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I'm sure this will get someone's attention in the White House, we have seen how effective it has been in the past.
Same 239,000 who would have spent a minimum of a week in non stop continuous orgasm had Barack Obama climbed into a milk and fruit loop filled bath tub with Glozelle Green. Barack Obama knows his constituency. He knows he has the wool firmly pulled down over their eyes, knows they can not think and the only thing he has to do to maintain their loyalty is to titillate and entertain them, ie last night's Jimmy Kimmel appearance.
How else could he get away hiring as Secretary of State, the man, who while still eligible to wear the uniform of the United States Navy, went to Paris on his own volition to negotiate the surrender of the American armed forces in South Vietnam to North Vietnam's representative Madame Liu. Indirectly, the failure of the United States government then, to slam the outright traitorJohn Francoise Kerry, bound and blindfolded, up against a stone wall in front of a miliatry firing squad, enabled today's Barack Obama presidency. Cut the sh!t guys, your heads are so far up your rectums, youre tickling the undersides of your tonsils with your tongues.
You should be able to get 10 million to sign a petition to stop unicorns from flying. 1/4 of a million zealot left wing liberals is nothing, hardly a blip.

What should happen is a counter petition to try Obama for treason in negotiating with a terrorist state in the first place.

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