Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Yep. They are fundamentalists long on the need to conform but low on Reason.

Heck they can't even recall what they thought on the subject several years ago. All they know is what they are expected to think today.
My "truth" and your "truth" can both be true even if they are mutually excusive "truths"

Just kidding.
Science doesnt agree with you. You keep repeating anecdotal nonsesne to support bigoted nonsense.The kids are supported by every medical and psychological body. Your stance is supported by Dr Jerry Falwell. And I hate to break it to you, Jerry aint a doctor.
None of their mutilations change any of the children's DNA. None. Both sides, BTW, agree on one fundamental issue, that there is something wrong between the child's mind and body. One side says, "Let's help the children understand better what's going on inside themselves and help them cope until they are old enough for their hormones to settle down, then they can look at the options and decide as adults if they want to change their bodies" while the other side says, "Let's cut off parts of their bodies and add things that don't belong so they can pretend they are something they're not".

Kids and teenagers are notorious for changing their minds. One day they want to be doctor, the next a dinosaur, the next Kim Kardashian. No way we should be making irreversible changes to these developing bodies until they're done growing. If they're not old enough to get a tattoo, they're not old enough to be mutilated to look different. If they're not old enough to buy a gun, they're not old enough to be mutilated to look different. If they're not old enough to drink alcohol or smoke tobacco, they're not old enough to be mutilated to look different. If they're not old enough to drive a car, they're not old enough to be mutilated to look different. Need I go on?
This is pretty devastating stuff and most people will be on his side.
But the lady has a point of sorts but doesnt make it very well.
It comes across as big government interfering and I generally support that. But you need to have a basis in fact to do that.
It didnt look like she had anything. But I do understand what she was trying to do.


XXXX Mod Edit -- sentence incapable with Civil discussion rules. Kids don't have the power to decide their gender as kids because their brains aren't fully developed yet. This is all about protecting kids from putting medicine into their bodies and what could wind up producing harmful side effects and making a mistake that a lot of them will wind up regretting later on.

I think that is her standpoint and I have some sympathy with that.
But Stewart lists those who have worked on this and have given it more thought than us. .
If kids are killing themselves then perhaps time is not our friend.
But its a tough one.

What about counseling?

Stewart is not a very bright man.
Castrating little boys is the latest crazy left wing trend.
People should keep their children away from left wingers.
If a child is suffering from gender dysphoria, they should be getting mental health treatment.


Why not mod the thread and kick out the people who want to stifle debate ?

Because that's how a debate works. 🙄

Or they could be so unhappy that they may kill themselves. Science has spoken.

So, you're blaming all of that on biology?

America- Land of the free, as long as you do exactly what we say.

Liberals say Conservatives do are the rules.

of course someone is going to scream about mutilating a child’s genitals despite the fact that that sort of surgery is not done on children.

What makes you say that?

Not the nuts, be it a doctor, parent, psychiatry, and especially the government.
Science says we have two genders.
I'm praying you didn't procreate.

You know in his case I would make an exception about the no abortion rule
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So you cant answer the question.
America is lucky that it has so many "citizen scientists" who know more than anybody who has studied this.
So, tell me, Tommy - which Wales science university did you attend that taught you that the females of various primate species have a penis?

You really need to ask for a refund.

XXXX Mod Edit -- sentence incapable with Civil discussion rules. Kids don't have the power to decide their gender as kids because their brains aren't fully developed yet. This is all about protecting kids from putting medicine into their bodies and what could wind up producing harmful side effects and making a mistake that a lot of them will wind up regretting later on.
What's a lot? This recent study in the Netherlands shows that 98% of people who started gender affirming care as teens continued to do so as adults.

Most teens who start puberty suppression continue gender-affirming care, study finds
Never trust any study with a 98% result, just like never trust a vote with a 98% result.
Who said you should blindly trust anyone?

The reason we are asked to "trust" some dictators claim that they got 98% of the vote is because they don't let independent arbiters verify the findings. You're free to criticize these if you can.
and you are misquoting the study. You use "gender affirming care" and they use the specific use of puberty blockers.
Which is part of gender affirming care. Is this all you got?
Who said you should blindly trust anyone? 😄

The reason we asked to "trust" some dictators claim that they got 98% of the vote is because they don't let independent arbiters verify the findings. You're free to criticize these if you can.

Which is part of gender affirming care. Is this all you got?

Once you start messing with a kids hormones and development, you lock them into the changes made.

I wonder how many of those in the study offed themselves anyway even with the so called treatment.
Once you start messing with a kids hormones and development, you lock them into the changes made.
Precisely. That's why medical professionals recommend starting with puberty blockers to prevent permanent changes occurring in teenagers with gender dysphoria.
I wonder how many of those in the study offed themselves anyway even with the so called treatment.
Offered themselves? I'm not sure what that means but the fact that 98% of them continued with treatment as an adult is promising. (If you care about trans patients receiving positive healthcare)
Precisely. That's why medical professionals recommend starting with puberty blockers to prevent permanent changes occurring in teenagers with gender dysphoria.

Offered themselves? I'm not sure what that means but the fact that 98% of them continued with treatment as an adult is promising. (If you care about trans patients receiving positive healthcare)

They create permanent changes as well, and are only FDA approved for early onset puberty. Doctors using them for other reasons are quacks.

Positive healthcare would be getting them to accept their sex, and only resort to mutilation as a last resort.

This is only for actual gender dysphoria, not the current crop of fetishism we are seeing.
They create permanent changes as well, and are only FDA approved for early onset puberty. Doctors using them for other reasons are quacks.
Puberty blockers don't create permanent changes and you use insults to make up for your lack of objective proof.
Positive healthcare would be getting them to accept their sex, and only resort to mutilation as a last resort.
And yet it's starting gender affirming care early that is showing positive impact and improving the mental health and lessening suicidal thoughts among trans patients.

Better mental health found among transgender people who started hormones as teens
This is only for actual gender dysphoria, not the current crop of fetishism we are seeing.
98% success rate does seem to point to this being a fetish.
Puberty blockers don't create permanent changes and you use insults to make up for your lack of objective proof.

And yet it's starting gender affirming care early that is showing positive impact and improving the mental health and lessening suicidal thoughts among trans patients.

Better mental health found among transgender people who started hormones as teens

98% success rate does seem to point to this being a fetish.

Yes they do. You don't get back the development you skipped during puberty while on them.

All propaganda, nothing more.
One doesn't need to reference anything when countering the modern equivalent of skull measurements to determine if someone is a Jew or not.
Considering which of our ideas of treatment are in line with that of the prevailing medical community, I'll leave you to sus out which one of us is being dismissed by society at large. 😄

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