Jon Gruden Fired As Raiders Head Coach.

It is clear from Biden's comments that the president is a racist as many comments he made are referenced below! -OG​

Why aren't the Democrats ashamed of this bigoted president? We used to react to racism, now we're supposed to actively seek it out. So let's seek out some racism.

President Joe Biden is a racist, not because he thinks one race is better than another but because he said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black." That is the definition of racism. If Donald Trump made the same comment about white people the media would talk about it for weeks, Biden says it, he apologizes, they move on.

More Joe Biden narrow-mindedness, “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” (That was in reference to Obama.) ... If you have a problem figuring out if that is a racist statement, then you ain't smart.

Joe Biden makes Archie Bunker sound like Greg Brady ... Biden, “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”

Here's another gem from Joe — “In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You can't go into a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Many of us have had enough of the left's sanctimony and hypocrisy over racism. I challenge Walter Davis, Quddus Snyder, Steve Webster, and their political peers to admit that Biden is a bigot. After reading Biden's racist quotes, for you not to do so is a sign of ignorance, plus a lack of political honesty and integrity.
Why is Gruden held to higher standard? Gruden wasn't elected overwhelmingly to a 4 year no cut contract by the majority of the electors representing the vote of the majority of the country. Gruden served at the pleasure or displeasure of the company he worked for. The country ain't football, dude.
Just exactly is that supposed mean....other than fired?

End of discussion.
Lying bastard.

It means he is no longer the head coach. Resigned is no more or less "out" than fired.

you are trying too hard here, just admit you fucked up and move on
Jon Gruden was fired today because of old emails that the NFL showed to the Raiders management.
Blacks can make fun of white people any time they feel like it..white people can't. Your private conversations are nolonger private.

Fuck the NFL and Fuck Joe Biden.

Man are we sensitive. Embarrassment 101
Why is Gruden held to higher standard? Gruden wasn't elected overwhelmingly to a 4 year no cut contract by the majority of the electors representing the vote of the majority of the country. Gruden served at the pleasure or displeasure of the company he worked for. The country ain't football, dude.
Funny Stephen and DeSean Jackson weren’t held to the same standard. Hypocrisy 101

Why is Gruden held to higher standard? Gruden wasn't elected overwhelmingly to a 4 year no cut contract by the majority of the electors representing the vote of the majority of the country. Gruden served at the pleasure or displeasure of the company he worked for. The country ain't football, dude.
Still we are holding an employee to a higher standard than an elected official. There is nothing to debate. It boils down to democrats can be a racists as they want without reprecussion
Gruden sure has made a big mess
He might have made the mess 11 years ago.....but none of this was recent.
Seems to me that ESPN helped set this up....because they seem to have all of the evidence on hand even before it has been fully released.....and the people in New York said this is only a start. They probably plan on getting rid of more coaches in the future using social media.
I suppose, but I think Gruden's concern now is that he's probably going to be forced into retirement...
Seems highly selective.
The left is always whining about not having enough black head coaches and black owners.
I figure they're going to go thru everyone's emails and get rid of as many whites as they can for whatever reason they can find, be it sexism, homophobia, or saying bad things about illegals or Muslims.
Still we are holding an employee to a higher standard than an elected official. There is nothing to debate. It boils down to democrats can be a racists as they want without reprecussion

No, "we" aren't doing anything. Mark Davis is...
He might have made the mess 11 years ago.....but none of this was recent.

Had it been one email I think he would have still been working, but when it is a 7 year pattern, there is no way any company in the country keeps him.
He didn't resign until after he met with owner Mark Davis.

Fired, resigned; doesn't matter what you call it. He's out of a job, and it would be surprising if he ever works in the sport again.

Anyone who believes he wouldn't have been shit-canned if he didn't resign is fooling themself...
Gater is just trying to get me banned.

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