John McCain’s Contribution


Sep 23, 2010

John McCain’s only contribution to election campaigns is that he accidentally created an enduring political philosophy. It was McCain who singlehandedly abolished the two-party myth when he demonstrated the fallacy in party loyalty: “Vote for the Republican or you will get the Democrat.” Millions of conservative Americans refused to buy into the lesser-of-two-evils dodge; so they stayed home in 2008.

NOTE: McCain had two things going for him in 2008:

1. His well-deserved war hero distinction.

2. Sarah Palin.

Remove either one of his only assets and McCain would have lost by the widest margin in history.

As malevolent as Obama has been, I still believe McCain was not a solution. After all, Obama did the country a favor when he unwittingly exposed the depths of the Democrat party’s obscene governing philosophy, while McCain’s victory would have kept Democrat-lite on life support for decades. My gal Judi affirms my 2008 take on McCain:

Senator John McCain 1st to hide behind Obama’s Citizenship
By Judi McLeod
January 12, 2017

Senator John McCain 1st to hide behind Obama’s Citizenship

Finally, Mitt Romney was the deserving victim of John McCain’s enduring political philosophy. The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever. (McCain was saddled with amnesty for illegal aliens. Mitt Romney had Romneycare tattooed on his forehead.)
There's never been a Republican candidate more 'burdened with major negatives' than the sad sack of shit you've just elected.
To Mousterian: Thomas Jefferson was burdened with negatives according to Democrat douche bags like you.
You mean the one you lost to?
To tyroneweaver: Good hit for you!


John McCain’s only contribution to election campaigns is that he accidentally created an enduring political philosophy. It was McCain who singlehandedly abolished the two-party myth when he demonstrated the fallacy in party loyalty: “Vote for the Republican or you will get the Democrat.” Millions of conservative Americans refused to buy into the lesser-of-two-evils dodge; so they stayed home in 2008.

NOTE: McCain had two things going for him in 2008:

1. His well-deserved war hero distinction.

2. Sarah Palin.

Remove either one of his only assets and McCain would have lost by the widest margin in history.

As malevolent as Obama has been, I still believe McCain was not a solution. After all, Obama did the country a favor when he unwittingly exposed the depths of the Democrat party’s obscene governing philosophy, while McCain’s victory would have kept Democrat-lite on life support for decades. My gal Judi affirms my 2008 take on McCain:

Senator John McCain 1st to hide behind Obama’s Citizenship
By Judi McLeod
January 12, 2017

Senator John McCain 1st to hide behind Obama’s Citizenship

Finally, Mitt Romney was the deserving victim of John McCain’s enduring political philosophy. The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever. (McCain was saddled with amnesty for illegal aliens. Mitt Romney had Romneycare tattooed on his forehead.)

We'd still be better off with McCain. I doubt that the Treasury would have paid for riots in Baltimore and other cities if McCain was president.
The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever.

There's never been a Republican candidate more 'burdened with major negatives' than the sad sack of shit you've just elected.
You mean the one you lost to?
Yep, that's the one. Ironic that, after whining about the 'rigged' electoral system throughout the campaign, he managed to snag the job despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. The system is rigged, in a manner that favors the Republican candidate.

The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever.

There's never been a Republican candidate more 'burdened with major negatives' than the sad sack of shit you've just elected.
You mean the one you lost to?
Yep, that's the one. Ironic that, after whining about the 'rigged' electoral system throughout the campaign, he managed to snag the job despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. The system is rigged, in a manner that favors the Republican candidate.

ya the 990 seats lost under obama were all rigged..
I have the secret formula to. yut ah ahhh
The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever.

There's never been a Republican candidate more 'burdened with major negatives' than the sad sack of shit you've just elected.
You mean the one you lost to?
Yep, that's the one. Ironic that, after whining about the 'rigged' electoral system throughout the campaign, he managed to snag the job despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. The system is rigged, in a manner that favors the Republican candidate.

Yep, just as the founders planed it...240 friggin' years ago!
The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever.

There's never been a Republican candidate more 'burdened with major negatives' than the sad sack of shit you've just elected.
You mean the one you lost to?
Yep, that's the one. Ironic that, after whining about the 'rigged' electoral system throughout the campaign, he managed to snag the job despite losing the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. The system is rigged, in a manner that favors the Republican candidate.


Before IGNORING you, I will simply point out that the States elect the President through the Electoral College. Trump won 30-20(+DC). Not rigged, and not even close.

John McCain’s only contribution to election campaigns is that he accidentally created an enduring political philosophy. It was McCain who singlehandedly abolished the two-party myth when he demonstrated the fallacy in party loyalty: “Vote for the Republican or you will get the Democrat.” Millions of conservative Americans refused to buy into the lesser-of-two-evils dodge; so they stayed home in 2008.

NOTE: McCain had two things going for him in 2008:

1. His well-deserved war hero distinction.

2. Sarah Palin.

Remove either one of his only assets and McCain would have lost by the widest margin in history.

As malevolent as Obama has been, I still believe McCain was not a solution. After all, Obama did the country a favor when he unwittingly exposed the depths of the Democrat party’s obscene governing philosophy, while McCain’s victory would have kept Democrat-lite on life support for decades. My gal Judi affirms my 2008 take on McCain:

Senator John McCain 1st to hide behind Obama’s Citizenship
By Judi McLeod
January 12, 2017

Senator John McCain 1st to hide behind Obama’s Citizenship

Finally, Mitt Romney was the deserving victim of John McCain’s enduring political philosophy. The days of voting for a Republican burdened with major negatives are gone forever. (McCain was saddled with amnesty for illegal aliens. Mitt Romney had Romneycare tattooed on his forehead.)

No difference between Obama, McCain and Hillary.

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