Zone1 Jon Stewart questions the transgender protections in Arkansas

Jon Stewart is a professional comedian.

I don't think its any more appropriate to let him decide policy than it would be to allow Rodney or Don Rickles to do so

Funny people are legally allowed to engage in political dialogue. They are also eligible to be hired into or elected to government positions that make policy decisions. Being funny doesn’t make a person ineligible for political dialogue. Have you ever read the 14th Amendment?
Funny people are legally allowed to engage in political dialogue. They are also eligible to be hired into or elected to government positions that make policy decisions. Being funny doesn’t make a person ineligible for political dialogue. Have you ever read the 14th Amendment?
No one said he was ineligible just unqualified.

Go retake the vocab MCI.
Funny people are legally allowed to engage in political dialogue. They are also eligible to be hired into or elected to government positions that make policy decisions. Being funny doesn’t make a person ineligible for political dialogue. Have you ever read the 14th Amendment?
Yeah, Al Franken was very funny, ran for office and was subject of a scandal. That's what you get when you hire comedians.
Funny people are qualified to engage in political dialogue. They are also qualified to be hired into or elected to government positions that make policy decisions. Being funny doesn’t make a person disqualified for participating in political dialogue. Have you ever read the 14th Amendment?
Funny people are legally allowed to engage in political dialogue. They are also eligible to be hired into or elected to government positions that make policy decisions. Being funny doesn’t make a person ineligible for political dialogue. Have you ever read the 14th Amendment?

Mr. Stewart isn't a "funny person".

But he is a professional comedian, and that doesn't qualify him as an expert in politics which is my point.

Sure, Mr. Stewart is entitled to his opinion, and entitled to articulate it. But his opinion doesn't hold any more weight that yours or mine
Mr. Stewart isn't a "funny person".

But he is a professional comedian, and that doesn't qualify him as an expert in politics which is my point.

Sure, Mr. Stewart is entitled to his opinion, and entitled to articulate it. But his opinion doesn't hold any more weight that yours or mine
It shouldn't, but unfortunately his opinion amplified due to the fame the earned as a comedian. It always perplexes me that Democrats are so devoted to comedials who set aside their roles as laugh providers to become political pundits, often of the one-trick pony variety.

I'm trying to remember of Stewart was actually funny. Today's "comedians" seem much more focus on anti-Trump applause lines and unfunny jokes that bring forced laughter from people who think they have a moral obligation to pretend to be amused. But that is who the media promotes, along with fake slap artists, so it's hard to blame them.
It shouldn't, but unfortunately his opinion amplified due to the fame the earned as a comedian. It always perplexes me that Democrats are so devoted to comedials who set aside their roles as laugh providers to become political pundits, often of the one-trick pony variety.

I'm trying to remember of Stewart was actually funny. Today's "comedians" seem much more focus on anti-Trump applause lines and unfunny jokes that bring forced laughter from people who think they have a moral obligation to pretend to be amused. But that is who the media promotes, along with fake slap artists, so it's hard to blame them.

He hosted the Daily Show. He is flipping hilarious. You can probably find old clips of that mess.
He hosted the Daily Show. He is flipping hilarious. You can probably find old clips of that mess.
I personally never found him to be very funny. I just watched a clip of his supposedly funniest moments. I didn’t even crack a smile. Jon Stewart is about a funny and talented as Samantha Bee
Jon Stewart is a professional comedian.

I don't think its any more appropriate to let him decide policy than it would be to allow Rodney or Don Rickles to do so

He doesn't need credentials or a degree or first hand experience, any knowledge of psychology or medicine, or anything really.

All he needs is to push the agenda liberals, democrats and progressives want and they will present him as an authority on anything even if he doesn't know anything. All that matters is that he is a good speaker and that he says what they tell him to.

John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and even a lower extent seth Meyers. They all exist to all make constant trump and republican jokes, have guests that talk about trending subjects, very gently and very lightly make jokes about Biden while still supporting him, and push the narrative that democrats are good and republicans bad.

Exactly. Christine Jorgensen was a full grown adult and a WW2 Veteran when he decided to become a she-male.

Mr. Jorgensen lived life, and did it with his eyes open. I can disagree with his decision, but he didn't make it because he was "groomed", but instead fully informed about what perversions gave him a thrill.

Ditto with Bruce Jenner, who waited until he was a senior before becoming a cross dresser.
Exactly. Christine Jorgensen was a full grown adult and a WW2 Veteran when he decided to become a she-male.

Mr. Jorgensen lived life, and did it with his eyes open. I can disagree with his decision, but he didn't make it because he was "groomed", but instead fully informed about what perversions gave him a thrill.

Ditto with Bruce Jenner, who waited until he was a senior before becoming a cross dresser.
The left wants to push as many children as possible into the perverted homosexual, cross dressing lifestyle as it can
A lot of activity overnight. I recognise that this is number 1 GOP priority but the responses have been pitiful.
Jon Stewarts ability as a comedian does not impact on his questions to a politician who starts lying at the first question she cant answer.
This is just hate legislation where kids are the victims.
If Arkansas came out and said
"medical and psychological studies (x,y and z) show that kids are unable to make those decisions so we are implementing a strategy to support those families until the kids are able to make those decisions. Our approach will be driven by the science and have the support of all the countries health and psychological bodies. The welfare of the children will be at the centre of our support"

That may convince that they are acting in good faith. But they havent and they are not. They just hate trans and wish that they didnt exist. That is not a basis to pass laws that affect lives.
This thread has been going a few days and not one scientific rgument has been put forward. And the reason is that there isnt a scientific ar gument.
Mr Stewart points out the following.
Every other decision taken by Arkansas is guided by the science and based on the advice of every medical body in the US. Bar this one. In this instance the decision has been taken by bigots and "citizen scientists" who claim to know better than the experts.

This wretched woman made up stats as soon as she was challenged. She is not fit to sit in office.

Arkansas kids deserve better.
A lot of activity overnight. I recognise that this is number 1 GOP priority but the responses have been pitiful.
Jon Stewarts ability as a comedian does not impact on his questions to a politician who starts lying at the first question she cant answer.
This is just hate legislation where kids are the victims.
If Arkansas came out and said
"medical and psychological studies (x,y and z) show that kids are unable to make those decisions so we are implementing a strategy to support those families until the kids are able to make those decisions. Our approach will be driven by the science and have the support of all the countries health and psychological bodies. The welfare of the children will be at the centre of our support"

That may convince that they are acting in good faith. But they havent and they are not. They just hate trans and wish that they didnt exist. That is not a basis to pass laws that affect lives.
This thread has been going a few days and not one scientific rgument has been put forward. And the reason is that there isnt a scientific ar gument.
Mr Stewart points out the following.
Every other decision taken by Arkansas is guided by the science and based on the advice of every medical body in the US. Bar this one. In this instance the decision has been taken by bigots and "citizen scientists" who claim to know better than the experts.

This wretched woman made up stats as soon as she was challenged. She is not fit to sit in office.

Arkansas kids deserve better.

No one "hates" trannies. They may not like the idea of men walking around in dresses pretending to be broads.

But that isn't "hatred" at all.

Back when I was a young man, the shim types all came out at night. During the day, they work a suit and tie and worked as accountants or bankers. Or even steel workers back in the day.

But they kept that part of their lives separate.

This is about grooming young people to become Sexual Perverts- not what adult men stick up their butts.
No one "hates" trannies. They may not like the idea of men walking around in dresses pretending to be broads.

But that isn't "hatred" at all.

Back when I was a young man, the shim types all came out at night. During the day, they work a suit and tie and worked as accountants or bankers. Or even steel workers back in the day.

But they kept that part of their lives separate.

This is about grooming young people to become Sexual Perverts- not what adult men stick up their butts.
You could be an Arkansas lawmaker ith that set of prejudice. Your every word drips of hate.
A lot of activity overnight.
We don't need to hear the details, Tommy. You know what they say -- "what plays in Wales stays in Wales".

In your zeal to transexualize impressionable children, however, you fail to acknowledge the moral distinction between an adult making an adult choice and adults preying upon children. This is the same failure that leads you to express you oft-stated support for jailing people who oppose the systematic violent gang rape of British children at the hands of racist Pakistanis, but the very central issue has to do with the need for a society to protect its most vulnerable.

You see children as a resource to exploit as a tool towards achieving an agenda, while any actual LIBERAL person just wants them to be protected in such a way as to allow the childhood development that is so necessary to achieve well-adjusted adulthood is allowed to proceed without undue manipulation by adults with ulterior motives.

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