Jon Huntsman compares GOP to Communist Party in China

Huntsman knows what he's talking about too given his former post. That post, no doubt, is the main reason he was thrown under the bus by the party faithful/kool aid drinkers like Si & TPS. He had the gall to fulfill a post when asked by a President to do so.
A good many Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Reagan. I've voted for Republicans in local elections. Heck..I voted for NYC's present Mayor..who use to be Republican.

Jon Huntsman would have made alot of people take a second look. It's not that unusual or unheard of..

Don't you love it when LIBERALS who lie and and lie and lie for Obama (and to themselves) try to tell YOU us who has the best chance of beating Obama?

Oh yeah, that's believable! Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!


[ame=""]Ann Coulter: Romney Will Lose In 2012 - YouTube[/ame]


I hate to break it to you but Coulter has been a Romney supporter since the primaries started.

If you don't believe me, you can check out her columns.
An unbiased assessment would be that China is transitioning into capitalism while democrats are transitioning into communism. China is becoming more republican even as democrats embrace the failed policies of Chairman Mao.

Wow, you are really ignorant (is it willful or were you dropped on your head to many times?).
If you look up RINO in the dictionary, a picture of Nelson Rockefeller and Jon Huntsman is right there beside it.

The thing that amazes me is that some Democrats say, "Well, the only Republican I liked was Jon Huntsman." Really, so if he was nominated, you would have voted for him? And of course, the answer was "No".

Good... because neither would I...

A good many Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Reagan. I've voted for Republicans in local elections. Heck..I voted for NYC's present Mayor..who use to be Republican.

Jon Huntsman would have made alot of people take a second look. It's not that unusual or unheard of..

No, not "a good many Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Reagan", a shit load of Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Reagan.
Go up north of you in the Hudson valley across the river from Poughkepsie where my relatives have been for 300 years and the Democrats there heavily voted for Reagan.
Because Ronnie stayed away from the gay boogeyman issue and although he opposed abortions like I do he wanted no part of government telling which women could and could not have one.
I miss Reagan. He had his many faults but his brilliance was he was genuine with dealing with everyone.
An unbiased assessment would be that China is transitioning into capitalism while democrats are transitioning into communism. China is becoming more republican even as democrats embrace the failed policies of Chairman Mao.


Nice one.

Huntsman is just another leftover--a dinosaur, really--of the old liberal, northeastern Republican establishment that prevailed prior to the Goldwater-Reagan revolution and squandered decades by essentially going along with the leftist lunacy of the Democratic Party. After that cocktail-hour faction was overthrown, naturally, the Party began to dominate the presidency and Congress; for example, the Republicans will keep the House and take back the Senate once again in November, and probably the White House as well.

Leftyism = the pseudo-intellectualism of dingbats, moral relativism and the decline and fall of America.
Another media matters or move-on scoop? Do we have to listen to cherry picked sentences for the next seven months? Anything is better than defending Barry Hussein I guess.
An unbiased assessment would be that China is transitioning into capitalism while democrats are transitioning into communism. China is becoming more republican even as democrats embrace the failed policies of Chairman Mao.


Nice one.

Huntsman is just another leftover--a dinosaur, really--of the old liberal, northeastern Republican establishment that prevailed prior to the Goldwater-Reagan revolution and squandered decades by essentially going along with the leftist lunacy of the Democratic Party. After that cocktail-hour faction was overthrown, naturally, the Party began to dominate the presidency and Congress; for example, the Republicans will keep the House and take back the Senate once again in November, and probably the White House as well.

Leftyism = the pseudo-intellectualism of dingbats, moral relativism and the decline and fall of America.

No, Huntsman is like Goldwater in that he despises the religous right.
Kinda looks like Stephanie & Si have proved a point. Tell conservatives what they don't want to hear and expect to be attacked with nonsense.

oh no, we should just sit back and take it just like you all do when they accuse Obama of being a Marxist, Communist, Socialist...

There's a huge difference. Obama is not a Marxist, Communist or Socialist and only fools and parrots suggest he is. Why argue with fools and parrots?

In Huntsman's case the issue is fact based; anyone who disagrees with the Republican Plan of the Day is considered a RINO or worse.

Democrats have never (in my experience) used the word DINO; in fact D's tolerate Blue Dog Democrats.
Huntsman is just sore not many went for him...

Witness his speech?

He was he tried to portray himself as Reagan while giving his entrance speech into the GOP nomination processat the same place where Ronald Reagan had stood a couple of decades earlier.

Both events had themes of stark and dire times ahead if the Democrat incumbent should remain in office.

Nevermind Huntsman was Ambassador for China IN the Obama Administration...

[ame=]Huntsman makes GOP presidential run official - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]President Ronald Reagan - Liberty State Park [Pt. 1] - YouTube[/ame]


Huntsman Calls for Civility Where Reagan Stood to Eviscerate Carter
The most quoted speech at CPAC this year was Mitt Romney's, but my vote for the most significant goes to Grover Norquist's. In his charmingly blunt way, Norquist articulated out loud a case for Mitt Romney that you hear only whispered by other major conservative leaders.

They have reconciled themselves to a Romney candidacy because they see Romney as essentially a weak and passive president who will concede leadership to congressional conservatives:

All we have to do is replace Obama. ... We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate.
Anyone who knows Mitt will laugh out loud at the typical Norquist miscalculation. Romney will not cede anything to the ryanistas. He will dominate them, cut their patronage, cut their fund raising, and raise up primary alternates in 2014 if they think they can cross him. What a bunch of fools.
Huntsman wants a third party?

He's got my support. Where can I sign up?

These two parties suck my balls.
Huntsman wants a third party?

He's got my support. Where can I sign up?

These two parties suck my balls.

WHY did he sign up to run for the Republican nomination if this was in his heart?
Huntsman wants a third party?

He's got my support. Where can I sign up?

These two parties suck my balls.

WHY did he sign up to run for the Republican nomination if this was in his heart?

Maybe he thought that there would be more moderates than people thought showing up to support him.

Not really sure why he would think this, as primaries are generally chock full of radicals and extremists. Maybe he's one of those eternal optimists.

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