John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump

Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs,
1) Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie? Of course you can't.

2) Conscription is slavery. One of the reasons that every patriotic American opposes the Democratic party is because it is the party of slavery.
Slavery is the result of greedy, unethical racists no matter what party they belong to. In the 1800's the democrats had more greedy bigots. In 2019, the Republican party has more greedy bigots.
Who told you that and why were you stupid enough to believe them?
John McCain, in death, exposes the real Donald Trump.
In life, John McCain was everything that Trump is not. A brave war hero, a man of principle and ethics, a patriot, a man of character.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs, Trump has no ethics or principles, Trump puts himself above country and everything else in the world, Trump is a bad character but has no character.

John McCain haunts Trump. Trump's comments, about McCain, expose who he is; disgusting.
McCain was a traitor. He tried to destroy trump. He was a coward who lost to Obama.. he had no back bone and took the racist charges. Didn’t fight back
Compare your back bone to McCain's based on what you did in war or tough situations. You sound like a poster boy for a loser.
I would have been killed fcuk the enemy
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs,
1) Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie? Of course you can't.

2) Conscription is slavery. One of the reasons that every patriotic American opposes the Democratic party is because it is the party of slavery.
Slavery is the result of greedy, unethical racists no matter what party they belong to. In the 1800's the democrats had more greedy bigots. In 2019, the Republican party has more greedy bigots.
All cries of racial oppression have only came from towns run by democrats it has never changed
John McCain was a lying, sneaking, piece of dog shit...

That's describing Trump to a "t".

Picking on a dead man is easy.

It's for cowards.

You fit right in.
Trump picked on McCain when he was alive too. It makes no difference. Trump is an American patriot.
Your statement says who you are.
Yes, it says I'm a patriotic superior White MAGA Man and Trump supporter!
In all sadness I have to say....John McCain in death only exposes the obscurity of his soul.

All he did to President Trump is unforgivable.
Those without backbone are not standing up to Trump's outrageous abuse of our system.
The Republican congress are an embarrassment as are you.
In all sadness I have to say....John McCain in death only exposes the obscurity of his soul.

All he did to President Trump is unforgivable.
Those without backbone are not standing up to Trump's outrageous abuse of our system.
The Republican congress are an embarrassment as are you.

too funny.
John McCain was a lying, sneaking, piece of dog shit...

That's describing Trump to a "t".

Picking on a dead man is easy.

It's for cowards.

You fit right in.
Trump picked on McCain when he was alive too. It makes no difference. Trump is an American patriot.
Your statement says who you are.
Yes, it says I'm a patriotic superior White MAGA Man and Trump supporter!
You fell wearing a MAGA hat makes you a man. Pay attention to the number of people who laugh at you when wearing your MAGA hat.
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs,
1) Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie? Of course you can't.

2) Conscription is slavery. One of the reasons that every patriotic American opposes the Democratic party is because it is the party of slavery.
Slavery is the result of greedy, unethical racists no matter what party they belong to. In the 1800's the democrats had more greedy bigots. In 2019, the Republican party has more greedy bigots.
Who told you that and why were you stupid enough to believe them?

Trump is somebody McCain couldn't accomplish twice, becoming President of the United States. He was a traitor to this country and lied to his Arizona constituents saying he'd repeal Obamacare. He deserves zero respect. Trump has every right to be pissed at John McCain after floating the fake dossier to media outlets.
McCain will always be a war hero and a true patriot. Trump will always be a draft dodging piece of garbage..... always. Those are the facts, non-negotiable.
Trump is somebody McCain couldn't accomplish twice, becoming President of the United States. He was a traitor to this country and lied to his Arizona constituents saying he'd repeal Obamacare. He deserves zero respect. Trump has every right to be pissed at John McCain after floating the fake dossier to media outlets.
McCain will always be a war hero true patriot and Trump will always be a draft dodging piece of garbage, always. Those are the facts, non-negotiable.

:laugh: :laughing0301: ...............
Trump evaded the draft by lying about bone spurs,
1) Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie? Of course you can't.

2) Conscription is slavery. One of the reasons that every patriotic American opposes the Democratic party is because it is the party of slavery.
Slavery is the result of greedy, unethical racists no matter what party they belong to. In the 1800's the democrats had more greedy bigots. In 2019, the Republican party has more greedy bigots.
Who told you that and why were you stupid enough to believe them?
Those with a brain can read history and observe who the current white supremacists support to know what I said is true.
John McCain was a lying, sneaking, piece of dog shit...

That's describing Trump to a "t".

Picking on a dead man is easy.

It's for cowards.

You fit right in.
Trump picked on McCain when he was alive too. It makes no difference. Trump is an American patriot.
Your statement says who you are.
Yes, it says I'm a patriotic superior White MAGA Man and Trump supporter!
You fell wearing a MAGA hat makes you a man. Pay attention to the number of people who laugh at you when wearing your MAGA hat.
Apparently you don't know the difference between somebody laughing and somebody having their TDS triggered and having a hairy conniption.
The post is typical of the lame attempt by the left to preserve the legacy of a very disturbed and psychologically impaired senator after it was revealed that he engaged in a criminal and treasonous attempt to undermine the President of the United States by leaking documents to the media. McCain was a flawed and confused man who couldn't even muster enough votes from his own party as a Veteran and a former POW to beat an amateur pot head community activist who''s political guru was a freaking domestic terrorist who blew up recruiting stations. Even republicans instinctively didn't trust McCain and his defeat only served to make him more unbalanced and angry.
John McCain was a lying, sneaking, piece of dog shit...

That's describing Trump to a "t".

Picking on a dead man is easy.

It's for cowards.

You fit right in.
Trump picked on McCain when he was alive too. It makes no difference. Trump is an American patriot.
So you think Cadet Bonespurs is an American patriot? He never had the balls to even serve in the military for the America you think he so loves. He was and is a pathetic coward!
“McCain and Soros reportedly became friends after the senator was exposed as a member of the ‘Keating Five’ during the savings and loan (S&L) industry scandal during former President George H.W. Bush’s administration,” according to the report.” As the S&L bank chairman, Charles Keating paid $1.3 million to bribe five members of Congress to interfere with government regulators on behalf of the savings bank.”
The McCain-Soros connection: It started after senator got caught in ‘Keating Five’ scandal

He was a liar and a cheat and a Democrat. McCain and Soros were like hand and glove....
I truly believe Republicans like Trump because Trump has ruined the lives of so many Americans.

Republicans stopped believing in America decades ago.
The post is typical of the lame attempt by the left to preserve the legacy of a very disturbed and psychologically impaired senator after it was revealed that he engaged in a criminal and treasonous attempt to undermine the President of the United States by leaking documents to the media. McCain was a flawed and confused man who couldn't even muster enough votes from his own party as a Veteran and a former POW to beat an amateur pot head community activist who''s political guru was a freaking domestic terrorist who blew up recruiting stations. Even republicans instinctively didn't trust McCain and his defeat only served to make him more unbalanced and angry.
Your statement about McCain clearly defines who you are.
May I remind you that McCain was a Republican; not a Trump republican but a real republican.
Most on the left did not agree with McCain but respected him.
Those who are never respected, like you, do not understand respect.
Even republicans instinctively didn't trust McCain and his defeat only served to make him more unbalanced and angry.
What happened to the republican party?
They “instinctively” trusted a TV conman over the other, real “conservatives” who truly valued USA’s flag & history (in text) of LIBERTY?
When you think of a "war hero" you imagine someone who voluntarily places himself in grave danger in order to save, protect, or defend their comrades. They jump on a live grenade, or take out a machine gun nest, or individually hold of an enemy onslaught while their unit retreats.

This is not John McCain's war record. He was flying relatively safe bombing missions from the comfort of an aircraft carrier Officer's Quarters. His expectation was to serve out his deployment and go back home to his wife. BECAUSE HE WAS SHOT DOWN, he became the object of unthinkable abuse, torture, deprivation, and conditions. Two major events have come to define his confinement. First, he "broke" under torture and made propaganda films for the enemy, and second, he was said to have refused "early" release which was offered due to his prominent family connections, insisting on waiting until he would be released in due course.

Nothing else in his military record is particularly meritorious, and as a civilian/congressperson, his main accomplishment was to exploit his was hero status for political gain. Having no deep seated principles, he caucused with the Republicans, but betrayed them when it was convenient.

His behavior during the short time while he was in the Senate during Trump's presidency, his record was disgraceful, going back on scores of peomises to overturn ACA for no reason other than personal animus toward Trump.

Nothing Trump has said about McCain is false. The ONLY reason why he is considered a hero is because he got shot down. Had he finished his tour as he intended to, he would never have been elected to public office, and he might not have had a chance to marry rich women to support his inflated egotistic lifestyle.

Good riddance.

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