild stories have you been told, and obviously believed? The fire was caused by an electrical circuit malfunction on an F-4 Phantom, causing a missile to be fired aboard ship, a missile that should not have yet been armed, a task which is performed by the deck crew, not the pilot. McCain flew the A-4 aircraft, not an F-4. It wasn't his plane that fired the missile, it wasn't even the type of plane he flew. I bet you are someone who is big on complaining about fake news, yet you believe this wild story about McCain causing the fire.

Yes, McCain broke under torture and talked to his captors. You act like you don't even know that EVERYONE broke and talked. Everybody has a breaking point when subjected to torture. Even the toughest of them all, James Stockdale, broke under torture. Francis Denton, another Navy pilot held captive in the Hanoi Hilton, could hardly live with himself when he broke. He felt like all the other pilots felt, that they were failures. There were guys who were forced to make propaganda films, forced to sign confessions admitting war crimes, etc. You guys act like McCain was the only one. Keep in mind, while he was being tortured by having his arms tied behind his back and the ropes pulled tight until his elbows touched, then put on a wooden chair that was sitting on a table, and having the table kicked out from under him so he crashed to the floor with no way to break his fall, he had 2 broken arms and a dislocated shoulder. You may have noticed he was unable to raise his arms above his head because of those injuries. Yet he managed to hold out for several days before breaking. The people who criticize him for breaking under torture seem to have no idea what reality actually is. If you're going to post this stuff about him, have some knowledge of what you're talking about.

Do you people never study history, ever try to find out the truth? I guess it's much easier to just believe any wild story that fits what you want to be true.
Trump said that John McCain spent his life trying to get healthcare for people.

And when Trump introduced a plan that would save $1 trillion and give better healthcare to everybody McCain turned it down.

Even Republicans don’t believe that nonsense. Save $1 trillion and better healthcare? It’s just Trump lying again like he always does.
McCain's stupid, obese daughter needs to stop eating hamburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner as Donkey Face Cow Farts Cortez dictates!

Insane, traitor piece of shit McCain was part of scheme along with Barry Hussaine Obama and douchebag Senator Levin to have the IRS to attack American citizens! Very troubling! But McCain attacking our democracy with the fake dossier "Insurance Policy" is a reminder McCain was way worse than Benedict Arnold.

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There are some people on this thread who seriously need to study some history before posting anything about McCain's war record. One guy actually said McCain was flying safe bombing missions over North Vietnam. Are you serious? Do you have ANY idea how high our air losses were in that war? The Air Force flew a plane called the F-105 Thunderchief. Half of all F-105's ever built were shot down over NVN. Safe bombing missions? Like I said, try to educate yourself a bit before posting.

Another individual said McCain killed many of his shipmates. I am guessing he is referring to the Forrestal fire. What kind of wild stories have you been told, and obviously believed? The fire was caused by an electrical circuit malfunction on an F-4 Phantom, causing a missile to be fired aboard ship, a missile that should not have yet been armed, a task which is performed by the deck crew, not the pilot. McCain flew the A-4 aircraft, not an F-4. It wasn't his plane that fired the missile, it wasn't even the type of plane he flew. I bet you are someone who is big on complaining about fake news, yet you believe this wild story about McCain causing the fire.

Yes, McCain broke under torture and talked to his captors. You act like you don't even know that EVERYONE broke and talked. Everybody has a breaking point when subjected to torture. Even the toughest of them all, James Stockdale, broke under torture. Francis Denton, another Navy pilot held captive in the Hanoi Hilton, could hardly live with himself when he broke. He felt like all the other pilots felt, that they were failures. There were guys who were forced to make propaganda films, forced to sign confessions admitting war crimes, etc. You guys act like McCain was the only one. Keep in mind, while he was being tortured by having his arms tied behind his back and the ropes pulled tight until his elbows touched, then put on a wooden chair that was sitting on a table, and having the table kicked out from under him so he crashed to the floor with no way to break his fall, he had 2 broken arms and a dislocated shoulder. You may have noticed he was unable to raise his arms above his head because of those injuries. Yet he managed to hold out for several days before breaking. The people who criticize him for breaking under torture seem to have no idea what reality actually is. If you're going to post this stuff about him, have some knowledge of what you're talking about.

Do you people never study history, ever try to find out the truth? I guess it's much easier to just believe any wild story that fits what you want to be true.
What McCain was you saw when he voted down the repeal of Obamacare. He was a shallow self serving mediocre man who was born into the real privileged. Pushed his whole life by the powers that be. Perhaps he should not have been a jet fighter pilot and many other things.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump? Ha, if Trump exposed the real McGoon story, heads would explode all across America. McGoon was a traitor, helped the enemy and shat on America. Do some deep research. Plus, I knew people on the Forrestal. McGoon had to be flown off the carrier because McGoons life was in danger from sailors hunting him below decks. Too bad they couldn't find him, he would have gone missing then.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

We knew that:

Anna Navarro put it best on Twitter:

.@ananavarro: “John McCain was everything Donald Trump is not... A man who sacrificed... suffered greatly while D. Trump was inventing bone spurs... a man who believed in a cause greater than himself... in putting America first... D. Trump believes in putting D. Trump first.”
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

The OP title is misleading.
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.

We knew that:

Anna Navarro put it best on Twitter:

.@ananavarro: “John McCain was everything Donald Trump is not... A man who sacrificed... suffered greatly while D. Trump was inventing bone spurs... a man who believed in a cause greater than himself... in putting America first... D. Trump believes in putting D. Trump first.”

Never heard of her. Just an opinion piece.
John McCain was a lying, sneaking, piece of dog shit...

That's describing Trump to a "t".

Picking on a dead man is easy.

It's for cowards.

You fit right in.
Trump picked on McCain when he was alive too. It makes no difference. Trump is an American patriot.
Your statement says who you are.
Yes, it says I'm a patriotic superior White MAGA Man and Trump supporter!
You fell wearing a MAGA hat makes you a man. Pay attention to the number of people who laugh at you when wearing your MAGA hat.
And keep track of the number of thumbs up too.

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