John Wayne is the latest target of the Mob.

Apparently he said some non-PC things in a 1970 interview that has social media demanding his memorials be renamed. Will they demand his movies be banned too? Isn't this great? Don't you just love having a Fascist Mob deciding all of our heroes and history must be expunged?

"Will they demand his movies be banned too?"

Probably. "The Searchers" very probably, John Wayne is a Civil War veteran on The Confederate side :omg:

Next up: ALL films that have ANY ACTOR playing a Confederate will have to be banned.

Next up: ALL films that have ANY ACTORS portraying the Police will have to be banned.
Burn Loot Murder is already demanding that ALL police dramas be removed from television and the movies.
complaining about fake crap--most of the stuff they complain about is not police brutality or racism
..for example = MBrown =ATTACKED a cop--AFTER stealing and strong arming the clerk

And at the time he was shot, he was moving away, had his hands up.

I get it, the cop was angry. So are most of the people who are serving time in prison for murder or manslaughter. Something pissed them off.
You know that hands up don't shoot is a total lie.
I said it well before this all started. The liberal mob/BLM will never be satisfied. This is not about equality. It's about destroying a country.

Um, no, it's about equality and fair treatment.

The problem is, BLM has been complaining for years, and white folks kind of played it down. Now we can't.
White folks played it down? In blue cities they bent so far over that the dicks exited their mouths.
Apparently he said some non-PC things in a 1970 interview that has social media demanding his memorials be renamed. Will they demand his movies be banned too? Isn't this great? Don't you just love having a Fascist Mob deciding all of our heroes and history must be expunged?

He was fake. Just like Trump. Ha Ha Ha!
He was a real American. Just like Trump. Ha Ha Ha!
The leftist movies of today are ass and the best of them can't even begin to hold a candle to the worst John Wayne movie.
They can't even come up with an original movie, have to rehash older films because they got no juice.
JW never served. An actor only. John Ford and others razzed him about not serving so he could get jobs when other were away.

^^^ Haters Gonna Hate ^^^

America's entry into World War II resulted in a deluge of support for the war effort from all sectors of society, and Hollywood was no exception. Wayne was exempted from service due to his age (34 at the time of Pearl Harbor) and family status (classified as 3-A – family deferment). Wayne repeatedly wrote to John Ford saying he wanted to enlist, on one occasion inquiring whether he could get into Ford's military unit, but consistently kept postponing it until after "he finished just one or two pictures".[35] Wayne did not attempt to prevent his reclassification as 1-A (draft eligible), but Republic Studios was emphatically resistant to losing him since he was their only A-list actor under contract. Herbert J. Yates, President of Republic, threatened Wayne with a lawsuit if he walked away from his contract,[36] and Republic Pictures intervened in the Selective Service process, requesting Wayne's further deferment.[37]

U.S. National Archives records indicate that Wayne, in fact, did make an application[38] to serve in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), precursor to the modern CIA, and had been accepted within the U.S. Army's allotted billet to the OSS. William J. Donovan, OSS Commander, wrote Wayne a letter informing him of his acceptance into the Field Photographic Unit, but the letter went to his estranged wife Josephine's home. She never told him about it. Wayne toured U.S. bases and hospitals in the South Pacific for three months in 1943 and 1944.[39] with the USO.[40][41][42] During this trip, he carried out a request from Donovan to assess whether General Douglas MacArthur, commander of the South West Pacific Area, or his staff were hindering the work of the OSS.[19]:88 Donovan later issued Wayne an OSS Certificate of Service to memorialize Wayne's contribution to the OSS mission.[19]:88[43]

Rio Bravo! :fu:
One of the best movies ever!
Sands of Iwo Jima
The Green Berets
Fuck those anti-American turds!

I recommend buying physical media of films you like. The Marxist haters are burning films and books - and streaming services will cancel them as well.
LOL, what a lying little weasel you are. Your Presidents wing man cleared the cop.

No, he said there wasn't federal jurisdiction... not the same thing.

White folks played it down? In blue cities they bent so far over that the dicks exited their mouths.

Actually, they really didn't. Chicago was given a list of 60 items they should reform, they've only completed 14% of them six years after the Laquan McDonald Shooting.
LOL, what a lying little weasel you are. Your Presidents wing man cleared the cop.

No, he said there wasn't federal jurisdiction... not the same thing.

White folks played it down? In blue cities they bent so far over that the dicks exited their mouths.

Actually, they really didn't. Chicago was given a list of 60 items they should reform, they've only completed 14% of them six years after the Laquan McDonald Shooting.
I guess the requests for more machine guns and reparations weren't fulfilled.
Apparently he said some non-PC things in a 1970 interview that has social media demanding his memorials be renamed. Will they demand his movies be banned too? Isn't this great? Don't you just love having a Fascist Mob deciding all of our heroes and history must be expunged?

The truth about cowboys.
More as 99% were AA.
Who does not believe is a racist

WOW! It's amazing how ill-informed you types are. Do you willfully remain ignorant on these things, so you can perpetuate the false narratives you support?

George Floyd was a life long drug addict criminal absentee father who is not deserving of martyrdom, or to be mentioned in the same breath as Till and Parks.

And yes, Floyd did do those things. As this link provides evidence to.

You have to come to me with credible links, not some right wing slander job. The woman wasn't pregnant, he didn't "assault" her. He went to jail and paid his debt to society. There was no excuse for the cops to murder him, but they did.

It wasn't just a fake 20 that got him into the trouble that resulted in his death. Floyd was high on drugs, and in possession of drugs as the video in the link shows. That is why he resisted arrest (another crime), because he knew he was going back to jail and didn't want to.

Chauvin was wrong to keep his knee on the man's neck (and he has been arrested and charged, so there will be justice for that), but had Floyd been compliant he would still be alive.

Wow, I don't want to live in a country where the police can straight up kill you if you aren't "compliant". Neither do you.

Which tells me you don't actually care about the truth. The body cam of the police officer who shot Michael Brown completely exonerated him. It was a clean shoot.

There was no body cam in the Brown case. Try to get your facts straight. What you had was a DA who went in with a narrative, he disallowed witnesses that contradicted it and let Wilson make a self-serving statement without challenge.

Everything presented in that link that you call a "right wing slander job" is 100% factual. The fact that folks like you are so dismissive of evidence to the contrary when it's obviously true is why no ones takes you types seriously anymore.

Sorry! You are wasn't a body cam. It was the eye witness testimony, the forensic evidence, a local grand jury and FBI investigation that exonerated the officer. That's not enough it seems for you though.

See how I can admit that I am wrong, when I have things misconstrued? You should give it a try! I must have been thinking of different incident involving a body cam. My bad.
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LOL, what a lying little weasel you are. Your Presidents wing man cleared the cop.

No, he said there wasn't federal jurisdiction... not the same thing.

White folks played it down? In blue cities they bent so far over that the dicks exited their mouths.

Actually, they really didn't. Chicago was given a list of 60 items they should reform, they've only completed 14% of them six years after the Laquan McDonald Shooting.

Yawn. No evidence, officer cleared. Surely with SIXTEEN witnesses there would have been enough "evidence".

" This morning, the Justice Department announced the conclusion of our investigation and released a comprehensive, 87-page report documenting our findings and conclusions that the facts do not support the filing of criminal charges against Officer Darren Wilson in this case. Michael Brown’s death, though a tragedy, did not involve prosecutable conduct on the part of Officer Wilson. "

" I concur with the investigative team’s judgment and the determination about our inability to meet the required federal standard. "

Apparently he said some non-PC things in a 1970 interview that has social media demanding his memorials be renamed. Will they demand his movies be banned too? Isn't this great? Don't you just love having a Fascist Mob deciding all of our heroes and history must be expunged?

Funny thing is, he hated that airport. His home was under the flight path.
Everything presented in that link that you call a "right wing slander job" is 100% factual. The fact that folks like you are so dismissive of evidence to the contrary when it's obviously true is why no ones takes you types seriously anymore.

I'm dismissive of the "Make what you did sound 100 times worse than it actually was. So she had a gun pointed at her. I've had guns pointed at me. Get over it.

Sorry! You are wasn't a body cam. It was the eye witness testimony, the forensic evidence, a local grand jury and FBI investigation that exonerated the officer. That's not enough it seems for you though.

No, actually it wasn't.

First and foremost, that DA should have recused himself. His father was a cop killed on the job, he couldn't be objective.
Second, he ignored witnesses who contradicted his narrative, and allowed witnesses who shouldn't have been allowed to testify, such as the mentally ill woman who made racist posts on Facebook.
Third, the "Forensic evidence" was that he didn't have his hand straight up above his head because the shirt lined up with the bullet holes. Most people wouldn't put their hands straight up, they'd put them up at their sides, which wouldn't pull the shirt up at all.
Fourth, the FBI wiffled at the ball... This is the problem with having law enforcement investigate itself... It's why we need independent review boards.
See how I can admit that I am wrong, when I have things misconstrued? You should give it a try! I must have been thinking of different incident involving a body cam. My bad.

So Prager got some Uncle Tom to tell you shooting an unarmed kid at 150 feet away while he had his hands up was okay, somehow, because he wasn't a "good kid". Sure that makes it better.
Then there was the story about how John Wayne was in "The Greatest Story Ever Told", where he plays the Centurion at Jesus' crucifixion.

"Truly this man was the son of God".. DUke deadpanned.

"No, Duke, you have to say it with a sense of Awe!!!"

"Aw, truly this man was the son of God."

I was going to mention this but didn't bother...
Taken on a school trip when I was 10 to see this. Very good film for its time until Jesus wept - you could tell who it was even with the helmet. That dopey american drawl - "T-r-u-l-y t-h-i-s...." All us kids burst into laughter. Totally ruined the film.

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