John Prine, legendary singer/songwriter died today

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Never heard of the guy, but I like the song I heard.

Why I never heard of him? Too insulated?

This livin' is a hard row to hoe. That's very true.

Prine fans all seem to have a lyric or two that is their favorite. He could sure write'em.
Seems like he put the truth of life in music.

That he did.

"There's a hole in daddy's arm where all the money goes, "

"But your flag decal won't get you into Heaven anymore
They're already overcrowded from your dirty little war
Now Jesus don't like killin', no matter what the reason's for
And your flag decal won't get you into Heaven anymore"

So many great songs
^ Physical distancing, social closeness: Over and over we’ve heard the call to “socially distance” ourselves from others. And yet, while on the surface COVID-19 has physically separated us, in other ways it has become the catalyst to socially connect us in new ways. Perhaps, as I’ve heard suggested, the term “social distancing” should be replaced with “physical distancing.” The virus has drawn us closer to one another in new and rewarding ways.

Reaching out gives meaning: There is a spiritual maxim that at moments of greatest personal concern, one should direct one's thoughts, prayers, and actions to others. By channeling concern away from ourselves toward the well-being of others we can be personally uplifted.

Ennobling our physical blessings: Refraining from shaking hands, limiting our walking in public spaces, covering our mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing can give us an opportunity to reevaluate the role of these physical blessings—hands, feet, mouths. The imposition of such restrictions teaches us to use our physical attributes with greater care and purpose—to give with our hands, to step up and help with our feet, to choose carefully the words that come out of our mouths.

Reflection and self-growth: The Sabbath, in the Jewish tradition, has been described as a day for reflection. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said that while during the week we focus on “having more,” the Sabbath is a time to “be more.” Now, the enforced "Sabbath" of being homebound brings a host of challenges that are different for each of us, but it also gives us an opportunity for personal reflection and growth.

Over the years, my goal as a rabbi has always been to “show up” in times of need. But today, as a senior with cardiac history, I’ve been forced to adopt a different approach: to try to offer support from a distance. In Jewish mystical tradition such restraint is called koach hatzimtzum—the power of holding back. After all, by showing up on the scene not only would I be jeopardizing myself, I would also be putting others at risk. Yet even in these circumstances, we can all do our best to “be there” by reaching out, making a few calls, finding creative ways to connect, especially with those who are alone.

These are times that demand a thoughtful balance. We are understandably frightened for our own sakes and for the well-being of family, friends, for those close to us, and for the entire world community. Still, however difficult the time, we must push ourselves to do all we can to remain hopeful and to find safe and creative ways to join together—breathing and living the message that a little bit of light pushes away the darkness.
Oy Vey!

it’s just words.

Even I know who he was.
Is that supposed to make me feel bad?

I can't alter your default condition.
I’ll take that as a yes.

Take it any way you like.

Do you feel better now?
The question is do you?

All I did was ask who John Pine was. ;)

"All" you did?

How many times have I heard that before?

Even I know who he was.
Is that supposed to make me feel bad?

I can't alter your default condition.
I’ll take that as a yes.

Take it any way you like.

Do you feel better now?
The question is do you?

All I did was ask who John Pine was. ;)

"All" you did?

How many times have I heard that before?
I have no idea. I don’t recall ever saying it to you.

Even I know who he was.
Is that supposed to make me feel bad?

I can't alter your default condition.
I’ll take that as a yes.

Take it any way you like.

Do you feel better now?
The question is do you?

All I did was ask who John Pine was. ;)

"All" you did?

How many times have I heard that before?
I have no idea. I don’t recall ever saying it to you.

I don't either.

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