John Wayne is the latest target of the Mob.

.....why does George Floyd need to have streets named after him??? a common street thug criminal....

Why does Emmet Till or Rosa Parks... They were just a couple of people who were victims of racism.

I'm sure if Rosa Parks had broken into a pregnant woman's house then robbed and assaulted her, while holding a gun to her belly... history would have been a little more critical of her.

Or if Emmett Till had committed multiple crimes while resisting arrest and assaulting police officers he wouldn't have been made into a martyr either.

However, back then we tried not to glorify criminals and use them as a false pretext for selfish destructive violent behavior.

You comparing Till and Parks to George Floyd is absolutely disgusting and shameful. Very indicative of the backwards thinking your ilk are guilty of pervading our society with.
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Have you ever had a paradigm shift?

I had a slipped disc once.

Seriously, we are in a paradigm shift now... Up until this point, Cops were the heroes, but they aren't anymore.

Personally, I don't think Cops deserve a lot of the piling on they are getting... most cops are great guys doing a difficult job.

The reason why Floyd falls into the same category as Till and Parks is that the behavior was so egregious, we had to finally question WHY these sorts of things are happening.

Lynching a child for whistling? Obscene
Arresting a woman for refusing to change seats? Ridiculous.
Killing a man for passing a fake $20? Outrageous.
I'm sure if Rosa Parks had broken into a pregnant woman's house then robbed, and assaulted her, while holding a gun to her belly... history would have been a little more critical of her.

Except Floyd didn't do that. So there's that. Woman wasn't pregnant, he didn't assault her.

Or if Emmett Till had committed multiple crimes while resisting arrest and assaulting police officers he wouldn't have been made into a martyr either.

However, back then we tried not to glorify criminals and use them as a false pretext for selfish destructive violent behavior.

Emmet Till was murdered for whistling at a white woman. And he probably didn't do that. George Floyd's crime was that he unknowingly passed a fake $20.00. This is why cops used lethal force against him.

You comparing Till and Parks to George Floyd is absolutely disgusting and shameful. Very indicative of the backwards thinking your ilk are guilty of pervading our society with.

Actually, it's apt. George Floyd did nothing that day that required/justified using lethal force against him. And he was the latest in a long line that included Sandra Bland, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, etc. etc.

Shouldn't have ever come to this. We should have addressed the issue a long time ago. Obama tried to and you all shot him down.
I said it well before this all started. The liberal mob/BLM will never be satisfied. This is not about equality. It's about destroying a country.

Um, no, it's about equality and fair treatment.

The problem is, BLM has been complaining for years, and white folks kind of played it down. Now we can't.

You mean it's about the right to repeatedly break the law, resist arrest and not get shot. Yea i get it.
.....why does George Floyd need to have streets named after him??? a common street thug criminal....

Why does Emmet Till or Rosa Parks... They were just a couple of people who were victims of racism.

I'm sure if Rosa Parks had broken into a pregnant woman's house then robbed and assaulted her, while holding a gun to her belly... history would have been a little more critical of her.

Or if Emmett Till had committed multiple crimes while resisting arrest and assaulting police officers he wouldn't have been made into a martyr either.

However, back then we tried not to glorify criminals and use them as a false pretext for selfish destructive violent behavior.

You comparing Till and Parks to George Floyd is absolutely disgusting and shameful. Very indicative of the backwards thinking your ilk are guilty of pervading our society with.
I said it well before this all started. The liberal mob/BLM will never be satisfied. This is not about equality. It's about destroying a country.

Um, no, it's about equality and fair treatment.

The problem is, BLM has been complaining for years, and white folks kind of played it down. Now we can't.
.....complaining about fake crap--most of the stuff they complain about is not police brutality or racism
..for example = MBrown =ATTACKED a cop--AFTER stealing and strong arming the clerk
You mean it's about the right to repeatedly break the law, resist arrest and not get shot. Yea i get it.

If you shoot at a cop, I have no problem with a cop shooting you. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The cases BLM is upset about are the ones were black people were killed committing minor offenses, or no offense at all.
complaining about fake crap--most of the stuff they complain about is not police brutality or racism
..for example = MBrown =ATTACKED a cop--AFTER stealing and strong arming the clerk

And at the time he was shot, he was moving away, had his hands up.

I get it, the cop was angry. So are most of the people who are serving time in prison for murder or manslaughter. Something pissed them off.
I said it well before this all started. The liberal mob/BLM will never be satisfied. This is not about equality. It's about destroying a country.

Um, no, it's about equality and fair treatment.

The problem is, BLM has been complaining for years, and white folks kind of played it down. Now we can't.

You mean it's about the right to repeatedly break the law, resist arrest and not get shot. Yea i get it.
..Garner had 30 arrests!!! 30
complaining about fake crap--most of the stuff they complain about is not police brutality or racism
..for example = MBrown =ATTACKED a cop--AFTER stealing and strong arming the clerk

And at the time he was shot, he was moving away, had his hands up.

I get it, the cop was angry. So are most of the people who are serving time in prison for murder or manslaughter. Something pissed them off. people keep making yourselves out to be WRONG---he was not moving away/hands up people are so PATHETIC with your ridiculous, UNSUPPORTED replies --replies WITHOUT evidence I said before Joe, you babble a lot
Garner had 30 arrests!!! 30

For something so petty and minor it shouldn't be a crime.

He was selling cigarettes singly. That was it. people keep making yourselves out to be WRONG---he was not moving away/hands up

Witnesses said he was. The DA ignored those witnesses and the community voted him out of office.
You mean it's about the right to repeatedly break the law, resist arrest and not get shot. Yea i get it.

If you shoot at a cop, I have no problem with a cop shooting you. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The cases BLM is upset about are the ones were black people were killed committing minor offenses, or no offense at all.

Like Michael Brown? LOL I'm sure he gained some street cred by jumping in that police cruiser and punching the cop. "Hands up don't shoot" so I can kick your white cop ass again, right?

Resisting is resisting. Doesn't matter if it started out as jaywalking. If you resist you just escalated the matter. BLM is a farce.

Sorry, but as I watch the rioting, burning, looting, defund police rallies, and blacks being slaughter in the inner cities by other blacks I just can't take your side serious.
Garner had 30 arrests!!! 30

For something so petty and minor it shouldn't be a crime.

He was selling cigarettes singly. That was it. people keep making yourselves out to be WRONG---he was not moving away/hands up

Witnesses said he was. The DA ignored those witnesses and the community voted him out of office.
WOW--just when I thought you couldn't be more ridiculous
...let the criminals commit crimes !!!!!
Like Michael Brown? LOL I'm sure he gained some street cred by jumping in that police cruiser and punching the cop. "Hands up don't shoot" so I can kick your white cop ass again, right?

Resisting is resisting. Doesn't matter if it started out as jaywalking. If you resist you just escalated the matter.

But that was the point. The cops escalated the matters until someone died. They need to learn to not do that.

WOW--just when I thought you couldn't be more ridiculous
...let the criminals commit crimes !!!!!

HOw was this guy hurting you selling single cigarettes?
I'm sure if Rosa Parks had broken into a pregnant woman's house then robbed, and assaulted her, while holding a gun to her belly... history would have been a little more critical of her.

Except Floyd didn't do that. So there's that. Woman wasn't pregnant, he didn't assault her.

Or if Emmett Till had committed multiple crimes while resisting arrest and assaulting police officers he wouldn't have been made into a martyr either.

However, back then we tried not to glorify criminals and use them as a false pretext for selfish destructive violent behavior.

Emmet Till was murdered for whistling at a white woman. And he probably didn't do that. George Floyd's crime was that he unknowingly passed a fake $20.00. This is why cops used lethal force against him.

You comparing Till and Parks to George Floyd is absolutely disgusting and shameful. Very indicative of the backwards thinking your ilk are guilty of pervading our society with.

Actually, it's apt. George Floyd did nothing that day that required/justified using lethal force against him. And he was the latest in a long line that included Sandra Bland, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, etc. etc.

Shouldn't have ever come to this. We should have addressed the issue a long time ago. Obama tried to and you all shot him down.

WOW! It's amazing how ill-informed you types are. Do you willfully remain ignorant on these things, so you can perpetuate the false narratives you support?

George Floyd was a life long drug addict criminal absentee father who is not deserving of martyrdom, or to be mentioned in the same breath as Till and Parks.

And yes, Floyd did do those things. As this link provides evidence to. George Floyd Criminal Past Record/Arrest History/Career Timeline: Baggie, Gun Pregnant and All Details | The Courier Daily

I was perhaps incorrect about the woman being pregnant at the time Floyd broke into her home, but he most definitely did point a gun to her abdomen when doing so. As the arrest report shows and as the victim, plus another witness identified him as the person who did so.

There is zero evidence to support the claim that racism was a motivation in the death of Floyd.

It wasn't just a fake 20 that got him into the trouble that resulted in his death. Floyd was high on drugs, and in possession of drugs as the video in the link shows. That is why he resisted arrest (another crime), because he knew he was going back to jail and didn't want to.

Chauvin was wrong to keep his knee on the man's neck (and he has been arrested and charged, so there will be justice for that), but had Floyd been compliant he would still be alive.

I was thinking you might be reasonable person, but then you went and broke out Gentle Thug!:auiqs.jpg:

Which tells me you don't actually care about the truth. The body cam of the police officer who shot Michael Brown completely exonerated him. It was a clean shoot.
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Like Michael Brown? LOL I'm sure he gained some street cred by jumping in that police cruiser and punching the cop. "Hands up don't shoot" so I can kick your white cop ass again, right?

Resisting is resisting. Doesn't matter if it started out as jaywalking. If you resist you just escalated the matter.

But that was the point. The cops escalated the matters until someone died. They need to learn to not do that.

WOW--just when I thought you couldn't be more ridiculous
...let the criminals commit crimes !!!!!

HOw was this guy hurting you selling single cigarettes?
Go back and study the facts of what Michael Brown did.
WOW! It's amazing how ill-informed you types are. Do you willfully remain ignorant on these things, so you can perpetuate the false narratives you support?

George Floyd was a life long drug addict criminal absentee father who is not deserving of martyrdom, or to be mentioned in the same breath as Till and Parks.

And yes, Floyd did do those things. As this link provides evidence to.

You have to come to me with credible links, not some right wing slander job. The woman wasn't pregnant, he didn't "assault" her. He went to jail and paid his debt to society. There was no excuse for the cops to murder him, but they did.

It wasn't just a fake 20 that got him into the trouble that resulted in his death. Floyd was high on drugs, and in possession of drugs as the video in the link shows. That is why he resisted arrest (another crime), because he knew he was going back to jail and didn't want to.

Chauvin was wrong to keep his knee on the man's neck (and he has been arrested and charged, so there will be justice for that), but had Floyd been compliant he would still be alive.

Wow, I don't want to live in a country where the police can straight up kill you if you aren't "compliant". Neither do you.

Which tells me you don't actually care about the truth. The body cam of the police officer who shot Michael Brown completely exonerated him. It was a clean shoot.

There was no body cam in the Brown case. Try to get your facts straight. What you had was a DA who went in with a narrative, he disallowed witnesses that contradicted it and let Wilson make a self-serving statement without challenge.

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