Jon Stewart on Iran letter, RWs will like it

BTW nutters......our POTUS will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel's show tomorrow night. He's another smart guy who makes intelligent people laugh. Can you handle it?

Handle it? We're thrilled. Anything that keeps that lying Muslim out of the White House is a good thing for America. Maybe they can go golfing tomorrow. In Siberia....
Yep they both do it.
Jon Stewart forgot to also say that Senator Kennedy did it under Reagan and made a deal with the Soviet Union to undermine Regan's deal.

At least it was only one Senator........but 47 idiots all going along with it? You can hardly compare the two.
BTW nutters......our POTUS will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel's show tomorrow night. He's another smart guy who makes intelligent people laugh. Can you handle it?

Handle it? We're thrilled. Anything that keeps that lying Muslim out of the White House is a good thing for America. Maybe they can go golfing tomorrow. In Siberia....

Another idiot that thinks any time the President is not "in" the White House he is not doesn't matter where he's at, he's still President...., but then, what can you expect from conservatives these days........:eek:
Yep they both do it.
Jon Stewart forgot to also say that Senator Kennedy did it under Regan and made a deal with the Soviet Union to undermine Regan's deal.


Yep they both do it.
Jon Stewart forgot to also say that Senator Kennedy did it under Regan and made a deal with the Soviet Union to undermine Regan's deal.


Did you or any of your hypocritical phony bastards ever complain or bitch when your fellow grammatically correct liberal assholes referred to President Ronald Reagan as "Raygun"?
Yeah, he skewers the Repub traitors but he also nails some Dems.


Jon Stewart hammers Republicans on Iran letter They re f cking cuckoo bananas

Think I'll try and be just like the OP
John Stewart bwahahahahah!!
When Rush Limbaugh loyal listeners complain about Jon Stewart it reeks of hypocrisy.
How is Stewart inferior to Limbaugh? They both do the same thing, except Stewart is funny, where as Limbaugh is angry. Laughing is much, much healthier than being angry.

Anger Management
The simple act of laughing can go along way to reduce anger, especially over the longer term. See our page on Laughter Therapy for more information. Be aware that although laughing can help you feel better you need to make sure there is no danger of misinterpretation.

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You think Stewart cares about what he makes fun of beyond the paycheck?

From WIki:
Jon Stewart - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Critics say Stewart benefits from a double standard: he critiques other news shows from the safe, removed position of his "fake news" desk.[8][9] Stewart agrees, saying that neither his show nor his channel purports to be anything other than satire and comedy.
Satire and Comedy that is taken dead serious by Lefties who don't understand what Satire and Comedy is.
You think Stewart cares about what he makes fun of beyond the paycheck?

From WIki:
Jon Stewart - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Critics say Stewart benefits from a double standard: he critiques other news shows from the safe, removed position of his "fake news" desk.[8][9] Stewart agrees, saying that neither his show nor his channel purports to be anything other than satire and comedy.
Satire and Comedy that is taken dead serious by Lefties who don't understand what Satire and Comedy is.

And again, the only difference between Rush and Stewart is that Stewart gets paid Big Money to make people laugh and Rush gets paid Big Money to make people angry. Both men are delivering partisan spiels to effect their ever loyal followers, they just have polar opposite views and forms of delivery..
Yeah, he skewers the Repub traitors but he also nails some Dems.


Jon Stewart hammers Republicans on Iran letter They re f cking cuckoo bananas

Obama giving Iran everything they want is essentially giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Obama trying to overthrow the PM of Israel, our closest ally in the region, which is essentially providing aid to our enemies.

Congress tells Iran not to plan on a long binding deal if Obama leaves them out of it, and this is treason??

Obviously you're idea of treason is a bit off kilter. You might want to look up treason in the dictionary.

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BTW nutters......our POTUS will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel's show tomorrow night. He's another smart guy who makes intelligent people laugh. Can you handle it?

Handle it? We're thrilled. Anything that keeps that lying Muslim out of the White House is a good thing for America. Maybe they can go golfing tomorrow. In Siberia....

Another idiot that thinks any time the President is not "in" the White House he is not doesn't matter where he's at, he's still President...., but then, what can you expect from conservatives these days........:eek:

No clown, it's just if he's out on the golf course, he doesn't have time to watch the news to find out what his administration is doing.........bwahahaha...............
BTW nutters......our POTUS will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel's show tomorrow night. He's another smart guy who makes intelligent people laugh. Can you handle it?

Handle it? We're thrilled. Anything that keeps that lying Muslim out of the White House is a good thing for America. Maybe they can go golfing tomorrow. In Siberia....

Another idiot that thinks any time the President is not "in" the White House he is not doesn't matter where he's at, he's still President...., but then, what can you expect from conservatives these days........:eek:

No clown, it's just if he's out on the golf course, he doesn't have time to watch the news to find out what his administration is doing.........bwahahaha...............

Oh, he knows quite well what they are doing........and he also knows the Republicans in the Senate and House keep embarrassing themselves, their ignorant base, and the country....bwahahaha!

Republicans are constantly complaining that President Obama apologizes for this country. What is becoming more and more apparent is that there is a lot to apologize for -- particularly Republicans. While Republicans like to talk about American exceptionalism, the sentiment behind that statement is, in fact, unquestioned superiority. Time and time again Republicans have shown their disrespect, ignorance, and contempt for other nationalities and cultures. It's as if they've never left the country and think that the rest of the world lives in grass huts and has yet to discover indoor plumbing.
GOP Continues to Embarrass America Richard Zombeck
BTW nutters......our POTUS will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel's show tomorrow night. He's another smart guy who makes intelligent people laugh. Can you handle it?

Handle it? We're thrilled. Anything that keeps that lying Muslim out of the White House is a good thing for America. Maybe they can go golfing tomorrow. In Siberia....

Another idiot that thinks any time the President is not "in" the White House he is not doesn't matter where he's at, he's still President...., but then, what can you expect from conservatives these days........:eek:

No clown, it's just if he's out on the golf course, he doesn't have time to watch the news to find out what his administration is doing.........bwahahaha...............

Oh, he knows quite well what they are doing........and he knows the Republicans in the Senate and House keep embarrassing themselves, their ignorant base, and the country....bwahahaha!

Republicans are constantly complaining that President Obama apologizes for this country. What is becoming more and more apparent is that there is a lot to apologize for -- particularly Republicans. While Republicans like to talk about American exceptionalism, the sentiment behind that statement is, in fact, unquestioned superiority. Time and time again Republicans have shown their disrespect, ignorance, and contempt for other nationalities and cultures. It's as if they've never left the country and think that the rest of the world lives in grass huts and has yet to discover indoor plumbing.
GOP Continues to Embarrass America Richard Zombeck
I think you're projecting quite a lot here.
Obama is an international embarrassment.
Israel is telling the world as much.
Congress has had enough of his reckless behavior and 47 of them decided to act in hopes of heading off a total disaster.

I fought these bastards in Somalia, and Obama is kissing up to them. They've been murdering our troops for decades. Most of the dead in Iraq are directly because of Iranian IEDs. It's an utter disgrace. You
liberals never question anything he does. It's downright pathetic.
My question is: what is it with leftwingers and this jerk Stewart that they think anybody care what he says. They have this same love affair with Bill Maher

something about jerkoffs that attacks them...weird isn't it

And they accuse EVERY Republican/conservatives of listening to everything Rush Limbaugh says...

Instead of hiding behind insults, how about you comment on the subject?

Or not.

She can't. She only does what she is capable of doing. We all see Stephanie's limited skill set. Let's Roll!
Yep they both do it.
Jon Stewart forgot to also say that Senator Kennedy did it under Reagan and made a deal with the Soviet Union to undermine Regan's deal.

At least it was only one Senator........but 47 idiots all going along with it? You can hardly compare the two.

Soviet Russia was not insane like Iran is.

Even more the reason why it was reckless not to mention anti-American for 47 Republican Senators to make such a move.

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