Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

A lot of activity overnight. I recognise that this is number 1 GOP priority but the responses have been pitiful.
Jon Stewarts ability as a comedian does not impact on his questions to a politician who starts lying at the first question she cant answer.
This is just hate legislation where kids are the victims.
If Arkansas came out and said
"medical and psychological studies (x,y and z) show that kids are unable to make those decisions so we are implementing a strategy to support those families until the kids are able to make those decisions. Our approach will be driven by the science and have the support of all the countries health and psychological bodies. The welfare of the children will be at the centre of our support"

That may convince that they are acting in good faith. But they havent and they are not. They just hate trans and wish that they didnt exist. That is not a basis to pass laws that affect lives.
This thread has been going a few days and not one scientific rgument has been put forward. And the reason is that there isnt a scientific ar gument.
Mr Stewart points out the following.
Every other decision taken by Arkansas is guided by the science and based on the advice of every medical body in the US. Bar this one. In this instance the decision has been taken by bigots and "citizen scientists" who claim to know better than the experts.

This wretched woman made up stats as soon as she was challenged. She is not fit to sit in office.

Arkansas kids deserve better.

It could be that the people of Arkansas through their legislature believe that hacking off a child's body parts or giving them drugs that cause irreversible damage to their body physically, is not a good course of action to address a mental issue. And make no mistake the "gender" issue is a mental one not a physical one. I would tend to agree with them, for this reason. Under no other circumstance would we allow a child or someone of any age to remove a perfectly healthy body part because it didn't "feel" right. If I walked into my doctor's office and told him I wanted him to cut off my ears because I didn't identify as someone with ears, he wouldnt schedule me for surgery, he'd schedule me time with the head shrinker. If I told him I was going to kill myself if he didn't cut them off he'd likely have me committed for observation, and rightfully so.

And there is no scientific argument for the removal of one's genitalia, and certainly not before that person's brain is fully functional, because of gender dysphoria. Cite the long-term study where the outcomes for young people are better post-surgery. You can't because that study doesn't exist. Let's be very clear here about what's happening. We are allowing a teenager to make decisions which CANNOT be reversed, condemning them to a life of infertility, an inability to achieve orgasm and in most cases feel any type sexual pleasure in any way, oh and mutilating their body so that they have the outward (albeit a horrific and really terrible) appearance of the "gender" which is somehow just a social construct but has physical attributes as well (something no one has been able to explain) to which the person says they identify. All Arkansas is saying is you know what you can hack off your tits or your dick or whatever you want to do, once you turn 18 (or 21 Im not really sure what the age is in the bill) if you are under 18 you have to wait.

BTW I feel like the people who advocate for this either have no interaction with teenagers and/or forget what it was like to be a teenager. ALL teenagers, are unsure of themselves, where they fit in the world, are awkward, etc. It's part of the transition from childhood to adulthood. Instead of telling these kids that what they are feeling is natural and that their minds and bodies are changing, and that they are made perfectly and are beautiful just the way they are we are for whatever reason playing to that insecurity. We are fostering that confusion and awkwardness. It's fucked up. We also aren't telling them that they fucking stupid near enough and explaining why. I can't recall the number of times I have (and still do though they are past their teenage years) I have sat my sons down and told them what they were doing, or thinking was stupid and why. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't, and figure out I was right or prove me wrong, but we have those talks and they've told me as they have gotten older that they appreciate the frank and honest assessment of their thinking/actions. They must they keep asking my opinion.
It could be that the people of Arkansas through their legislature believe that hacking off a child's body parts or giving them drugs that cause irreversible damage to their body physically, is not a good course of action to address a mental issue. And make no mistake the "gender" issue is a mental one not a physical one. I would tend to agree with them, for this reason. Under no other circumstance would we allow a child or someone of any age to remove a perfectly healthy body part because it didn't "feel" right. If I walked into my doctor's office and told him I wanted him to cut off my ears because I didn't identify as someone with ears, he wouldnt schedule me for surgery, he'd schedule me time with the head shrinker. If I told him I was going to kill myself if he didn't cut them off he'd likely have me committed for observation, and rightfully so.

And there is no scientific argument for the removal of one's genitalia, and certainly not before that person's brain is fully functional, because of gender dysphoria. Cite the long-term study where the outcomes for young people are better post-surgery. You can't because that study doesn't exist. Let's be very clear here about what's happening. We are allowing a teenager to make decisions which CANNOT be reversed, condemning them to a life of infertility, an inability to achieve orgasm and in most cases feel any type sexual pleasure in any way, oh and mutilating their body so that they have the outward (albeit a horrific and really terrible) appearance of the "gender" which is somehow just a social construct but has physical attributes as well (something no one has been able to explain) to which the person says they identify. All Arkansas is saying is you know what you can hack off your tits or your dick or whatever you want to do, once you turn 18 (or 21 Im not really sure what the age is in the bill) if you are under 18 you have to wait.

BTW I feel like the people who advocate for this either have no interaction with teenagers and/or forget what it was like to be a teenager. ALL teenagers, are unsure of themselves, where they fit in the world, are awkward, etc. It's part of the transition from childhood to adulthood. Instead of telling these kids that what they are feeling is natural and that their minds and bodies are changing, and that they are made perfectly and are beautiful just the way they are we are for whatever reason playing to that insecurity. We are fostering that confusion and awkwardness. It's fucked up. We also aren't telling them that they fucking stupid near enough and explaining why. I can't recall the number of times I have (and still do though they are past their teenage years) I have sat my sons down and told them what they were doing, or thinking was stupid and why. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't, and figure out I was right or prove me wrong, but we have those talks and they've told me as they have gotten older that they appreciate the frank and honest assessment of their thinking/actions. They must they keep asking my opinion.
well said, indeed.

Attention-seeking kids receive exactly what they crave these days at school as soon as they indicate any inclination towards thinking of themselves as the opposite sex. When they receive positive reinforcement for this, it gradually sets up a closed loop where they become addicted to the reinforcement that provides them the affirmation and attention they seek.
well said, indeed.

Attention-seeking kids receive exactly what they crave these days at school as soon as they indicate any inclination towards thinking of themselves as the opposite sex. When they receive positive reinforcement for this, it gradually sets up a closed loop where they become addicted to the reinforcement that provides them the affirmation and attention they seek.
Science doesnt agree with you. You keep repeating anecdotal nonsesne to support bigoted nonsense.The kids are supported by every medical and psychological body. Your stance is supported by Dr Jerry Falwell. And I hate to break it to you, Jerry aint a doctor.
Science doesnt agree with you. You keep repeating anecdotal nonsesne to support bigoted nonsense.The kids are supported by every medical and psychological body. Your stance is supported by Dr Jerry Falwell. And I hate to break it to you, Jerry aint a doctor.
Study link?
Science doesnt agree with you. You keep repeating anecdotal nonsesne to support bigoted nonsense.The kids are supported by every medical and psychological body. Your stance is supported by Dr Jerry Falwell. And I hate to break it to you, Jerry aint a doctor.
You don't know the first thing about science.

This has nothing to do with Jerry Fallwell despite your silly and juvenile attept to attach him to it.

The issue has to do with establishing age of consent and protecting children from groomers.
You don't know the first thing about science.

This has nothing to do with Jerry Fallwell despite your silly and juvenile attept to attach him to it.

The issue has to do with establishing age of consent and protecting children from groomers.
I have asked him numerous times for studies to backup any of his bullshit. He has promptly ignored all of them

Actual SCIENCE would involve some sort of diagnostic brain scan or DNA testing with irrefutable research connecting the findings of either to gender identity.
What I have noticed here over the years is that there is almost a perfect inverse relationship between a poster's actual understanding of science and their propensity to invoke it as a vague appeal to authority.
Are you some kind of nut? What this is about, and is paramount, is what is
best for the children....right? :smoke:
And who is the best judge of that ?

On one side we have the kid,their parents, science,psychiatry and the Gov.
On the other side e jave a few nutty right wing loons.

So who is the best judge ?
And who is the best judge of that ?

On one side we have the kid,their parents, science,psychiatry and the Gov.
On the other side e jave a few nutty right wing loons.

So who is the best judge ?
Not the nuts, be it a doctor, parent, psychiatry, and especially the government.
Science says we have two genders.
I'm praying you didn't procreate.
I sincerely doubt that he is engaging in any actions that might lead to procreation.
One thing I have noticed with the extreme left, and that is they lack any common sense.
They need to latch on to what their ilk believes and use that as the Gospel.
they do not have the ability to implement common sense into what is
right or wrong. They needs to have others do his thinking.
You seem to be very keen for the state to interfere in this.
That is not your position on other issues where the parents rights are deemed to be inalienable.
Arkansas is taking away those rights, and over riding medical and psychiatric advice. That is a bad place to be.
A few generations from now, the people will look back at us in horror that we actually mutilated the bodies of children to make them appear more masculine or feminine.
One thing I have noticed with the extreme left, and that is they lack any common sense.
They need to latch on to what their ilk believes and use that as the Gospel.
they do not have the ability to implement common sense into what is
right or wrong. They needs to have others do his thinking.
Yep. They are fundamentalists long on the need to conform but low on Reason.

Heck they can't even recall what they thought on the subject several years ago. All they know is what they are expected to think today.

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