John Mccain needs an enema from ISIS

McCain is a backstabber, he back stabbed Bush and now he's back stabbing Trump.

Anyone that isn't a complete hack is a traitor to you guys. This is how personality cults work.

McCain is an asshole, most of the senate can't stand the guy FACT!
Liar. They respect him unlike the thin skinned whiny little bitch.
It's not technically nice to pick on senile old coots
McCain is also a loser, he lost to Bush and to Obama a hack noob with no resume.
You're another one who doesn't understand what the word conscience means.
Your clown is at a 35% approval rating which means most of the country sees him as the failure he is.
While most of the GOP is afraid the orange clown will tweet bad things about them, McCain is speaking truth and sticking it in Trump's eye.
America needs a truth teller republican since almost all of them are pathological liars like ALL you DEPLORABLES.

He is also an idiot.
McCain is a backstabber, he back stabbed Bush and now he's back stabbing Trump.

Anyone that isn't a complete hack is a traitor to you guys. This is how personality cults work.

McCain is an asshole, most of the senate can't stand the guy FACT!
Liar. They respect him unlike the thin skinned whiny little bitch.
McCain is respected by the great majority of the Senate, unlike Cruz, who is almost universally disliked.
McCain is also a loser, he lost to Bush and to Obama a hack noob with no resume.
You're another one who doesn't understand what the word conscience means.
Your clown is at a 35% approval rating which means most of the country sees him as the failure he is.
While most of the GOP is afraid the orange clown will tweet bad things about them, McCain is speaking truth and sticking it in Trump's eye.
America needs a truth teller republican since almost all of them are pathological liars like ALL you DEPLORABLES.

Your sour grapes is noted, do you need a tissue? Therapist?
McCain is quite literally off the deep end. Rand Paul's statement about McCain, that he views the whole world as a battlefield is oh so spot on. Hell's bells the crazy old bastard wants Ukraine to start WWIII with Russia.

And he's bloody well in cahoots with the Atlantic Council. Of than I have no doubt. Despite not being an official member he runs the same game down as they do.

Rand Paul is the lunatic. He believes that if we leave terrorists alone they will leave us alone. Wonder if he's ever heard of Maj
Hassan. Many of Rand Paul's foreign policy statements are incoherent. For example, Paul's goals align with Putin. Putin did not
want Montenegro in NATO and neither did Rand Paul. Paul's statements were completely ignorant.

John McCain sees the world as it really is not in the fantasy land that Trump and the Trump Davidians see it. The entire world is
becoming a battlefield because the sense is that the US may withdraw from the world stage. Due to this weakness, we see China
making aggressive moves in the South China Sea. Russia making trouble in Europe and the Middle East along with Iran.

It is amazing to me that the Trump Davidians are so cold and heartless. To make light of Assad using poison gas and attacking
someone who stands up against it is disgusting. It shows the moral bankruptcy in this country. It also shows what Trump's
policy of leaving Assad alone reaps.

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