Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Considering which of our ideas of treatment are in line with that of the prevailing medical community, I'll leave you to sus out which one of us is being dismissed by society at large. 😄

the prevailing medical community once thought the body consisted of 4 "elements".

Your usual appeal to supposed authority is just that.
the prevailing medical community once thought the body consisted of 4 "elements".
How long ago?
Your usual appeal to supposed authority is just that.
I appeal to evidence, occasionally that comes from people in authority. It's only a fallacy if my arguments rests on them being an authority rather than the evidence they're presenting. On the other hand you produce absolutely no evidence, from an authority on the matter or otherwise.
How long ago?

I appeal to evidence, occasionally that comes from people in authority. It's only a fallacy if my arguments rests on them being an authority rather than the evidence they're presenting. On the other hand you produce absolutely no evidence, from an authority on the matter or otherwise.

I base my views on reality, not pseudo-science.
Why aren't they sharing this knowledge to help improve trans care?

Because "trans care" to people like you means just let the kids get what they think they want. Meanwhile we don't just hand them car keys at 12 because they want to drive.
Because "trans care" to people like you means just let the kids get what they think they want. Meanwhile we don't just hand them car keys at 12 because they want to drive.
Again, the 98% success rate of diagnosis, at least in the Netherlands, seems to counter your specious claims.
Questions for the Democrats on here:

Should children who are transgendered, and also Intellectually Disabled - formerly known as "mentally retarded" be denied transgender care, such as hormones and surgery?

Don't say that it doesn't happen. I'm a teacher and I know of two specific students in one junior high school who are ID and identify as a different gender from their biological sex.
Questions for the Democrats on here:

Should children who are transgendered, and also Intellectually Disabled - formerly known as "mentally retarded" be denied transgender care, such as hormones and surgery?

Don't say that it doesn't happen. I'm a teacher and I know of two specific students in one junior high school who are ID and identify as a different gender from their biological sex.
I say no but I can see how it would be harder to properly diagnose. Fortunately we have MRIs that are contributing to identifying and treating trans patients.
I say no but I can see how it would be harder to properly diagnose. Fortunately we have MRIs that are contributing to identifying and treating trans patients.
Oh my GAWD!

You democrats are becoming a parody of yourselves.

I want to :) :D :p :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: but I know that you're very serious about doing that to some poor retarded child. So it's no laughing matter.

You're hoping to take a kid like this:

but younger, who is in the hospital for tonsils or whatnot, stick his their head in an MRI and tell the parents, "Yep, he's - sorry - she is trans alright. Do we start the hormones and schedule surgery now, or would you rather wait and let CPS get involved? We're talking science here, you redneck bastards!"
Oh my GAWD!

You democrats are becoming a parody of yourselves.

I want to :) :D :p :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: but I know that you're very serious about doing that to some poor retarded child. So it's no laughing matter.

You're hoping to take a kid like this:

but younger, who is in the hospital for tonsils or whatnot, stick his their head in an MRI and tell the parents, "Yep, he's - sorry - she is trans alright. Do we start the hormones and schedule surgery now, or would you rather wait and let CPS get involved? We're talking science here, you redneck bastards!"

I'm on the other hand don't have to pretend you're serious. 😁
Do you have anything besides appeals to supposed authorities and pseudo science drivel?
I posted the link to an article the explains the findings and has a link to the study itself, if you could refute it with anything other than empty rhetoric you would have.

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